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Waking up the next morning I felt better than I did the past few days. Dream never did answer last night but he sent me a text apologizing for it. He promised to talk to me soon and I knew he would hold by that. So after rereading that text a hundred times I went to bed with a smile on my face

I decided I would go to school today. I talked about it with Bad and our friends saying they would be there for me. With the whole Sapnap thing I'll try and stay clear of those two or maybe three if they really did pick Clay over me.

I got into the shower taking a quick one to get all the grime off me. It felt good like I was washing away all the negative energy's surrounding me. That probably wasn't the case but let a man believe.

And that is true. I am a man now. Or at least seen as one in the strange place we call America. I can't really do anything different here now other than join the military really. But I had no interest in doing so. If I was back home I could of been partying and drinking my heart away but lord knows what alcohol does to me and I will not relive my past experiences.

After getting out of the shower I put on some black ripped skinny jeans that hugged my butt very well. A plain navy blue t-shirt and a jacket to go over. I looked good today and wasn't even thinking about how the school would react to me being back.

I wasn't exactly a stand out person when I was there. I dressed like every other guy and was pretty close in height to everyone too. The only major difference was my accent but you would actually need to talk to me first to hear that.

When I made my way downstairs Mom and Annie were in the kitchen. Only one bowl of cereal out for Annie which she was munching on.

"What no breakfast for me?" I tease making both of them look over. Annie smiled while my Mom just looked shocked.

"You can have mine!" Annie responds not understanding I was joking. I chuckle heading to make my own breakfast.

"What are you doing up?" My Mom questions a skeptical look on her face. I just roll my eyes pouring the cereal mix into the bowl.

"Going to school" I answer shortly making her smile.

"I'm glad to hear that. Does that mean you are feeling better?" She questions putting a hand on my shoulder. I nod my head taking a bite of my cereal.

After eating I hopped in my car and drove me and Annie to school. It was nice having my own car and I didn't mind taking Annie everyday. It wasn't a long drive to her school and she kept me company.

After listening to a playlist that both of us liked I drove into her schools parking lot dropping her off. All the other kids running around at such early times in the morning gave me a headache. After she hopped out I waved goodbye making sure she had everything for the day.

When I started the ride to my school I turned the music up to fill the silence. I was starting to get nervous about going back so soon. Only 2 days ago I was here having a breakdown in front of everyone. I just hope that everyone can move past it.

I pulled into a free parking spot until unplugging my phone and getting my bag. When I was all set I forced myself out of the car and into the packed high school. Bad knew I was going and said he would wait for me by the locker. I knew that Karl and Sapnap probably would end up sitting with Clay or something and nothing would really change in that class.

I hated the fact Sapnap picked him over me. I know I shouldn't since they have been best friends for years and I just came along two months ago. And Karl loves Sapnap more than anything and would do whatever Sapnap told him to do.

When I made it into the school a few eyes found me making me nervous and self conscious. I had my head towards my locker not letting my nerves show. When I made it I let out a breath quickly punching in the code. When it popped open I put my bag in grabbing a few books for my class.

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