Bonus Chapter One

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Dream POV

With the school day finally coming to a close I was hyper for the time I would get with George. Since it was Friday his Mom allowed him to stay the weekend at my apartment. And not just one night.

No, the whole weekend! With spring approaching and flowers blooming it was the perfect time for us to spend our days together outside in the beautiful scenery. I promise I'm not a sappy romantic but we haven't had much time to ourselves with all the tests we've been taking recently. The school has been bombarding us with work and knowing George who got everything done spent most of our time doing my homework.

Don't get me wrong I loved spending time with him but I would much rather prefer spending it doing other things that don't involve school.

As I waited by Georges's car for him to come out and drive us to my place I scrolled on Twitter. With a recent video out my views have been skyrocketing and so has all the hate I've been getting. When I first envisioned making YouTube videos I did not picture millions of views and followers along with it.

I've been letting the hate get to me which was another reason I was excited for this weekend. I could get away for a little with someone I loved. Forget about all my issues and harassment online. I hated that I couldn't please everyone, and I hated that I felt so alone because of it.

"Whatcha looking at?" George spoke resting beside me in the car. I smiled kissing his cheek before putting my phone away.

"Just Twitter, you were taking too long." I tease poking his side playfully.

"I'm sorry! Bad was pleading me to stay for the club today." He groans throwing his head back as I walk over to the passenger's seat.

"You can stay if you want," I reassure him not wanting him to miss out on something he likes.

"And miss out on alone time with you? Hell no." He sniggered closing the door behind him. I won't lie that boosted my ego and I knew he could tell.

"Don't let it get to your head asshole," I smirked watching him roll his eyes. It was the slamming on the breaks that wiped the smirk off my face planting it on his.

We drove home chatting about our day even though we spent half of it together already. Arriving at my apartment he parked in the guest spaces as we walked over to my apartment. It wasn't home and wouldn't ever be. It's missing the two most important people in my life, and that would never be a home.

We walked up the steps hand in hand to apartment 20. It wasn't much but it was enough for me. I haven't told George, but I saved up for a house for him, Drista, and me. It might be fast but it wasn't only for our relationship. I do believe that it would help our jobs, the whole lovers' thing was just a plus!

After entering I lead George over to the couch to cuddle for a little. I had dinner plans later, but for now, we could relax. I really needed it.

"What's on your mind?" George mumbles twisting in my arms to face me better.

"What?" I ask looking curiously at his tired eyes.

"You always scrunch your face when in thought." He mimics my supposed expression by squinting his eyes and eyebrows. I smile down at him letting a deep chuckle leave my throat.

"I'm fine" I reassure getting an accusing look from him. I sigh snuggling into his neck. He runs his fingers through my hair, as if putting me under a spell, I start talking.

"I'm just stressed with all the hate I've been getting from Twitter. It's like one wrong move and they act like I killed someone." I chuckle even though it wasn't funny. It actually hurt sometimes seeing such hateful things.

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