Part 1 chapter 5

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The next day 435 BC

She woke up with a throbbing headache, it was like nothing she had ever felt before, all she remembered was that one minute she was talking to the scientist and the next she was asleep. She heard footsteps approaching so she closed her eyes again and pretended to sleep. "Once we turn her into a wolf, we will kill her and turn her into a vampire and then we use the stones to give her powers." One man said. "What if lucifer was wrong and she's not a supernatural then what are we supposed to do, no human has lived during this procedure and she is our last hope." Another man said. "It will work I promise, I won't let you down." He said in a mischievous voice and Madison could practically hear the smirk on his face.

The man tapped on Madisons shoulder and she pretended that she had just woken up. "Your finally awake." The man said. "Where am I?" I asked, "a safe place." He replied. "What do you want with me?" I asked another question. "You are special we could use some special." I was getting more and more frustrated and the man could see that. "Why don't you follow me and I will show you to your room." The man guided her through the hallways and and going past all the doors until they arrived. "Here's your room, your stuff is in the closet, be ready for seven tomorrow morning, someone will come pick you up and we will begin our experiments." He said before pushing her In through the door and locked it.

She turned around and banged on the door and yelled but the man just walked away. The room was a small room with a bed, closet and bathroom through the next door. She walked to the closet and saw that her stuff was in there, she pulled out the ticket from the circus that she had and held it close to her, she thought about how Jordon. Christopher, she forgot to tell him she was leaving, But maybe she didn't want him knowing, he didn't deserve to know, but maybe he could help her, he would probably just stand there a watch like a dick again.

She didn't get much sleep, so while sleeping was out of the option she went and took a shower, she just stood there for 30 mins, staring at the water falling from the faucet. She got out of the shower, and got ready for whatever experiment they had for her. There was no point in fighting what was about to happen. She was outnumbered and out strengthened. On her way up she kept tab of everything she could, 43 guards on this floor, 17 rooms, 5 scientists, 9 really bad Cameras and a poster that said hydra on it. What was hydra? or who?

She was deep in thought when suddenly 2 guards came in handcuffed her and brought her to a science lab. The same man from yesterday was there and he explained what was going to happen. "We are going to make you kill someone, if you don't, we will force you to sit and watch him suffer for the rest of his miserable life." WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. No no no, I'm not killing an innocent man, they'll have to kill me before I even step foot close to killing that man.

The guards lead me to a basement and then I see him tied up to a chair is none other than lucifer, but I thought that he was the reason I was here and that they all praised him. But for a man who knew he was about to die, he didn't seem sad or scared he seemed kinda happy, why? "Here" he handed me a knife and pushed me closer towards my father. This might not be so bad, he abused you your whole life, he forced you to sleep with old men, he killed your mother, sent the boy you liked out into the cold streets and forced you to even come to this place in the first place. But then he raised you, gave you food, clothes, a warm bed to sleep in and a luxurious life that most people could only imagine to happen in these times. "Why did you send me here?" I ask him quietly. "Because you made me rich, I didn't send you here, I sold you here." Of course because this man can't do anything without an irony. "Kill me" he said, I shook my head. "I'd rather see you suffer." I admitted and it was true, he deserved to suffer a lifetime of misery but unfortunately nothing goes my way. The guard behind me pushed forward and I tripped the knife going through my dads heart. I could see the pain in his face from the impale. I would be lying if I said I wasn't upset, but I just had to stand there and watch him bleed to death. The scientist behind me looked in fascination as it started to get dark. " get the cage ready." He requested and a guard left.

I was being dragged to this cell, my bones were on fire and I could feel sweat dripping all over my body. They threw me in my cell and I yelled in pain and my bones started breaking. Every single one breaking over and over and over again, my jaw in pain and fangs started popping out and my whole body on fire. I yelled and called in pain but no one came, no one cared. And then I blacked out, I don't know what happened from before I passed out until now but something happened to me and I lost time, a lot of it. I woke up and saw a pile of clothes beside me only to realise I was naked, I quickly but the clothes on and a guard comes to my 'cell'. He brings me up to a lab and the scientists all start clapping and I look at them confused. "When he called we thought he was lying but he wasn't, and this means we can ready for step 2" for the first time in a few days I spoke up "no, I don't want to be part of your stupid experiment." The scientist I have seen multiple times laughs. "You don't have much of a choice darling." Then once again I black out.


Oop she do be pulling a Tyler Lockwood though (a TVD quote) also TVD is where I got most of the inspiration to do a trybrid so I kinda hope I do it right and don't mess it up. Also Madison LANGUAGE!!

Next part will be the vampire part or not who knows. Also I might do a time jump I don't know if you guys will like that but it won't be extremely long like 70 years, it'll be like 6 but by this time she'll be a vampire so it will be ok. FYI she's 17 currently I didn't know if that whole age this would be weird between Natasha and Madison but I hope it doesn't freak anyone out.

Also thank god stinky lucifer is dead (or is he) I guess we'll never know.

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