Part 2 chapter 2

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December 1941

Things have changed around here. There's a war, bigger than the first one. A man named adolf hitler from Germany decided to attack Poland and then a few days later France and Britain joined and brought their alias, one of them being America so here we are. Bucky enlisted in the war and Steve has tried many, many times but not once has he gotten in. Steve hasn't told Bucky that he's leaving tomorrow, we are having one last night together. We're going to the stark expo, speaking of he finally told me the project he's been working on, he calls it 'project rebirth' it's a plan to take an average man and turn him into a, so called, super soldier. If he does it, it'll be great, or shall I say we, I've been helping him and a man named Abraham Erskine. He's apart of the project too, he's sort of the founder of it, created the serum but he needed mad inventors to help him created the technology, and who better than a couple of weapon designers and the first person to ever create a computer, that would be mwah. He's paired up with the army, Erskine is keen on who he wants, someone with a good heart, it's not what it is on the outside it's what's on the inside, I told him about Steve and he seemed interested but who knows what goes through that mans mind.

"Look I think we both know where Steve is, he wasn't in the movie theatre, so he's probably-" I was cut off by a crashing noise. I smirk at him, knowing exactly who it was the crashed into the bins." We walk up to the man who's beating Steve and Bucky taps his shoulder, the man tries to hit Bucky but I kick him in the stomach and he goes flying into the spot Steve landed at a few seconds ago. "Next time I catch you beating someone up, I'll cut off your nutsack and feed it to a lion. Got it" he nods "yes ma'am" Bucky walks up to Steve and takes his paper out of his hands. "Sometimes I think you like getting punched." Steve wipes his face "I had him on the ropes." Bucky looks at the paper "how many times is this. Oh your from Paramus now, you know it's illegal to lie on the enlistment forms, seriously jersey." Steve looks at Bucky and at his uniform. "Did you get your orders?" Bucky sighs. "The 107th, sergeant James Barnes, shipping out to England first thing tomorrow morning." I have to admit I'm going to miss Bucky, he has done a lot for Steve and I and I know he's worried about what will happen to us when he leaves but I have got Steve's back and he has mine, no matter what. "Look Steve, don't worry, you'll find some army willing to bring you on, I have no doubt about it." I smile at him and he sort of smiles back, I know he's upset about the who thing but if I'm being honest, I'm kind of glad he's getting rejected because the way he is now he won't survive an hour. "I should be going." Steve says sad. "Look come on man, it's my last night, gotta get you cleaned up." Oh yeah more of buckys girls that he's trying to set up with Steve. I'm usually like an extra wheel but in a good way. "Why where we going?" "The future" Bucky replies to Steve's question. The stark expo is where Howard shows off his latest things, or shall I saw our. I told him he could take the credit since it was his idea, I just helped with the prints and stuff. He's incredibly smart I mean incredibly. My iq and I don't mean to toot my own horn but it's 325, the highest recorded iq, I took a test in 1654 and that's what it came out as. They told me I'm part of the gifted.

"I don't see what the problem is, your about to be the last eligible man in New York. You know there's three and a half million women here?" I roll my eyes, Bucky is always trying to set Steve up with people. "Yeah well I'd settle for just one." I chuckle a little. I see Bucky smile and wave at 2 women, great, fifth wheelin again, whoop whoop! "Good thing I took care of that." "Hey Bucky!" One of the women call. "What'd you tell them about me?" Steve asks nervously almost. "Only the good stuff." I roll my eyes once again.

"Welcome to the modern marvels pavilion and the world of tomorrow" the loud voice breaks out. "Howard really out did his self." I tell Steve. "I'm really proud of how far you've come with your inventions." I smile, Steve's always asking about my creations and things like that, it's great, I also give him tips on his drawings, he's got talent I gotta admit, but he better not forget who taught him. "Thanks, but Howard did most of it." He just shook his head. I wasn't one to take the spotlight, that's why I gave it so stark. The brunette pulls Bucky. "Oh my god... it's starting." Bucky just does his little smile. Steve and I trail along. "Ladies and gentlemen. Mr Howard stark" a lady spoke. The blond turned around to me. "I can't believe you know him, your so lucky." Aren't I just. She's too perky, like calm down miss girl. Howard walks out and kisses one of the girls handing him his Mic. Typical stark, can't wait to see what his kid or kids turn out like. "Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in just a few short years, your automobiles..." while Howard is talking I see Steve offer the blonde girl something. She looks at him in disgust. "I'll take one." He smiles. "Don't even worry about her, you got me." His smile spreads. "Yeah thank god I have you." I smile too. The woman take the wheels off the red car. "Yes. Thanks. Mandy. With stark gravitic reversion technology, you'll be able to do just that." He starts pushing buttons and turning levers. The car slowly starts to rise. "Holy cow." I hear Bucky say. "I did say a few years didn't I, me and my partner in crime will have to work on it, speaking off, ladies and gentlemen Madison Montgomery" shit, no go away, shooo. "Come on up." I slowly start to walk up. "Madison Montgomery here created the design and layout and basically everything about this car so we should be applauding her." Everyone starts clapping and cheering. "Stark i'm going to kill you." He just smiles and wraps his arm around my waist.

I see Bucky start to walk out so I run after him. "Hey where's Steve?" I see him look over at the recruitment stadium. Ofcourse. Bucky and I share a look and the girls just look confused. We walk up behind Steve and Bucky shoved his shoulder. "Come on your sort of missing the point of a double date, we are taking the girls dancing." Steve walks with us but stops. "You go ahead, I'll catch up with you." Bucky sighs "you really gonna do this again." "Look Steve they'll pick you eventually you just gotta be patient and I promise something with come, look I've been talking with the doctor guy I told you about and he said he's gonna look into it." Steve looks down. "Well it's a fair, look I just want to try my luck. Bucky let's out a long breath. "As who Steve from Ohio, they'll catch you or worse actually take you." Bucky sounds angry, I mean don't get me wrong I am too but it's Steve and Steve will be Steve. "Look I know you don't think I can do this.." he's cut off "look Steve this isn't a back alley, it's war." "I knows it's a war" "why are you so keen to fight, there are so many important jobs" "what do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon." I look over and see him, Abraham, he's checking out Steve, I told him that Steve would be great for project rebirth so maybe he's actually considering it. I turn back into the conversation "Bucky come on, there are men laying down their lives, I got no right to do any less than them. That's what you don't understand. This isn't about me." Bucky chuckles "right, 'cause you got nothing to prove'" I look at Abraham and I know that look, Steve is the one he wants. Finally!! "Hey sarge are we going dancing?" One of the girls asks. "Yes we are, Madison you coming?" I smile. "Nah you have the girls to yourself, wouldn't want to steal your thunder." He smiles at me and gives me a big hug. He walks back and looks at us both. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back." He point at both of us. "How can we, you taking all the stupid with you." I laugh and Steve and Bucky do the same. Bucky walks up again and gives steve a hug. "You're a punk" "jerk. He careful.... Don't win the war till I get there." Bucky turns around and does a salute. Steve and I walk off.

Steve goes into an examination room and I sit down outside. "Madison." He walks up to me and shakes my hand. "Abraham, hey. Sorry I haven't been in touch, my pal Bucky got into the army and I've been spending a few days with him. How's the project going?" He smiles "it's going rather well, and I think I have my candidate." I act confused even though I know what he's thinking. "Who?" I ask, "well you know that Steve guy you always talk about, I'm going to give him a chance." I fake my excited look. I fake it for 2 reasons: I, already knew he was considering Steve the moment I saw him looking at Steve and 2, I am scared to death as to what can happen to Steve with this experiment, we've never tested it out on a human before and who knows, Steve might not make it. Stop it, don't think the worst.

Steve comes out smiling and runs up and hugs me. "Awk don't worry buddy you'll get it next time." I say sarcastically. "I can't believe it, after all this time, finally." I smile, seeing how happy he is, it brings me joy, but behind the happiness I can see fear, I know he's scared as to what the war can do but just wait until he finds out about the project. I don't know if he'll be happy or mad, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Ok ok sorry I haven't posted in a while, I had exams and it's sort of hard to quote the actual movie but I'm trying the keep it as close to the movie as possible. Also Loki just came out and I loved the first episode.

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