Part 4 chapter 3

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A few hours later. Starks Malibu house. 2008

"Yes!" I throw my hands up in the air. I finally finished the prototype for my robot. It works like a charm and now it's time to create the big boy.

My stomach beging to rumble and I walk to the kitchen. I make an omelet and some toast. I turn on the tv and watch the news. Nothing exciting. I switch it off and wash my dishes.

Mr. Stark is most likely in Afghanistan by now. He's doing a presentation on the missiles we created. Hopefully everything goes well and he gets back soon so I can show him my robot.

I finish it ordering all of the parts for my later projects when my phone starts ringing. "Hey happy, what's up?" There's a pause for a moment and happy sounds panicked. "It's tony. He was on his way back to the plane when his car was blown up. When they looked for his body he wasn't there, meaning he was taken." I can feel tears in my eyes. If anything happens to Mr. Stark I'll blame myself, I should've been there with him. "Do you need me to do anything happy?" "I need you to look at all security footage in the area and do your little hacking thing." After a second or two he hangs up.

~a few hours later~

Nothing. I have nothing. I have checked every CCTV footage known to man, I've checked every data base for the name Stark, in case someone is trying to bargain for him or brought him to the hospital but nothing. I should have been there to save him but I wasn't and now he could he de- stop don't think that. He's Mr. Stark. He'll be fine. I just have to hope and pray that we can find him.

I'm jumped out of my thoughts when pepper comes into my lab. "Find anything?" I shake my head. She sighs. "Don't blame yourself, no one is too blame." I nod. She stands there for a few seconds before leaving again. I am so mad. Not at stark. Not at happy or pepper. Not even at myself. I'm just mad. And I need to vent. It's times like these that I wish I had someone, yeah I have Stark but do I really have Stark? I have no friends, no life. I'm a no one. I walk to the kitchen and grab the keys for my car. It's nothing fancy, but it gets me where I need to go.

I finally make it to the gym. I walk in and walk up to the treadmill. I think I ran over 10 miles. I look outside and see it's dark. I was in my zone. I looked at the clock. 10:30 the gym is closing now. I grab my bag and head out to my car.

I pull into McDonald's. "Hi, welcome to McDonald's. What can I get for you?" I lean over to the speaker. "Hi, can I get a 6 piece nugget meal? Oh and an apple pie." After a few seconds she replies. "Will that be all?" "Yes please." "Your total will be $5.99." "Thank you."

I get my food and bring it home with me.

What if we can't find Mr. Stark? What if he's gone?

I drag my sorry ass up to my room and fall onto my bed. Unable to sleep I just lie there. I look over to my nightstand and look at the photo sitting in a frame. It's a photo of Natasha. I have been journaling my life at shield and even some of my time in the army. I keep all the photos and videos on my hard drive. I'm then going to make them into a video. No one knows that I've been filming them but it'll be worth it when I create a whole documentary about it. I stare at the photo for a few minutes wondering how Natasha is getting on at shield. She's probably forgotten about me and it would probably be best if i did too, saying as I'll probably never see her again. I turn around and drift off.

Never out of sight.

A hand grabs me from behind and starts dragging me through to woods. I keep fighting and fighting but he's stronger than me. I see red wings and horns. Where is he bringing me and why? We make it to a spot in the woods where there is no trees other than the stubs. The man drags me over to the tree and lays be down on my back. He leaves and I try to move but I can't, it's almost like I'm frozen in place. I just lay there waiting for something to happen. The guy comes back and I now have a clear picture of his face. "Lucifer?" He doesn't reply or even change facial expressions. Before I could say another word he stuck a stake right through my heart.

I wake up sweating and panting. I look around still in a bit of a fear daze. I finally calm down and look over at my clock. 4:30am. I get up and get changed into a pair of running shorts and a sports bra.

I head out the door and begin running. I ran as fast as I could run without actually using my vamp speed. I make it to the far side of the beach and I sit down on the ground. I'm stressed, with my dream and the fact that I can't find Mr. Stark. I'm a failure, I make dangerous weapons, I let people continuously get hurt around me and I can't do anything right. I am a nothing.

I finally make it back to the house and I see Rhodey. "I was wondering when you would get home." I kick of my shoes and walk over to him. "Yeah sorry, I just needed clear my head. What's up?" He looks like he hasn't slept in a while. "Well I was wondering if you found anything yet?" I shake my head. "I've checked everywhere that could possibly be checked. Satellites, radio networks, security cameras, hospitals, police stations. For crying out loud I even checked animal clinics. And not once did I even pick up a hint of him. This is my fault, it's all my fault. Rhodey whoever took him, they knew what they were doing." He places his hand on my shoulder. "It's okay. We're going to get him back, you've done your best." I nod. "Thanks Rhodes." He nods and walks out of the house.

I don't know how I'm going to get him back.

Okay this chapter is incredibly boring. But it sort of leads to something I'm working on so just remember the nightmare. Also next chapter I'm doing a time skip so you won't have to wait much longer to get Tony Back. Also tysm for all the support I really appreciate it.

Also if you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting.

Thanks for reading <3

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