Chapter 7 part 6

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Same time. May 2nd 2012. Shield helicarrier.

I groan as I can feel multiple objects on my body. I push them off with ease and look down at my stomach. "Shit!" I notice my wound has reopened and is now bleeding black goo.

I make my way towards where my suit is and get suited up. I notice the sword from earlier sitting there. "Why not?" I pick it up and run to where I hear shield agents shouting. 

I feel a bullet enter my arm and turn around seeing an agent shooting at me. I run towards him and slice his stomach. "Ugh I did not like that." I throw the sword on the ground. I hear commotion going on through my ear piece. "Romanoff?" I stop running to hear if she responds. "We're okay." I sigh in relief and continue running towards gunshots.

I run into another Loki agent and send an energy blast at him. He goes flying back into several other agents. I hear a roar and immediately stop in my tracks. "Natasha." I vamp speed towards the roars, knocking down people who are in my way.

I make it to the scene and see Bruce chasing Natasha through a tunnel. "Shit!" Bruce swings and Natasha goes flying towards the wall. As Bruce walks towards Natasha I send him flying through multiple walls. I vamp speed towards him and punch him in the jaw. As he stands up I send a volt of electricity through him. Once the electricity stops flowing through Bruce's body he comes sprinting towards me and throws me towards a jet. I catch my fall and fly back towards banner. I manage to kick him in the face before landing on the ground. "Banner. I don't want to hurt you but I will." He looks down at me before swinging and throwing a punch in my direction. I vamp speed behind him and kick his leg, causing him to kneel. I then grab his neck and raise my hand in the air. I lower it and both Bruce and I are hit with a huge blast of energy. I stand up and watch as Bruce lies on the ground.

Thor comes flying through a wall and looks over at me. "Go! I'll take care of banner." I nod and run towards Natasha. I stand above her shaking body. "Hey. You with me?" I kneel down and grab her face so she's looking in my eyes. "You're okay. I promise." Her pupils are extremely diluted and her body is shaking. "Look. I know that was a pretty scary shock, but me and you. We've seen some scarier shit. Banner. That was nothing. Just an angry guy, nothing we haven't seen before." I wink at Natasha and I could've sworn I seen a smile on her face. "Now come on. The team needs you, I need you." I stand up and hold out my hand. She accepts it and we hear fury through the coms. "It's Barton. He took out our systems." I raise my eyebrow and look at Natasha. "You get Barton I'll get the engine and systems back up and running." She nods and I run towards the bridge. I hold my earpiece. "Tony how's it coming along with that engine?" I hear grunting. "It's coming." I smirk. "That's what she said." Tony Scoffs and I let out a laugh.

I make it to the bridge and walk towards a computer. I pull out a usb. "Marvin. Override whatever system Barton's installed." I watch as the screen goes multicoloured and appears green. "Like magic baby." I open up the engine hardware and hack into the system attempting to get the engine running again. "Fury. I need a level 10 member to unlock the engine." Fury paces over towards me and places his thumb on the drive. "Stark we need to run the engines at the same time or the ship will malfunction again due to the delayed beginning of one." Stark grunts and sighs. "Okay. On my mark start the engine." I get ready to push the button. "Honey honey? How he thrills me, Ah-ha honey honey." I can feel a couple pairs of eyes on me as I sing the mamma Mia song. "Honey honey, nearly kills me, ah-ha honey honey. I heard about him before. I wanted to to know some more. And now I know what they mean, he's a love machine. How he makes me dizzy." I look around and notice a lot of eyes on me. "Madison. I do not pay you to stand around and sing for a living." I look up at fury and furrow my brows. "You don't pay me at all." Fury glares at me. "Just be ready for starks command." I roll my eyes and look down at the panel. "Madison now!" I push the button and watch as both engines on the hologram flash up. An agent comes up to me and hugs me. "Yeah. Sorry. I need to make sure someone's ok." I pull away from her.

running towards med bay. I look in through the window and see Natasha and Clint sitting together. I knock on the door and enter smiling at both of them. "Hey Clint." He smiles back and nods. "Hey Madison." He walks into the bathroom area and closes the sliding door. "Are you okay?" I move closer to Natasha Examining her for any visible injuries. "Im Fine madison. Relax." I move back a little and look around awkwardly. "I'm gonna go check on everyone and see if there's anyone I can heal." Natasha nods and I walk out.

After healing a few people with major injuries including Coulson I bump into Steve. "Madison. We figured out lokis plan. He's going to open the portal at..." "stark tower." I cut him off. He furrows his brows at me. "It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out. The building contains the largest amount of substainable energy in all of New York. And Loki is a very dramatic person so of course he would want to open the portal in front of one of the biggest cities in the United States of America." Steve nods slowly. "Okay then. Let's go get whoever's left on the carrier and get them on a jet." I nod. "You go. I'll meet you in New York." Steve runs off towards med bay as I make my way to my room.

I take off the top piece of my outfit and see something I never wished to see. Black and green goo spilling out of my stomach. "Ew." I cringe my face and grab disinfectant wipes. I look through the first aid box and find a bandage. I place it on my stomach and hope for the best. I open my cooler and grab a blood bag, downing it in seconds.

Before leaving I walk over to the mirror and look myself in the eyes. "You're the tribrid, you got this." I take a deep breath before leaving and running towards one of the jets. "Um excuse me. You're Not allowed to fly these jets without permission." I look up at the guy and smile. "Im about to go save the world from being dominated by a greasy haired man who wears reindeer antlers. I think I'm far passed asking for permission to use a jet." After looking at each other for a few seconds the guy hops out of the jet and I walk up the ramp. "Thank you for cooperating." I walk over and sit in the chair and look down at the panel of switches and buttons. "Umm okay. I got this." I flip a switch and the panel lights up.

After getting the hang of flying the jet I finally make it to New York and um it's not pretty. Buildings are destroyed. People are running and screaming. Aliens are flying from the sky.

I land the jet and run into Steve, Natasha and Clint. "Took you long enough to get here." I look over at Clint. "Sorry." I Sense an Alien behind me so I turn around, grab it's body and rip it's head off. "So what's our plan?" I ask Steve. "We protect the people. Madison you run around the streets and get people into subway stations or far enough to where the chitauri won't find them. Natasha and Clint you stay here and take out as many of them as you can. I'll go into buildings and get people out of them. I saw people being held hostage so I'll start there." I look up at the sky and see stark flying around and more aliens coming out. "Thor?" I hear a grunt. "Yes." I look up at the sky. "What if we tried destroying the mothership." Thor and stark lands beside me. "I don't think that would work. Seems like it would be too easy." I nod. "Okay. Well, looks like I got a lotta work to do.


I know that I skipped a lot of stuff in this chapter and I rushed it but I'm trying to use as little chapters as possible because I still have a bunch more stuff to fit into 200 chapters. Which is the limit of chapters. There will probably only be about 2 or 3 more chapters of this part and then it's on to the winter soldier. (Which personally is my fav movie) I've been waiting so long to write the winter soldier Into this book and I'm glad that im close now.

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