Part 6 chapter 7

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A week later. December 2010. Madison's apartment. Washington DC.

"Okay marvin, I need you to order me another round of magnesium, thermite, aluminum powder and iron oxide." A hologram comes Up in front of me. "Who's account shall I charge it under?" I smirk. "Fury's. Oh also while your at it, order me a margarita pizza. Please." I work on one of the smaller bombs I've been working on. It's almost invisible to the human eye, but god can it blow some shit up.

I haven't exactly left my lab in a week. But, I have gotten a bunch of work done. Like I've been working on a gun. It doesn't kill the person you Shoot at, but it does paralyze them for several hours. I've been keeping myself busy.

I hear a knock on my door. "Pizza!" I walk to the door and am shocked to see who's behind it. "Lauren, hey." She walks in and hugs me. "I've missed you." I look down at her and smile. "Yeah. I've missed you too." I am confused as to why she's here. "I was in dc for a few days and I thought I would come and pay you a visit." I smile and nod. "Right." I invite her in and she sits down on my couch. "You didn't have other plans, did you?" I shake my head. "No. I just ordered a pizza." She claps her hands and cheers. "Pizza!" I let out a chuckle. "Let's do something tonight." I look over at her and furrow my brows. "What?" She smiles. "Come on. We haven't seen each other in months and I'm only in dc for a few days. It'll be fun." I sigh and shake my head. "I don't know. I have a lot of work to get done and I have a big thing to do tomorrow." I have another case. It's nothing major just a drug business that I need to take down. "Come on. Please" she puts her hands together and gives me the puppy dog eyes. "Fine." She jumps up and cheers. "Alright, you need To go get changed because that outfit is not it." I look down at my clothes slightly offended. "What's wrong with them?" She smirks. "Everything." I roll my eyes and walk to my room to shower and get dressed.

"How the hell did you find this place?" Lauren looks over at me and smirks. "Don't even worry about it." I roll my eyes and we walk into the club. I walk up to the bar and order both our drinks. I bring them over to the table and sigh as I sit down. Lauren Moves closer to me and hugs me from the side. "You know. I really missed you. There's a lot I didn't get to say to you before you left." I look over at her and furrow my brows. "Like?" She smirks. "Well, how I didn't want you to leave." I sigh. She continues. "And how we never spent enough time together." I have to agree with that one. We never spent lots of time together since I was always working with Stark. "And I never got to do this." She leans Up and smashes her lips against mine. She leans more into the kiss and I don't really know what to do. I slightly pull away and she sits back down again. We both sit there awkwardly. "That's what I never got to tell you. And I think you might be into me too." I close my eyes and sigh. "Lauren. I sent my most sincere apologies if I've given you the wrong message. But I really value our friendship. And I don't like you, like that." She chuckles nervously and moves away from me. "Oh wow. Um. I'm sorry that I kissed you. I shouldn't have." I shake my head. "No. It's okay. I don't mind." She smiles. "Okay then. I'm going to go order another round of drinks." I hear my phone ringing and I look down at it. "Hey, Madison." I smile. "Hey, Natasha." I can hear rustling in the background of where ever she is. "Where are you?" I look around to find a name of the club. "I actually have no clue. It's some random club." I look around again to see if there's a name for the club. "I need your help." My eyes widen and I'm immediately on high alert. "What's up?" I hear more rustling in the background. "Hydra sent me a Message. They trashed my apartment and left dead bodies." I notice Lauren walking towards me. "Madison. They said they are coming back. And they're angry, I need you." I stand up and grab my bag. "I'll be there in 5 minutes." I hang up the phone and Lauren looks at me confused. "Where are you going?" I sigh. "I'm really sorry. But Natasha needs me to help her and it's really important." Lauren grows an angry look. "Of course you need to help Natasha." I widen my eyes. "What does that mean?" She shakes her head. "You would run to Natasha if she got a paper cut in seconds. Or if she didn't know how to spell a word. And you are too kind to see that she wouldn't do the same for you. Even if you were on your deathbed Natasha wouldn't care. It's Natasha Romanoff. What makes you think, she cares about you?" I feel hurt in my heart. Anger rises in my body. Maybe im angry because Lauren has a point, I can't remember the last time Natasha did a good thing for me. "I have to go Lauren." I walk out of the club and hop in my car.

I arrive at shield headquarters in a few minutes and run up to Natashas apartment. I see a few dead bodies, they are the same guys that we killed at the hydra base is Texas. Natasha looks up and walks over to me. Before I can say anything she embraces me in a hug. "Are you okay?" She nods. "I'm just confused as to how they got into shield headquarters without being noticed." I nod. I think theres something going on in shield that I, nor fury know about. It's a stretch but I think it's true.

After an hour of cleaning Natashas apartment we sit down on her couch. "You want something to eat or drink?" I shake my head. "Okay then." Natasha and I sit there for a few minutes without saying anything. "Why are you being so awkward?" I look over at Natasha and see her looking at me annoyed. "I'm not." Natasha rolls her eyes. "Fine then don't tell me." I sigh. "I'm going to head home. If you need anything just call me." I stand up and nat grabs my arm. "Stop it." I furrow my brows at her. "Stop being so awkward and loosen up for once." I nod. I go to leave when Natasha pulls me in for a hug. "Thank you. For coming on such short notice." I smile. "Always." Nat looks me in the eyes. "Stay. Please." I am a little shocked. Why does Natasha romanoff want me to stay with her? "Just for one night." I smile at her. "Okay. But just for one night." Nat smiles back and guides me to her bedroom. She hands me pyjamas and I walk into the bathroom.

I walk out and notice Natasha lying in her bed. I walk over and lie beside her. "Madison?" I turn around and see Natasha looking at me. "Yeah?" Natasha moves slightly closer to me. "I saw you." Now I'm confused. "In 1995. In Ohio. When shield discovered that my family were undercover agents." Oh yes. File 11199. I remember it was secret agents undercover in Ohio getting information I believe. I didn't look into it too much. "When you were in the red room I recognized you. It's why I was slightly curious about you." I smile and nod. "Well, I took the red room mission, because I felt guilty about all those girls being taken against their will. It's wrong and I wanted to help free them." They also reminded me of myself. Being sent off to be a trained killer against their will. "Thank you Madison. For saving me. I owe you, for the rest of my life." Natasha moves closer to me and buries herself in my chest. I wrap my arms around her and drift off.


This chapter is the most boring chapter I've ever written in my life. But I don't have a lot of motivation rn. I've been trying to write as much as I can but with the stress of getting stuff ready for school and trying to enjoy the last week of summer. But I promise I will try get more eventful chapter. I might do a small time jump. Also does anyone know the exact date that cap woke up from the ice. Cause I've tried to look it up and find out but nothing comes up. Some say 2011 some say 2012. So idk what to believe.

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