Part 3 chapter 11

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February 2000. Shield headquarters.

It's been a few days since I've gotten back from my mission. Natasha, it's what she's called now. Well her and I haven't really talked since we kissed. I liked it, I liked it a lot. I haven't been able to stop thinking about her. Her becoming a shield agent became official yesterday. She'll be moving into the headquarters today. I should probably help her.

I walk outside to see her attempting to lift a fridge. It wasn't a big fridge but I have to admit it was pretty amusing watching her try and lift it. "here, let me help." I walk up and grab the fridge and bring it to the elevator. I help her with a few more boxes. Shield gave her some money to get new furniture and clothes. I offered to pay for her stuff but she refused, she said, 'you've done too much.' I don't think I've done enough if I'm being honest.

We are standing in the elevator. Usually it takes 3 1/2 minutes to get from the ground floor to the apartment complex. "Thanks for the help." I look over at her and smile. "Yeah, my pleasure." I can feel her staring at me. I'm tempting to look at her but I don't. "Do you live in the building?" I stand still. "Um sometimes, if I have late nights and stuff but I have a house in the countryside." There's a moment of silence. "Are you staying here tonight." I nod. "I have a months worth of briefing to do. So yeah." The elevator pings and I pick up the last box she had before she had a chance to get it.

I open her apartment door and set the box down with the others. "So, if you need me, I'll be in the room across the hall." She nods and I walk out.

A few hours go by and I finally finish the first part of my briefing. I like to do it in sections because I like to include all the details. I'm about to pick up my phone to order some food, but I hear a knock at the door. I walk to it and open it to see Natasha. "Hey." She smiles at me and I smile back. "Hey." She looks around. "I was wondering if you could help me with something?" I nod. "Well, I want to know, where a good place to eat is?" I smile at her and I grab my jacket. "I was just about to get food. Come on." Her smile grows and she follows me.

"Sorry if I ruined any of your plans." I turn to her. "I'll never forgive you for it. How dare you." I tut and shake my head. I go to push the button and Natasha goes to my push it too. "Sorry." I pull my hand away quickly and she pushes the button. We walk in and it's a little awkward. "So, um, how's the moving in going?" She nods and smiles. "It's going great. How's the debriefing going?" I smile. "It's going boring." I shake my head. That was stupid. "So where are we going?" I shake my head and smirk. "Guess you'll have to find out. Now won't you?" She smirks at me.

After a 20 minute walk we finally make it to a little pizza shop. "What would you like?" She takes a second to think. "The veggie supreme." I look at her with a disgusted look. "We come to get a cheesy, delicious pizza and you ruin it with salad on top." I shake my head in shame. She laughs. "One veggie supreme and a Peperoni." He looks at me weirdly when I say veggie. I shrug and he walks away. I know the owner, he's a really nice guy and he makes the best pizza in all of Washington. "Here you go." I smile at him and leave some money. I hand Natasha her pizza and walk over to the bench. She takes a bite of the pizza and her eyes widen. "Wow, I was not expecting that." I laugh. "That is exactly what I said when I first tried it." We sit there and eat our pizzas in silence. It's not really an awkward silence it's the type that comforts a person. I look over and see her shivering a bit. I didn't want to be cheesy but she looked really cold so I took off my jacket and I offered it to her. "Thanks." I nod. We sit there for another little bit until we decide to walk back to the headquarters. We were walking back, side by side and our hands grazed each other a few times.

We made it back to the headquarters and we walked up to the apartments. "Well, thanks for the pizza." I nod. "It was my pleasure, miss Romanoff." I say it in a very teasing way. She laughs. "And remember if you need anything at all, I'm right in there." I point at my door across the hallway. I was about to walk away but she pulls me in for a hug. I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly. I have no idea how I feel right now. I really like Natasha but I can't just allow myself to like her that quickly. I Barely know her that well. "You smell good." I chuckle at her comment. "Thanks." I pull away and look into her eyes. "Have good dreams Natasha." I wave her off and walk into my apartment.

It's around 3:30 am, when I hear a knock on my door. I assume I'm imagining it but it knocks again. I quickly get up and answer the door. "Natasha?" She walks into my apartment. "Come in." I walk over and stand infront of her. She's sitting on the couch, sweating and panting. "Coffee?" She nods. I walk up and put the filter in the pot and add the coffee granules. I make the coffee and bring it down to her. "You want to talk about it?" She shakes her head. "Okie dokie." I sit there awkwardly. After a few minutes she leans on my shoulder. I look down at her but I don't push her away, she's clearly upset or something is wrong and I don't want to make her feel worse. I was about to say something to her but I noticed she was asleep. I'm not moving, am I? If I move she'll wake up and she might not get back to sleep, so I stay there.

I wake up to someone blowing in my face. "What?" My voice is croaky. I look down and see Natasha. "Get up. Director fury has a mission for us and I don't need your stupid ass ruining it for me." I chuckle. "What?" I shake my head. "No, your laughing at me, I want to know what for." I shake my head. "You Switched up real fast." She rolls her eyes. "Be ready in 20 minutes. If your not ready I'll put a wooden stake in your heart." I laugh. "Jokes on you, they don't kill me." She shakes her head and walks out of my apartment. Wait she didn't even tell me about the mission. I love a good mystery.

I feel like Natasha is the type to defo ghost someone. No shade towards my wife. Sorry it took me so long to come up with this chapter. I couldn't really think of much but this was the best I could do.

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Thanks for reading <3

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