Part 5 chapter 5

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A few days later. May 2010. Malibu house.

Tony's been away for a few days, so I decided to make him a birthday present. I know how cliche, but, he's a billionaire, what could I buy him? He has everything he wants, I think. So I drew him a picture. It's of him, pepper and I. I was gonna put happy In it but he asked me not to. Tony's not one for liking sentimental things but as I said, what the hell do you buy for a billionaire? I also haven't seen Natasha in a few days, I never realised how much I missed her, over the ten years I didn't see her, until I saw her again.

Tony's been acting different lately, maybe it has something to do with the grey thing I saw him with. I stole it the day after I saw it and found out it's a blood toxicity metre. Why is he checking for... oh my god. It's the arc reactor, it's killing him. I should've known. I'm just annoyed he didn't tell me, we tell each other almost everything, I mean I even told him about the time that a guy died on top of me. It's a long story.

A few days later.

Natasha, pepper and I are working on some stuff. After the whole thing with the senator the company feels as though it's going to shit. I'm sitting next to Natasha, and when I say next, I mean like inches away from her. "Yes, but the fundamentals of the company are still very, very strong. Despite the events in Monaco." "Yes of course." I listen as 2 conversations go at once. I look over at Natasha's computer. "The AP wants a quote." I look up and see Rhodey. I stand up accidentally brushing Natasha leg. "Sorry." She smiles. "Hey Rhodes. How's it going?" He looks around. "Where is he?" I point towards the stairs. He walks down. "Okay then." I go and sit back down, smiling at Natasha. I look up at the tv.

"But his continuing erratic behaviour may lead many people to ask themselves, can this man still protect us?"

I turn off the tv. "What? Are they really asking that? Of course he can, we can. I don't see them doing anything to protect the people." I ball my hands into fists. "If they knew just how hard trying to protect everyone in the world was, they wouldn't be talking. Tony risks his life everyone day, and still gets hate." I turn around and see pepper and Natasha staring at me. "Madison, it's okay." I look down at pepper. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice." I sit back down and pick up my laptop. "You okay?" I feel warm breath next to my ear. "Yeah. Thanks." She stays there for a few second before moving away.

The next night.

Tonight is the night of the party. I'm finishing wrapping up my picture. I even wrote a card saying all the things I love about tony. It's cheesy, but I owe him a lot. He's been good to be over these few years. I look out my window and see maybe a hundred cars outside. I smile and walk over to Tony's room.

I'm about to walk through Tony's door when I hear Natashas voice. "Inappropriate." I peak in and see Natasha standing in front of Tony. "Is that dirty enough for you?" I don't know what's happening but I don't like it. "Gold face, brown band, the jaeger. I'll give that a look." I want to walk in and interrupt anything that's about to happen but something in me mounts my feet to the ground. Natasha brings the box of watches over to tony. "I'll take that. Why don't you..." I watch as she sits down on the arm of the chair. Almost on his lap. Every bone in my body if filled with rage. She's not mine, she's not, but I hate that she's being flirty with stark. "I gotta say it. It's hard to get a read on you." I chuckle quietly. "You have no idea." I mumble to myself. "Where are you from?" I answer Tony's question in my head. 'Russia.' But she would never admit that to someone who she was trying to trick. "Legal." I look down at my gift and then back at them. "Can I ask you a question, hypothetically?" I want to leave but I don't. "Bit odd. If this was your last birthday party you were ever gonna have, how would you celebrate it?" I knew it. He is dying, and he didn't tell me. I could have helped him. But he decided to be a know it all and try and fix it himself. "I'd do whatever I wanted to do." I wonder what that would be. "With whoever I wanted to do it with." Does she like Mr. Stark? If she does then I might have to leave, cause I can't watch tony and Natasha fall in love. Natasha gets up and I walk back pretending I wasn't listening to the whole conversation. "Miss. Rushman." I walk right past her. "Hey." Tony looks up at me and smiles. "What's that? Is that for me?" I nod and smile walking over and handing it to him. "You didn't have to get me anything." I shake my head. "I didn't get you anything." He opens the gift and smiles. "Wow, I knew you could draw but wow." I smile. "Thank you. Madison. For everything." He stands up and hugs me. "Always. Mr. Stark." He pulls away and finishes his drink. "Well, I got a part to attend and host."


I decided to put the party scene in the next chapter. Also I don't know if I should add the deleted scene with Natasha and tony, where like she uses the gauntlets to break something. I can't remember the scene fully. But do you want me to add that scene?

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