Part 1 chapter 9

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A couple days later 442BC  (the photo above is the apartment building she's staying at)

It's been a little weird lately, I feel almost as though I'm being watched, i know the feeling because, I've been watched a lot. I was currently working in the store, when a tall, buff, guy walks in, he keeps looking at me funny and staring at me as if he's seen something familiar. Then it hits me, hydra. They have been looking for me for a few weeks now and this guy has found me. Great just great. I walk up to the guy and smile at him. "Hey is there anything I can help you with?" I ask putting on a fake American accent. "No, no, I'm just looking around for something." He has a thick Russian accent, I speak many languages Russian being one of them so I know the accent. Most of hydra agent were either Russian or Swiss. Some were American or British but mostly Russian and Swiss, so once I heard his accent I immediately knew he was hydra. I'm about to walk away when he grabs my arm, I yank it away and run out of the store, don't want to break anything in there. I run to an alleyway and the man come up to me, pulling out a gun, I smirk, I run up to him jumping of the wall and landing on his shoulders, I grab his neck and twist it, not enough to kill him, just paralyze him. I then run back to the store and run up to my apartment. I pack my bags and grab benji, it's what I called the puppy, no one claimed him to I decided to keep him. When I went back downstairs I saw raaj down there. "Heading somewhere?" He asked seeming a bit annoyed. "Yeah i just need to leave, there's family trouble and i'm afraid my father is seriously ill. He looked concerned now "oh well I'm sorry I send my condolences." He says. "Well I'll give you your paycheck and then you'll be off, I suppose." He writes my check and I head off waving him goodbye and thanking him for being so kind. He's one of the nicest people I've met and I couldn't imagine where I would be if it wasn't for him.

I'd been walking for over 3 hours and still I didn't feel safe. I didn't want to leave Brooklyn just find a more quiet place to lay low, and then I saw it. It was an old building, right next to a repair shop, it was right on the outskirts of Brooklyn and it didn't drag much attention, exactly what I need. I looked around for a landlord and then I found him, he was a tall, homely looking person. "Hey there!" I called out to him. He turned around and seemed delighted to see me, "well hello there, what can I do for you miss?" He asked in a friendly tone. "Well I was wondering if I could live here?" I asked in a modest tone. He smiled, "well of course, come with me and you can sign the papers." I follow him into an office in the back and sign all the documents needed, "okay Melissa it's good to have you on board my ship." He says, I didn't give my real name because you never know who you can trust. "Are dogs allowed?" I ask, as I don't know if he'll let benji in. "Yeah of course, the more the merrier." I smile thankful that we're welcome and bring my stuff up to my apartment.

It was dusty and dull but nothing that a little paint and some pictures and stuff wouldn't fix. I also saw a help wanted sign in the doorway of the repair shop. It had parts and other cool things in it and I had a very keen eye for things like that, I loved inventing things and making little gadgets. I've been making more things lately, last week I built a watch but it's not just any watch, it has a hologram that shows me footage from around the globe and I'm currently working on building an AI for it. If I work at the repair shop I might be able to get the right parts I need to create the AI, I need to start by building a machine that will allow me to program it, and then I'll need to get wires to connect the two together. Who knows but I'll put my name down for the job at the shop.

I set up somewhat of a bed and fall asleep. I wake up to another nightmare. This one was where it was me standing up on a podium, covered head to toe in blood, and everyone in the world could see what a monster I was and everyone hated me. I checked my watch and say it was 4:30 am, I decided to go on a long run. I sprinted it and if you blinked you would have missed me, I can vamp speed fast but when I don't vamp speed, I'm still pretty fast, I ran cross country for 5 years. I ran almost 15 miles and by the time I got home it was 6:00 am. I went up to my apartment and got washed and changed, I then went down and walked into the repair shop. "Hey how can I help you?" A tall guy asked, I had to admit the guy was good looking, and if I wasn't not emotionally unavailable I would totally go for him. "I was just wondering if you guys were still looking for someone to hire?" I ask, thinking someone may have taken the job. "No we are still looking for someone to hire, why are you interested?" No I just asked for no reason. "Yes I'm very interested." I reply keeping my snarky remark to myself. "Well we will have to test you to ensure you have the qualities we are looking for and then we will consider you for the job." He went over everything that would happen during the test and I was more than sure of everything that was on it. They brought me into a room and I took this test that they had just written up and I had to hand it to them it was a good warm up but it was nothing hard that I couldn't answer, I gave my test to them after about 8 minutes and they looked confused. "Are you done already?" I nodded and they looked shocked. "Okay well wait outside and we will look over the paper and call you back in." I nodded again and left, I took a seat outside and they came back. "Well turns out you got them all right and even got better answers than we had, so I guess your hired." I smiled and they handed me a uniform, it wasn't the best looking uniform but I didn't mind. "You'll start tomorrow at 8am sharp." I shook his hand and left, feeling great, maybe moving wasn't such a bad thing. I mean I'm sorta away from hydra and I get to have a job that I might be semi good at.


So, my brain is bi-polar and says that I should skip on but im gonna play it out and write a few more chapters about this new job and the new guy 😏😏

Also if you enjoyed please consider leaving a vote. Also i haven't said this before but if anyone has any suggestions don't be afraid to leave them in the comments and who knows I might use the concept. Thanks for reading.

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