Part 4 chapter 4

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3 months later. May 2008 (around that date. I think)

3 months without Stark. Him going was hard enough but people have been asking questions, so many questions. Asking if I'm the new tony stark. What kind of a question is that, ofcourse I'm not the new tony stark, I'm a nobody and tony stark is a genius, he's brave, he's everything I'm not. So to answer their questions, no I'm not the new tony stark, I won't be taking over the company and I have no clue where he is. But when I find out who took him, I will find them and I will kill them and anyone they have ever loved.

"Miss Montgomery, there are speculations going around saying that you kidnapped tony stark to take over the company and Stark name, is that true?" I laugh. "You're foolish if you believe that, and I will not stand here and be blamed for the kidnapping of my friend." Paparazzi, they are so annoying, they invade privacy, they ask stupid questions and they really don't care about anyone other than themselves. I shake my head and drive off.

We haven't stopped looking for tony. I hope he's not dead. But it's been 3 months and I honestly have no clue what to think anymore.

I finally make it home when I get a call from Rhodey. "Hey Rhodes, look I'm tired and I can't talk-" my ranting is cut off. "We found him." My eyes widen in shock and i feel relief fill my body. "Meet us at the airport, ok?" He hangs up and I grab my keys walking back out to my car.

It's a good thing I'm a great driver or I would have killed a thousand people. But I made it to the airport, intact and without killing anyone. I see pepper and happy already here. "Hey." Pepper looks at me but I'm a little too fazed to reply.

Once I see the plane arrive my heart skips a beat. After 3 months, I'm finally going to get him back. Once he lands the ramp of the jet comes down and tony walks off, assisted by Rhodey. "Mr stark." I whisper to myself. He smiles at me. "Miss me?" I walk up and hug him. "Next time, I'm coming with you." He nods. "You look, well, shit." He laughs, looking over at pepper. I moved out of the way and allowed them to talk. "Your eyes Are red, a few tears, for your long lost boss?" I overhear their conversation and walk over to Rhodey. "You can stop worrying now, he's back and you, well you can finally go home and get some rest. Promise me you'll get some rest." I nodded. "I'll get some rest." He smirks. "Good."

We get into the car with happy. Someone offered to bring my car home. "Where to sir?" Pepper leans forward. "Take us to the Hospital, please, happy." I look over at tony. "No." Pepper looks at him as if he's crazy. "No? Tony you have to go to the hospital." I laugh a little, knowing pepper isn't going to get her way. "No is a complete answer." "The doctor has to look at you." "I don't have to do anything, I've been in captivity for three months. There are two things I want to do. I want an American cheeseburger, and the other...." "That's enough." I raise my hand. "Yes, my favourite intern." I smile. "With the Burger can we also get nuggets." He nods. "Of course. Anyway back to my conversation with pepper. Look, it's not what you think. I want you to call for a press conference." "Call for a press conference?" "Yeah." "What on earth for? "Hogan, drive. Cheeseburger first." I put my fist in the air. "I was nervous you were going to make me go to the press conference, before the burgers." Pepper shakes her head at me.

After getting our cheeseburgers and nuggets, we arrive at the conference. "Crazy how people show up with like 30 seconds notice. They really need to get lives." Tony chuckles at my remark. The press conference was filled with people.

I was casually chilling eating my nuggets in peace. When I look over to pepper and see, none other than Phil Coulson. They looked to be done with their conversation. I walk over quickly. "Phil, is Phil short for something. Phillip, Philadelphia, philanthropist?" He shakes his head at me. "Montgomery, I see your childish ways haven't changed." I chuckle. "I don't mean to be nosy and get in your hair. Not that you have much left, but, what are you doing here?" He shakes his head once again. "Miss Potts knows, by for now Montgomery. Or shall I say agent Montgomery?" He walks away and I am dumbfounded. "How do you know him?" I look at pepper. "We used to work together. It's a long story." She nods and we watch as the conference starts.

I was listening to how tony stark was talking about his dad. Howard, I missed that guy every god damn day. He was such a good friend to me, especially when Steve was role playing as an ice berg. And the way he died was so tragic, a car accident. It's so easy done, but he didn't deserve to die, and his wife too. I feel a tear threatening to leave my eyes but I blink fast to make them go away. "Pull yourself together, Madison." I whisper to myself.

Then mr stark says he's shutting down the weapons manufacturing division. Thank god. I didn't want to make weapons anymore, to be honest, I hated it, more than anything, so this is a relief. Mr Stark walks off stage and I decide to not follow him. Instead I go to the stairwell of the building, I vamp speed up the stairs until I'm at the top. I go to the edge of the roof and just sit there, contemplating, Tony's back, but he's not making weapons anymore. What if he doesn't need me anymore? Why was Coulson here today? What did shield want? I should have asked him about Natasha. Maybe she's not even there anymore, or alive. 'Don't think like that Madison' she's fine. She's probably killing it at shield. She's
Probably killing it, forgetting about me. I look over the edge, thinking about my past, I've tried to kill myself before, multiple times actually, none of the ways worked. I was just sick of having to run, and everyone around me dying, and never being able to have a normal life. I thought maybe if I end it, I'll save a lot of lives. No one would have cared anyway, I mean I had no one. Hell maybe I still have no one.

I finally pull myself out of my thought and jump down from the building. I land on the ground. A few people stare at me and I just smile and wave.

We finally make it back home and I overhear pepper watching a news channel, as I walk in from my run. "I know it's their jobs and all, but they should really mind their own business." She sighs and looks at me. I walk off to get a shower.

After my shower, I walk out to my room and see a letter on my bed.

To Tony Stark.

From s.h.i.e.l.d.

Why the hell is this in my room. I roll my eyes and walk down to Tony's lab seeing pepper hand inside his chest. My face cringes in disgust, I get it vampires rip out peoples hearts and stuff but like dang, that's gross.

After they finish up I walk Into the lab. "Tony? This came for you." I walk over and set it on his desk. "Is that the arc reactor?" He nods and I walk over to him. "Wow, this thing is keeping you alive right now. Right?" He nods. "You could have made it from vibranium." He looks at me confused. "It's the strongest metal on earth." He nods. "I'll keep it in mind." I smile and back away from him. "I have to go. But In my lab, I finished my project while you were away, remember I said I was making a robot, yeah well turns out I made more of a suit then a robot, but it still functions by itself so." I walk out and run to my car.


Sorry for the inactivity, I took a little break but I'm back now. Also this chapter was super boring but I didn't know what else to do. My brain is a little scrambled at the moment.

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Thanks for reading <3

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