Part 3 chapter 12

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30 minutes later. Shield headquarters.

"Your late." I roll my eyes. "Guess you'll have to stake my heart." She looks over at me pissed. What the hell did I do? Like I've done nothing to her and she's being like this. "Let's go." I roll my eyes and follow her. "Since when do you give me orders?" She looks at me angrily. "Since director fury assigned this mission to me and told me to see what I would be like in charge." I shake my head and walk over to the jet. I sit in the chair and look out the window. Natasha is just pissing me off today. I can't deal with her just bossing me around and being a bitch. That's not the way I go, everyone deserves to be equal. Simple as. "You scan the perimeter with your vamp speed and make a quick check, then I will go in and gather the device. If I call for help, come in and help me. Okay?" I nod and get ready.

I log into my AI. I check all the emails and files that I missed while I was away. I notice a few from stark industries. They have offered me a position at there firm. Before I went on my mission to the red room I was considering leaving shield, I can't help but feel like there are shady things happening under our noses and I don't want to be apart of shield if it all goes down hill, but if I leave now, I'll be leaving Natasha behind and I don't want to do that, but stark industries is only going to want to hire me for so long, and it's an amazing opportunity. I'm really torn between the two.

The jet lands and I get up and walk to the exit. I open the door and jump out, putting my headset in my ear. I turn around and run towards the base. I begin to vamp speed, looking for any cameras or people. The base is empty, not a soul in sight. I make it back to the jet. "The whole place is empty." She nods and makes her way to the base.

I wonder off into the woods. I was looking around and just minding my own business when I hear someone scream. I look around trying to see where it came from and then I hear another one. "Madison!" I run towards the scream. I sneak behind the base and spot Natasha surrounded by 10 guards. I decide to use my powers. I lift up my hand and weeds from the ground come up and wrap around the guards. Natasha runs off and gathers the intel while I stand back and make sure no other guards reach her. I notice her fighting a few guards that came from the back way and I had to admit she was highly skilled. She disappears and I look around for her. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around and tackle the person and choke them while i am on top of them. Once the adrenaline runs down I notice it was Natasha. Our faces are inches away and I am looking down on her. "Sorry." She shakes her head and I pull my hand away from her neck. I push myself up and we make our way out of the building.

"The jets gone." She laughs. "Why are you laughing, how are we going to get back?" She just shrugs and I roll my eyes. "We have to go before the agents find us." She nods and we start walking.

We were walking for about 9 miles before we made it to a little farm house. I look at her and she nods. I have noticed her flinch a few times when we were walking. I ran up to the house and checked to see if anyone was home. After a few minutes I decided to smash the window and open the door. Natasha follows me into the house. I looked around to see if anyone was home or if there was any clues as to where the owners would be.

We are heading out of town until the summer so please take care of the house. *remember to water the plants*

I read the note of the fridge. Natasha goes and sits down and I can see she is in pain. "I'll be back in a second." I walk around the house looking for something and I finally find it. "There you are." I whisper to myself. I walk back down to Natasha and place the first aid kit infront of her. "What's that for?" I chuckle at her. "Well the chair was looking sort of Pale so I figured I would give it a checkup." She rolls her eyes. "I don't need help." I shake my head. "Well you do and I'm not asking, so your gonna have to let me take a look at your wounds." She sighs and stands up and sits on the table. I look at her awkwardly and she chuckles at how awkward I am. She takes off her shirt and I open up the first aid box. I disinfect her wounds and sew her up. "Like nothing ever happened." She smiles at me and I smile back. "I'll try and get a hold of shield and get them to send a jet to pick us up." She nods. "I'm going for a shower." I hand her, her shirt and she walks up the stairs.

After a few minutes of standing there thinking, I look at the fridge and I go outside and find the hose. I begin watering the plants and just taking in the silence. It's peaceful out her, sometimes I wish life was easy and that I could just live life like this. In the middle of nowhere and with someone I love deeply. Obviously I don't have that person yet but I think about it a lot.

I walk back in and look around for a phone or a radio but I don't find one. Which is odd. Who doesn't have a house phone? I figure Natasha is probably hungry so I go to the cupboards to look for some food. I do feel guilty about eating this family's food but We might be here for a while until I can find some source of communication. I find some eggs and bacon still in date.

After making the food, I plate it up and bring it up to Natasha. I knock on the door and close my eyes. "You decent?" I hear her chuckle and I peek my head through the door. "I made you, what I hope is food." She smiles and I place it beside her. "Thank you." I nod. We sit there silently for a few minutes before I head into the bathroom and wash my face. I walk out and I don't see Natasha. "Natasha?" I walk downstairs and find her sitting on the table, in one of the shirts she found in a closet upstairs. "Hey." I smiles at her and reply. "Hey." I walk up to her and stand in front of her. I was about to say something to her but I was cut off when she wrapped her legs around me.

I have no idea whats about to happen.

Ok so I need opinions. Smut or no smut next chapter? Also sorry these past few chapters have been awfully written. Also I just watched the black widow movie and wow. Also I'm realising that I completely messed up the red room chapters because it's nothing like the movies, so I hope you don't mind.

Also if you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting.

Thanks for reading. <3

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