Part 5 chapter 1

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April 2010. Stark expo, flushing, New York.

God, I do not know how long it's been since I've been at a Stark expo. Tony revived them. I'm happy he did and I'm nervous.

It's been a rough few years, since tony came out as iron man and I'm known a little more. People have been recognizing me for years, due to the fact that I'm in the museum, well a photo of me is in the museum, beside Steve Rogers.

I've created a bunch of new things, and a lot of new suits for tony. Pepper has been going nuts, not over me but over tony. He really doesn't give her an easy job, thank god I'm not in peppers position. It's funny, yet sad. I feel like I'm always third wheeling.

I look up at the sky and see fireworks and then. Tony lands on the stage and I swear to god I almost shit myself. He told me he wasn't going to do it as violently but he did, because, well, it's tony stark.

The audience claps and cheers. It's times like these that I wish I didn't have eardrums. The stage begins to take off Tony's suit. Thanks to me. I'm standing, front row, right infront of tony. "Tony! Tony! Tony!" I pull a cringed face. Tony dragged me to this, all I wanted to do, was stay at home, watch Netflix and eat cookie dough. It wasn't a lot to ask for but no, tony just had to drag me to this expo. He claims, that i have no friends. It's true, And it's because, I don't like people.

"Oh it's good to be back. You miss me?" I watch as tony begins to speak. "Make something blow up!" I look back, not seeing who said that. "Blow something up? I already did that. I'm not saying that the world is enjoying it's longest period of uninterrupted peace in years because of me." The crowd begins to cheer and I clap lightly. "I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity, never has a greater Phoenix metaphor been personified in human history." Ok tony, I think your being a little over dramatic, there were heroes before you. "I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair, sipping on an iced tea, because I haven't came across anyone who's man enough to go toe-to-toe with me on my best day." Or woman enough, tony. He definitely does love himself, doesn't he. I listen as the crowd cheers and claps. I even hear people praising him, it's cute, but I'm not one for this crap. Pardon my language, I just believe that doing good doesn't deserve praise, I help people because, I have a certain power, why use it for bad when I can use it for good. I don't know, I just enjoy helping people. "Please, it's not about me. It's not about you. It's not even about us. It's about legacy. It's about what we choose to leave behind for future generations. And that's why this year, and for the first time since 1974, the best and brightest men and woman of nations and corporations the world over will pool their resources, share their collective vision, to leave behind a brighter future. It's not about us. Therefore what I'm saying, if I'm saying anything, is welcome back to the Stark expo." Everyone starts cheering and I smirk. Stark is such a, well a, showoff. I love the guy, I really do, but he doesn't think about what he does, he just does it. "And now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard." I smile, unfortunately, Howard can't be here, cause he's resting, but he's here in spirit.

I walk through the crowds of people and over to the stair that lead to the side of the stage. I look over and see tony checking his blood. "What's that for?" He turns around. "Nothing, just making sure, everything is all good, in my system." I knows he's lying, but I decide to leave it.

We finish up the expo and are now walking out of the building. "All right it's a zoo out there so watch out." I look over at happy and smile nervously. We walk out of the door and I follow quickly behind happy and tony talks to the people here. "Hey! Nice to see you." A woman walks up to me. "Hey." I chuckle nervously. "I'm a big fan." I smile and hold out my hand. She shakes it. And hands me a piece of paper then walks away. Tony signs autographs and I even signed a few myself. I didn't want to be rude and just ignore everyone. We make it downstairs and I walk up to an old man who I recognize. "Larry king, how you doing?" He nods. "I'm alright, it's a little loud in here for my old ears but I'm alright." I smile and walk away. Not walk away, more like got pushed away.

(Okay I'm fully aware that the car they drive in this scene is a two seater but we are gonna imagine it's a four seater with two doors.)
We finally make it out the door. "That wasn't so bad." I look Up at happy. "No, it was perfect." I smile at tony. " it was a little much for me, but I'm glad that they feel safe in our hands." Happy points to the car. "Look what we got here, the new model." I look and see a woman standing against the car. "Does she come with the car." "Well I certainly hope so." I look over at them with a cringed face. "Hi." "Hi." I open the car door and move the seat forward so I can sit in the back. I eavesdrop on Tony's conversation. "And you are?" "Marshal." "Irish. I like it." "Pleased to meet you Tony." "I'm on the wheel. Do you mind? Where you from?" The roof starts to lift from the car and I look up. "Bedford." "What are you doing here?" "Looking for you." I cringe again. "Yeah? You found me." Tony and happy get in the car and the lady smiles at me. "Hey." I wave. "Hi." She looks back at tony again. "What are you up to later?" I reach for my sketchbook out of my backpack. "Serving subpoenas." She holds out a peace of paper. "Yikes." I roll my eyes and hold out my hand. "It's a thing, he hates being handed things." He nods. "Yeah, I have a peeve." I look down at the piece of paper and my eyes are widened. "Tony looks like you've been summoned."
I chuckle. The girl smiles at me. "Oh, I got one for you two." My eyes widen in shock again. "I'm sorry, I think you've been mistaken ma'am, I haven't down anything." She looks at both tony and me. "You are both hereby ordered to appear before the senate armed services committee tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m." tony looks up at her. "Can I see a badge?" "You wanna see the badge?" Happy nods. "He likes the badge." I sigh and slide down my chair. She holds up a badge. "Oh god, miss? Am I a criminal? Because if so, I would like to say this is my first offense and I am a very liable asset to the government, I used to work for a very high up company and I served the military. So do you think they'll let me off easy?" She rolls her eyes. "You know, for someone with the highest IQ to ever be recorded in history. You are pretty stupid." I hold a hand over my heart. "That hurt." Tony starts the car. "How far are we from D.C.?" He looks over at happy. "D.C.? 250 miles." He drives away and I wave at the woman.

Well tomorrow is going to be fun.


Sorry, I took a little break. But, I want to try and get as many chapters written before summer ends as possible, cause I might not have a lot of time when school starts.

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