Chapter 3

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You lounged on your couch, happy to finally be able to wear sweatpants after the good two weeks of press you had to do. You didn't even want to look at a pair of dress pants for at least a month. Right now, and for the next week and a half, all you wanted to do was sit on your couch, binge movies, and eat ALL of the junk food. Speaking of which, splayed out around you was all of your favorite snacks. Everything from Cheez-Its to the pizza you have on its way so you could enjoy it with your Ben and Jerry's.

You were slumped on the couch, your feet propped up on the table and your head sinking into the back cushion of your couch. The ratty old t-shirt that once belonged to an ex-boyfriend hung loosely around your body. The fabric pooled around your body to reveal your full toned figure that you acquired from training for the past year.

The doorbell rang making you spring up from your couch. "Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza!" You sang to yourself as you bounced towards the door. You grabbed the food the delivery guy set on your doorstep and walked over to your couch, stuffing the cheesy bread into your mouth. Some of the sauce stuck to the corners of your mouth, making you giggle. "Real attractive, (y/n)..." You flopped back down and replaced your feet on your coffee table, the box resting on your lap.

You were halfway through an episode of Schitts Creek when your phone began ringing, the screen illuminating to a photo of you and your trainer Sabrina hugging after you filmed your last fight scene of the season. You set the half eaten piece of pizza you were holding down and wiped your hands off on your pants. You answered.

"Hey, Sabrina! What's up?"

"Hey! Jade, Pedro, Shelia, and I are going to go out tonight! You wanna come?"

"Umm...." You looked at the amazing mess of food you had set around you. "I actually already had plans tonight... But I appreciate the offer!"

"These plans wouldn't happen to include you vegging out on your couch and eating junk food right?"

You were silent for a moment. "No..."

"And it doesn't include you doing any life or death research for science or something?"

You scrunched your nose up, giggling a bit. "No."

"Good! Then you can cancel whatever super important plans you have going on and come out with us tonight!"

"Sabrina, I already told you I can't."

"Can't or won't?" You sighed, rubbing one of your eyes with your free hand. "I'll take that silence as you don't actually have anything going on right now and we can come pick you up!"

"Sabrina, no-"

"Too late!" Just then, there was a knock on your front door.

"If that's you I'm going to be really upset."

"IT'S ME!" You heard from both your front door and phone. You hung up, setting everything you were currently holding on your coffee table and getting up to get the door. When you opened it, Sabrina and Jade were standing on the other side. Both had shit-eating grins spread across their faces.

"Why?" Was all you could get out before both girls rushed towards you. They quickly ushered you towards your bedroom and sat you down on your bed.

"Alright, what is she wearing tonight?" Sabrina asked, sorting through your closet for possible outfits. Jade looked back from your vanity and pursed her lips in contemplation.

"Something modest, but a little bit sexy." She shook her shoulders a bit. "It needs to catch somebody's eye without outwardly saying 'I'm trying to bang tonight'."

"Oh my god." You groaned, placing your face in your hands as you leaned your elbows on your knees. The women seemed to ignore you as they worked, commenting on your wardrobe and makeup selections as they went. The only interactions that would happen were when Sabrina would pull something out of your closet, hold it out in front of her, and look between you and the article of clothing. You flashed your eyebrows at her, silently asking 'What?' before she'd shake her head and put the clothing back. You sighed, leaning back on your bed and, ultimately, letting them take over.

You didn't have a choice. You knew that. In fact, their surprise visit was something you had been expecting for a few weeks now. They asked you to go out the week after shooting wrapped and you said no because you wanted to relax and recuperate after it. They understood. They asked you to go out last week and you said no because you "weren't feeling well." They were a little less understanding of that one.

"GOT IT!" Sabrina yelled out, smiling from ear to ear. She turned around from your closet revealing a pair of black skinny jeans that had embroidered roses going down the right leg and a black crop top. The top was a solid black, one shoulder shirt with the right arm being long-sleeved. "We have her put her hair up and give her some bomb-ass eye makeup and she'll look killer." Sabrina beamed, looking to Jade for approval.

"I love it." She grinned, finally looking at you. "Do you have red heels?" You breathed out a laugh, clasping your hands together between your knees as you leaned against them again. You nodded, reaching down between your feet and pulling out a shoes box. The girls squealed before they got to work, primping and priming you for the night out.

"Honestly dude, I'm not joking, I am so down to go to a club." Shayne was reclined in one of the desk chairs in the Smosh office, tossing a paper ball up into the air and catching it repeatedly. Shayne, along with Damien, Courtney, and Sarah all sat around after finishing their lunches and were trying to figure out their plans for that weekend.

"Really? That seems so unlike you." Damien commented, quirking a confused eyebrow at his friend.

"I'm fully serious. Quarantine just..." He motioned to his head. "I gotta go out and see people." The group considered the offer before they all agreed, quickly pulling out their phones to see which club they could go to.

"Do you guys really think this is a good idea? What if somebody recognizes us?" You asked, messing around with your shirt nervously. You had to admit, you did look good, but the confidence was only surface level. You were shaking in your high heeled shoes.

"Nobody's gonna recognize us. Pedro knows where to go to party and not get followed by the paps."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" You and the girls giggled. "What's it called anyway?"

"The Wave." Jade grinned, rolling her body a bit and making you all laugh.

"Alright! Did we decide on which one we want to go to?" Sarah asked, coming back into the conference room everybody was hanging out in.

"I can't seem to find any decent ones." Courtney pouted.

"All the ones I'm finding are VIP entry only." Damien informed.

"I found one I think might work!" Shayne smiled, turning his phone around to show the others. "It's called The Wave."

"The Wave? I've never heard of that one." Sarah furrowed her eyebrows.

"It doesn't look like a lot of people do." Shayne read a bit more. "But it's free and doesn't look like a trap heap so..." He shrugged, looking around at the group.

"I'm in!" Courtney smiled.

"Me too!" Damien and Sarah agreed.

"Alright! Let's do it!"

And with that, they left to go home and get ready for their night out. Shayne looked at himself in his mirror. He wasn't going to change, his normal attire being his preferred everyday clothing, but something about that nights excursions told him to dress up fancier than normal.

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