Chapter Seven - Unexpected contact.

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Sunday Morning - 10AM

(Katie POV)

I woke up suddenly, hearing the birds tweeting outside. 

The sunlight shining through my window burnt my eyes and head. 

I then looked down to see myself still fully clothed. I couldn't remember anything that had happened last night, which worried me. 

But then I remembered that I got pissed and Cameron helped me into bed. 

I slightly smiled, I got up and walked into the living room, no Cameron, I was kind of hoping that he'd stayed on the sofa, but obviously not. 

I sighed, then walked into the bathroom, stripped down and took a shower.  


I was now fully clothed and ready for the day ahead, even though I could still feel a terrible pain in my head from all of the alcohol last night, which kind of served me right. 

All of a sudden, my phone started to ring.

I squinted at the sound, because it made my headache even worse. 

I ran over to it and quickly answered it, not looking at the Caller ID. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"What happened to moving on with life?" A familiar voice spoke. 

I stood there, confused for a while, so I never answered. 

"Who is this?" I said. 

"You said you'd move on with life, yet you go and start hanging around with Cameron again." Is all they said. 

Then I realised who it was, and my face dropped. 

"Danny?" I asked, with a shaky voice. 

"Katie. Move on with life." He just said. 

"I can hang around with whoever I like thanks Danny. This is MY life and I have moved on. How did you know I was hanging around with Cameron anyway?" 

"Twitter my love." He said. 

I frowned. 

"What's been said on Twitter?" 

"Just that he was going out for a few drinks with an old female friend. I knew it was you." He answered.

I sighed and sat down. "Danny, please just let me be friends with Cameron?" 

"But you can't keep being friends with Cameron! He fucking loves you. You will upset him!" Danny yelled. 

My face dropped. Cameron loved me?

"If you make him feel like you like him back, he will not be focused on the band at all and we will lose him Katie!" Danny continued. 

I just hung up. What the heck was going on?! I just spoke to Danny for the first time again in three years and he was yelling about how Cameron loved me? Danny had changed so much.

That was an unexpected contact also...


Author Note: Sorry this chapter is kind of shit. I've been writing this one over two days because I've got confused and stuff, I promise the story will be better. 

I won't be updating probably until tomorrow because I have stuff going on with my band right now, so I'm trying to work on that. 

ALSO I start back at school tomorrow, so I won't be updating as much or as quickly as I have be doing. 

I promise I won't be quiting to write this story, I was neglect it at all! It's just going to be harder for me to update as much, because I'm also doing lots of work as I've started my GCSE options also, so I have LOADS more work. 

Sorry everyone about that! But I guess it's just life. 

Thanks for reading, please share this story, comment and also vote on parts you like. 

Cheers - LauraWorsnop

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