Chapter Thirty One - Cheater, cheater.

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The next morning

(Katie POV)

I woke up in the hotel room, Danny wasn't next to me. I shot up and looked around the room, he hadn't left yet luckily, because his bags were still in the room. 

Me and Danny had kissed last night, then we just went to sleep, I obviously wouldn't be doing what Danny really wanted to do with me. I already felt like a cheater enough, I didn't need that to add onto stress. 

I sighed and climbed out of bed, getting ready to look for Danny, the hotel was posh, so it was obviously a pretty big hotel room. 

I opened the bedroom door, just in my PJ's, I walked straight out, with messy hair and probably messy make-up also. Stepping into the living room area, I was greeted by several eyes staring right back at me.

I gasped, as Ben, Sam, James and Danny were all sitting on the sofa, eating pancakes and talking. 

"You fucked her?!" Ben asked Danny.

"No!" I butted in. "We're just friends, who needed to share the same bed, as this room only has one bed." 

Ben nodded and smirked at Danny, who looked kind of confused himself. 

"Katie my love, there's some fresh pancakes over there for you, I was going to bring them into you." Danny said. 

I looked over to the counter, a plate full of yummy looking pancakes were placed onto it. I felt my stomach grumble, I really wanted to eat. But I knew that it would all just come back up again. 

I sighed and turned back to Danny, smiling. "I'll be okay, thanks for making me the pancakes though, I might eat them later." 

Danny nodded and smiled. 

I turned back into the bedroom, getting my clothes back and locking myself in the en-suite bathroom. 

I looked straight into the mirror, seeing a hungry, sad and lonely Katie staring back, someone who looked a total mess, nothing like how people imagined Katie to look like. 

I sighed and washed my face with soap and water, trying to wake up a little, I brushed my teeth and sorted my hair and make-up out.


I stepped out of the bedroom, I now had a blue corset top on, with a black leather jacket and black skinny jeans. I was going to wear my leather boots too, if we were going out. My hair was curled again and I had my normal make-up on, along with my nose ring in. 

"Woah, you doll up well don't you?" James said to me. I laughed, just taking it as a compliment. 

"Thanks, I guess?" I answered. 

James smirked and then carried on talking to Ben. Danny was washing up and Sam was talking to someone on the phone. 

I walked up to Danny and stood next to him, watching how he scrubbed the plates clean and how perfect he looked. It wasn't fair, Danny was always good looking, he didn't have to even sort his hair out in the morning, it would just fall like that. 

"Are you okay? You don't seem right today." Danny asked me quietly. 

I just nodded and shrugged my shoulders. "I'm fine. I just miss Cameron again." 

Danny smiled. 

"Was last night good though? Did you enjoy it?" Danny whispered.

I didn't want to answer, because I knew I'd blush, but I did anyway, I nodded and smiled, feeling my cheeks go hot. 

Danny grinned at me. 

"What are you two up to then?" Sam asked. 

I jumped at his voice and I turned looking at him, then laughing. 

"Nothing! You scared the shit out of me." I said. 

Sam chuckled and so did Danny. 

"Hey, can I speak to you alone for a moment Katie?" Sam then asked. He sounded pretty serious. 

I nodded and we walked out of the hotel room and headed to the lift, to hang in the lobby for a while. 

"So, what did you wanna talk to me about then?" I asked, as we walked into the empty lift. 

"I just wanted to tell you. To be careful of Danny. He still wants you, he'd do anything to brainwash you into thinking you love him. You should just be with Cameron and leave it like that." Sam said.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Sam, I'm not s-" 

"I know you're not stupid, but still. Danny will do anything to get Cameron out of the picture again. Cameron is REALLY happy with you. He loves you more than anything and anyone. Danny's the kind of guy who would get with anyone's girl, use them and then throw them away." Sam interrupted. 

I stood there, silent for a little, just wanting to cry. I loved Cameron too, I wasn't cheating on him with Danny at all. 

"Well, nothing is going on between me and Danny." I muttered. 

"Yes there is. I can see it, the way you look at each other, the way you jumped when I spoke in the kitchen. You just wanted it to be you and Danny. I heard him say something about last night. Look, I won't ask and I won't mention it to anyone else. But please, be careful Katie, you don't want to lose Cameron." Sam then replied.

I felt shocked, Sam was totally misunderstanding everything. I wasn't going to be in a relationship with Danny again, ever. I did love Cameron. But for some reason, now I felt like a total lying whore. 

I started to panic. 

"Sam..please don't mention this to ANYONE. Not even Danny. Please." I begged. 

Sam nodded. "I won't mention it at all." 

"Me and Danny aren't together at all. I only look at him as a friend and stuff. I love Cameron more than anything. Me and Danny are ending things again, we kissed last night, but that was it, no sex at all. There won't be." I said.

Sam nodded. "Fair enough." 

I sighed, then looked to the wall. I felt like a total cheater now, I wasn't even doing anything bad, just being close friends with Danny. 

That was all that I wanted really.


Author Note: 

Hello, sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days again, I got writer's block, yes, that again too. I've been so sleepy also. 

I should be updating tomorrow night, if not I apologise in advance. Sometimes I come on just to check my reads and to reply to comments and inboxes, other times to update. So please don't get annoyed if I don't update as often as I used to do. 

This story takes a lot of thinking, a lot more than I thought it would. But I guess if I continue to keep it like this, I'll have a better understanding of the story and I'll be able to improve it over time, so you all enjoy it more.

Thanks for the reads. 

8 Days Until I see Asking Alexandria, can't fucking wait!! 

- Laura Worsnop

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