Chapter Thirteen - I'll pray for morning, I swear I'll never let you die.

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Author Note: Just a warning, there's a little bit at the end which is a little. Smut? I don't know really. But it's there, so just be aware, it's not that bad though.


Friday Evening... 7PM

(Katie POV)

I was chilling in my living room listening to Asking Alexandria. I never really bothered to listen to them before, clearly because I hated them as people. 

But now that I was kind of dating Cameron, and I felt more comftable about listening to the music, I'd started to listen more, and the lyrics were actually quite good.

I then decided to click onto the latest interview with Danny, as it came up on my reccomendations. 

It started, Danny looked so different, he was changing all of the time. 

But I frowned, because Danny was really intoxicated in the interview, and the interviewer didn't help at all, she was laughing and joking around even more with him about bullshit. 

I sighed and rolled my eyes, it was just like Danny to go and do this to himself. 

"So Danny. Any relationships you would like to talk about?" The woman asked him.

He smirked then he took the microphone, looked right into the camera and spoke. 

"Katie May, the girl who I used to date, the girl who broke my heart back in boring old England. She's spreading her evil onto Cameron, she's making him fall for her and she'll just break him too." He slurred. 

My mouth dropped open, and my eyes widened. 

Did he just actually say that, on an interview which all of their fans would see? 

I stopped the interview quickly, and typed in Cameron's Twitter, all of the tweets came up. 

I frowned when I saw he'd just replied to a female fan. 

Fan - "Cameron, I'm down about you dating someone who will break your heart, be careful." 

Cameron - "I'm not happy at all with what Danny said, it's all lies, I love her and she loves me, she hasn't broken anyone's heart!" 

Fan - "But Danny wouldn't make something like that up Cam, Danny's truthful. :/" 

Cameron - "Well, Danny was drunk, so it was a total misunderstanding, just please leave me alone and let me be happy."

I felt like crying as I saw that Cameron was trending down the side, I clicked onto it. It was Asking Alexandria fans going mental about me, calling me a slut and so much more, even though they'd NEVER seen me. They were judging me from something Danny made up? 

Were they that deluded, to see he was drunk? 

I sighed, I closed it and turned the music off, not wanting to listen to anymore of Danny singing. 

I got up and looked for my mobile. I picked it up from the small coffee table and started calling Cameron. Feeling really upset about this whole situation. 

"Hello?" Cameron answered. 

"Cameron. I've seen the interview and read all of the tweets." I cried, I couldn't take it anymore. I felt so embarrased now. 

"Katie. Don't cry. I can explain everything." 

"But you can't. You can't explain why Danny had to mention me. How did he even know we had a thing going on at all?!" I asked. 

"Katie.." Cameron began.

But I just pulled the phone away and hung up. Looking up at the celing and closing my eyes tightly shut, so the tears rolled down my cheeks, then I sniffled. 

I threw my mobile onto the sofa and walked into my bedroom. I closed the door and jumped onto my bed, crying even more. 

A couple of hours later...

A loud knock at my apartment door shocked me. 

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, I must've fell asleep after crying. At first I didn't really realize that someone was knocking on the door. 

Then it clicked as the door knocked again, I shot up and gasped. 

I looked in the mirror, I looked like a total mess, but I had no time to wipe the make-up from my eyes and sort my hair out, so I walked out of my room and opened the front door.

As I did I felt someones grasp around my body. 

I then knew it was Cameron hugging me. I took a deep breath, then hugged him back tightly. Not wanting to let go, ever. 

(Cameron POV)

I pulled away from the hug and looked right into Katie's beautiful eyes, seeing them covered in make-up, she looked like a total mess. 

She must of been crying for so long. 

I frowned, then I rubbed her arm. 

"Katie. I'm sorry about everything, Danny found out and blabbed it on an interview for all of our fans to see. I couldn't stop him from saying what he said and the way he said it." I quietly said.

I saw her nod, then she started crying again. 

I pulled her in for another hug, not wanting to be upset too, I hated seeing the girl who I loved more than anything or anyone, so sad. 

I pulled back again, and kissed her soft, warm lips as hard as I could. 

Then she started kissing back, I wrapped my arms around her waist as she put her arms around my neck, our kisses became much more hungry. 

I kind of liked it though. 

We ended up kissing our way into her bedroom, ripping clothes off eachothers backs. 

She was just in her bra and knickers and I was in my boxers. 

I kissed down her stomach, then I pulled her underwear off. 

She pulled my boxers off as I undid her bra. 

Then we shared one final kiss, before I went inside. 

Grasps, moans and groans filled the apartment, as we made love to eachother for the first time ever.

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