Chapter Two - Home sweet home.

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(Cameron POV)

I got off my flight and quickly went into the airport, I checked myself in and more, then I walked out into the main airport. 

I was greeted by my family and then we got into the car and started driving down to York. 


Once we arrived home, I got out of the car and carried my bags into the house and I headed up to my bedroom. 

Nothing had been touched, it was just how I left it, clean covers, tidy room. 

I smiled and I walked deeper into the room and placed my bags onto the bed. 

Then I took a seat and looked around my room, I smiled again. 

"Home sweet home.." I thought to myself.

My walls were all white, I had a coffee coloured carpet, a long mirror and a dresser which on top of that, hand guitar picks, paper that I'd written lyrics down onto. And there was a photo frame. 

I frowned, not remembering what photo it was, so I stood up and walked over to take a closer look.

I looked at the photo for a while, presuming my face had no emotion, then I slighlty smiled. 

The photo was of me and Katie, which had been taken some time before we left, when everyone was totally happy, when she was at her best around us. 

She had blue hair in the photo, she was grinning and so was I, she looked as like she was trying to get me to catch her, but it totally failed so we were laughing. Her arms wrapped around my neck and her one leg around mine and the other on the floor. 

I grinned, remembering back to old times with her, a good three year friendship. I remembered when me, James and Sam first met her, she was quite shy and worried about being around us. But after one night with us all, we were all very close. 

But then I frowned as I went to sit back down on my bed. 

"I wonder what happened to her.." I thought. 

I remembered to when we were leaving her, Danny said sorry to her that we were all leaving, she was just crying so much.

Danny never even asked her if she wanted to come with us. I never said anything about it though. But then when we were halfway to America, he suddenly clicked and he said he should of asked her. 

I hated remembering that. It was just so sad, the first few weeks or so, we would just sit in silence and think about her.

Except Ben, he never even seemed bothered about leaving her. Fame was on his mind and he got too endulged with being known by more than a small ammount of people. That phase died down after a year though. 

But once he was done with being Mr Rockstar, everyone had forgotten about Katie. 

I sighed. 

Then a loud knock on my bedroom door shocked me. 

"Woah! You scared the shit out of me." I said to my brother as he walked into the room laughing.

"You glad to be home?" He asked me. 

I nodded. "Yeah, home fucking sweet home. It's nice being back in York, we'll have to go out tomorrow and get pissed though. I need it after a while of none British beer." 

He laughed. 

"Do you remember that girl, Katie May?" I asked my brother.

He stopped laughing, then he just nodded. 

"Yeah, I know her, she still lives in York you know. I don't know where she lives because she  got engadged and moved out. Then I don't know anything else really." He answered. 

"Woah, wait. Did you just say she got engadged?" I asked my brother, feeling kind of sad. 

He nodded. "Yeah, she did, to that Jake guy you mentioned, the one that went to the good-bye party with her." 

I sat there, totally shocked and sad. I don't know why I was sad, it was my fault because I hadn't ever got in touch with her. 

"Oh." Is all I could make come from my mouth. 

"Don't worry, last year they broke up, they never got married." He said.

I suddenly felt relief.  

I really needed to try and find her then, if she still lived in York, I'd have to at least bump into her once. 

I wanted to catch up on everything that I'd missed in her life. I felt terrible for not getting into contact with her. 


Author Note: So hello, the story is getting off to a start, I kind of didn't know what to write about in this chapter, so sorry that it's a little crap, but we need a good story before they meet up.

Thanks for the reads. 

- Laura Worsnop

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