Chapter Twenty Four - Tour Day

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Sunday Morning


(Katie POV)

I felt someone nudging me, I groaned and opened my eyes, however I regretted opening my eyes. 

"Oh my god!" I gasped, grabbing my head. It hurt so much.

"You've got a hangover Katie. You got pissed last night and I had to almost carry you back. Tour day, come on, up." Cameron said, poking my leg.

I kicked him and groaned, but he just laughed and started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing and rolling about. 

He was topless and had boxers on and I had a white bra and knickers on. It really showed off my tattoos. 

Cameron stopped tickling me, then he leant forward and kissed me. I embraced the kiss as much as I could, I knew I wouldn't be kissed much by him on tour, as we were infront of everybody else.

Then he pulled back and smiled. "Get up." He whispered.

I groaned again as I rolled onto the floor. Then shot back up as soon as I remembered it was a dirty hotel floor. I sighed, then started walking into the bathroom, to shower quickly. We had a few hours until we had to check out of the hotel and hop right onto the tour bus. 

I was excited about touring with them, it should be interesting and fun. But I was kind of nervous too, lots of their fans hated me, and I still wasn't super cool with the boys yet, so I was scared about what people thought of me. 


"There, done getting ready." I said as I put away my eyeliner pencil. 

I was wearing normal make-up, my hair was straight and tied back, I had my nose ring in too. Then I was wearing a long floral summer dress which was quite nice, it was yellow, pink and white, it was also strapless. Then I was wearing white slip on shoes. 

"You look lovely." I heard Cameron say behind me. 

I turned and smiled. He was wearing his usual atire, a shirt, ripped jeans, jacket and leather combat boots. 

"So, I just got off the phone with Sam, and he said the tour bus will be here earlier, so we need to make sure we've got everything with us, then we need to leave as soon as we can to Ben's house, because we have no time information." He then said, throwing a few things into the suitcase which was open on the bed. 

I nodded, then got up and searched for my suitcase, as soon as I found it, I threw my now cooled down straightners in there, with my make-up bag and hairbrush. I then wandered off to find a few more things. 


(Cameron POV)

We were now at Ben's house, sitting down and talking with everyone else. 

I was looking forward to touring again, so I could meet fans and see fans again, that's what I loved most really about the job. Being able to see amazing fans who love and support our band loads. 

I smiled to myself at the thought, then I frowned, because I knew Katie was nervous, I didn't have to ask her if she was nervous, because the way she would act would show it, and last night when she was asleep she starting sleep talking and she was saying something along the lines of. 

"I don't want to go on tour, I'm scared." 

I cuddled closer to Katie as she sat there, silent and just nodding her head along to the conversation James was having with everyone. I wasn't paying attention really, I was too busy thinking about other things.

Me and Katie were so a like. She would also get nervous and shy around people, and just sit there not really getting into any conversations, she'd just nod along and sometimes drift off into daydream world because she wasn't interested. I would also do that, and I think that's how we would connect so well, because we both were shy, and together we were noisy and a load of fun, we'd never get bored of eachother. 

"Bus is here!" I heard Sam call. 

I looked up, snapping out of my daydream, and noticed everyone staring out the window at the huge bus. 

I smiled at Katie, and she gave me a nervous smile back, still not saying anything, then we both got up, got our bags and headed onto the bus...

A few hours later...

(Katie POV)

We were now on the tour bus and settled down drinking beers. It was kind of nice, it was a huge tour bus. And it was full of some other people, like the tour manager, stage manager, lights and drum tech. It was interesting though. 

The more people, the more funny it was. Sam and James had already had a drink off with some wine that Ben had brought from a cheap off licence. 

I was sitting next to Cameron, I didn't want to move from his side really, as I was shy around everyone else. I sat quietly and just smiled along with jokes and nodded along with serious conversations. 

"Are you okay?" I heard Cameron whisper into my ear. I looked at him and nodded. 

"I'm good, just a little shy around people." I said.

He laughed. "You'll get used to them all soon enough. Don't be so quiet." 

"Says you!" I giggled. 

Cameron smiled, then cuddled closer to me a little, I leant my head on his shoulder and he kissed me. 

Then all of a sudden.


Everyone jumped and then started cheering and laughing. This was going to be an entertaining time with them all wasn't it?

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