Chapter Sixteen - Meet the dreaded.

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(Katie POV)

Me and Cameron had just been hanging all day, watching films and snuggling up to one another. 

Now we were just getting ready to go and have dinner with my mum and stepdad, yes. My mum and stepdad had got back together a couple of years ago. 

Cameron walked over to me in a suit, trying to do his tie up, but he was stuggling. 

"Come here." I chuckled, as I sorted his tie out. 

"This so isn't like me." He moaned.

I laughed and playfully punched him. 

"Oh shut up, you need to look suitable to meet my parents." 

Cameron smiled at me and pulled me into a huge hug. 

"I love you." He said, then he kissed my forehead. 

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 

"I love you too." I replied. 

Tonight I was wearing a black corset top, with a normal black skirt, which went down to my knees, then I had black heels on and a black women's blazer. 

My hair was straightened and I had pale foundation on with red lipstick, then black eyeshadow, liner and masscara on. 

I loved how I looked. 

Cameron also had his hair straight for tonight.  He was wearing a black blazer, long black tie, black skinny jeans, dark red shirt and his black combat boots.

He looked really attractive. 

I turned to the mirror as Cameron slipped his phone from his pocket, taking a snap of us then uploading it onto Instagram.

With the caption as; 

"Going to meet my beautiful girlfriends mum and stepdad tonight! #Stoked!" 

I smiled at him, I picked up my black purse and then took his hand, as we walked out of the apartment. 


(Cameron POV)

Me and Katie got out of the taxi and took eachother by the hand, then we headed into the restaraunt. 

We walked futher in and Katie waved at someone, then squeezed my hand a little. Telling me it was her parents.

Then we started walking up to the table. 

Her stepdad and her mother stood up as they saw us approach. 

"Meet the dreaded parents." Katie joked as she let go of my hand, gesturing me to shake their hands. 

I shook her stepdads hand first. 

"Nice to meet you, Cameron." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too, Sir." I replied back, feeling kind of nervous. 

Then I gave her mum and kiss on the cheek and a hug. 

I'd met her back before we left, the last time I saw her was at the pub on New Year's eve. 

"Alright love?" She greeted. 

I nodded and smiled. 

Then we took a seat. 

2 Hours Later...

(Katie POV)

At first Cameron didn't know how to act around my parents. 

He was clearly shy and nervous in case he messed up and annoyed them. 

But after a while he started speaking more and they got into a really good conversation. 

Now we were just sitting kind of silent, because we'd eaten and kind of talked about everything we could really. 

"Well, that was a lovely meal, wasn't it?" My mum said, trying to start another conversation.

We all just nodded and smiled, too full to want to really talk. 

Then my stepdad put money down, he payed for my mum and himself, then Cameron payed for me and him.

That seemed fair, then we all stood up and started walking outside of the restaraunt, thanking the people who'd served us all night. 

We got outside, the cold air hit me. 

Cameron put his arm around my waist and pulled me close, trying to warm me up. 

"Get in then, we'll give you a lift back to Katie's then." My stepdad said.

Me and Cameron clambered into the back of his car, then off we went. 


(Cameron POV)


We pulled up outside the apartment block, me and Katie climbed back out of the car, into the coolness again. 

Thanking her stepdad as we shut the doors, then Katie came around to me and hugged me, as they drove off into the night.

Katie looked up at me and smiled. 

"Thanks for meeting my parents." She said.

I nodded and kissed her head. 

"Anything for you. I kind of enjoyed being around them really, I got to know a LOT more about you, missy." I winked.

They kept telling me embarrasing stories about Katie when she was younger, and when we were gone for 3 years. Lots happened.

They told me in more detail about what happened with Katie and Jake. How they broke up and more. I felt sorry for her really.

Jake had been pushing Katie around, he'd slap her when he didn't get his own way, he was very controlling and abusive towards her. She had told her family that she didn't want to marry him. So they approached him about the situation, he became violent towards her biological father. 

Then soon after, Jake dumped her, leaving in the middle of the night, leaving just a note saying.

"Leaving here forever, good luck in life." 

He had truely broken her heart. We had already broke it, but he went and did that on her, another man who she thought she'd be with, forever.

Katie smiled at me, then she tiptoed up and kissed me. 

I held her closer to me, her soft lips were so nice.

Then we pulled back. 

"See you in the week." She smiled.

I nodded and smiled at her. "Goodbye lovely." 

Then I finally let go of her hands, feeling lonely again, as she unlocked the apartment block main door, turned to me, smiled, then went inside. 

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