Chapter Thirty Three - Reunited

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Thursday Afternoon 


(Katie POV)

I was sitting on the bus again, we were now getting close to the next city, that's where I'd be seeing Cameron again. 

I was lying in my bunk, Ben had let me borrow his laptop for a while, as I hadn't checked Twitter in ages. I was scrolling through my interactions, there was millions. 

People had mainly retweeted, followed or favorited tweets, but then I got down to a bunch of tweets involving my name. I looked at them, most calling me beautiful and saying that me and Cameron were made for each other. 

I smiled to myself, at least fans were getting used to me a little now. 

I got down to a tweet, it looked like a haters tweet, but it had almost 10K retweets. It was off a band member, I won't mention the band name or member, but it said. 

"Katie and Cameron aren't made for each other at all. She's stunning and Cameron is ugly as fuck!" 

It broke my heart. Why did people, even members out of different bands need to mock our relationship, it hurt me even more as it was an insult mainly to Cameron. 

He wasn't ugly at all! This band member was ugly, and a cunt. 

I didn't want to reply to it at all, I just wanted to ignore it, as it would cause a stir between many fans. But I needed to say something, I couldn't just let the prick get away with making a rude comment like that. 

So I began typing away.


"You're a fucking rude twat. Don't make comments like that again, leave us alone." Danny mocked. 

He was reading the tweet that I had sent to that band member from his mobile. Everyone on the bus was smirking. I just sat with a blank face, not really caring. 

"I needed to say something, didn't I? People can't just take the piss out of our good relationship and think it's okay." I said.

Danny went to say something witty back, trying to act like he knew best. But Ben interrupted him. 

"Danny, dude. Just leave it alone, okay? It's nothing to do with us lot, it's to do with this guy, Katie and Cameron." Ben said to Danny. 

Danny sighed and smiled at me, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and went to sit back down on the sofa. 

Three hours later.

(Cameron POV)

I walked up to the bus, feeling kind of sleepy, but at the same time, excited to see my beautiful Katie again. 

I unlocked the door and just walked straight on, nobody was in sight, so I placed my bags on the sofa and stretched, feeling really out of it. 

"Cameron?" I heard someone say behind me.

I turned to see Katie, standing with her hair tied back, a grey hoodie and denim blue shorts on. 

She smiled and ran towards me, I picked her up as she jumped into my arms, then I just hugged her tightly, very happy to see her again. 

I pulled back and kissed her straight away, never wanting to be away from her. 

"I've missed you so much." She whispered.

I grinned, looking into her eyes. "I've missed you too." 

She smiled and kissed me again. 

"So, where is everyone?" I asked her. 

"They all went to get something to eat. I didn't feel up to it." She answered. 

I frowned a little. "Katie?" I began. "Have you not been eating again?" 

She just stood there, her face went plain and she gulped. 

I sighed. "Katie! I told you not to do that. You will become really ill again, I don't want you being ill. I've already been ill on this tour, we can't have you being ill. I wouldn't want to have to be away from you again." 

Katie looked down at the floor and started fiddling with her sleeve, not wanting to look up at me. 

"I'm sorry Cameron, it's just. I don't want to be fat at all, and with all the stress of you being ill. I don't know what came over me. I promise I'll start eating again." She muttered.

I weakly smiled at her, then gave her a hug again. 

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She replied. 

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