3 : Unpacking

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"c'mon y/n, now you're gonna be respectful and ladylike all shy, just give that poor man a hug like you did with the past 7" Jaehyun had to embarrass me, I glared at him and went to give him a hug that was quite awkward and he introduced himself "I'm Jungwoo, Jaehyun's room mate, nice to meet you", he said this in the cutest way possible.
"I'm y/n"

"okay so now we really have to go" jaehyun said then faced jungwoo "can you give her the rest of the tour house, keep an eye on her and don't let her do anything stupid" he chuckled in response and I just rolled my eyes at him.
Taeyong gave me a quick kiss on my forehead and left with jaehyun to god knows where.

"so what do you want to see?" jungwoo asked. "honestly I prefer to start unpacking, because if I don't I'll never will lol" "I can help you unpack if you want" he suggested, "you really don't have to, but if you're free and you don't mind I could use the help" he smiled "with which suitcase are we starting with?" I smiled back at him and pointed at the biggest suitcase out of the 3. He helped me lay it on the back and open it, he started handing me the clothes and I was hanging them in the closet. And me being me, having a little bit of OCD, I just had to hang my clothes by color (even though I don't wear or have very colorful clothes) but I just had to.

After a while we finished unpacking the big suitcase there was only left a small suitcase with all my books and stuff that I need when I'm studying or for the university, and another small suitcase that had all my personal stuff like my skin care products, underwear, accessorize... stuff I should probably unpack alone.

I realized that when we were unpacking we didn't really talk much about important stuff, just talked about where I wanted to put my stuff or laughed at just Jaehyun things, we really didn't share much stuff about ourselves except for the stuff you ask about when you meet someone: 'do you have siblings?' 'birthday? age? sign?' you know, the general stuff, but we didn't talk about things we may have in common or such, maybe because he was a little bit shy and well me too, but I hope it gets better between us.

He asked if I needed help also unpacking the other suitcases but I refused and thanked him for helping me, and at that exact moment someone was yelling 'dinner's ready' and my guess is that it's Johnny. So Jungwoo stepped aside from the door and said "ladies first" I blushed slightly and smiled at him, like if this was Jae or Haechan they would've ran to the kitchen closing the door in my face.

When we got downstairs Taeyong and Jaehyun had just arrived putting down bags in the kitchen I guess they were grocery shopping, whatever, then Doyoung shouted at all the guys that we're grouping in the kitchen "guys can you just sit at the dinner table and I'll bring the food, along with Johnny because he has been nagging me for the past 10 minutes". Along with this chaos 'okays' and 'fines' could be heard, we all went to sit at the table I sat between Taeyong and Haechan, who was sitting beside Johnny, coincidently Jungwoo was sitting across from me, I didn't notice I was staring at him until Haechan poked my arm" what are you looking at?" "n-nothing". He lowered his voice "were you staring at Jungwoo?" "no I was not! I was just kind of daydreaming... so I didn't notice where I was looking at" he continued his teasing "daydreaming about who" he said wiggling his eyebrows "oh shut up".

We were all chatting together while eating and then I mentioned to Haechan that I needed to go shopping, I need some stuff for me and for school, but I don't know the good shops in this area so Johnny said out of nowhere getting the attention of everyone "I'll help you! I know all the good shops in here, plus I need to buy some stuff too, so we can go tomorrow, together"(no, tomorrow x together, author trying to be funny with a broken humor, back to the story) "that's an amazing idea, thanks Johnny!" "although I don't know when we'll finish practicing so I can't tell you when exactly, and if it was late and we had to come pick you up to go maybe they'll be closed by then".

 I really got excited for a second there so I replied with a sad 'oh' but then Haechan suggested "hey why don't you come with us to practice tomorrow, you'll see our workplace and maybe you get to meet the dreamies too!" " well I guess I'll go if it's okay with you guys" they all said that of course it's okay and that I'm welcomed to come anytime. 

After we finished dinner I helped Doyoung and Taeil clean everything and do the dishes, even though they insisted they didn't want me doing anything, but I can be a tough head sometimes! After that I went to my room to continue unpacking my stuff leaving the boys downstairs, and I was pretty tired so I decided to finish unpacking, say goodnight and go to sleep because I was pretty tired plus I'm gonna have to wake up early to go with the boys...

When I was done I went to say goodnight to the boys, and give them their goodnight hug! Because first of all, as Jaehyun says -even though it's not that true- I'm a hug obsessed person, second of all these boys are gonna be soon like my family, so I might as well treat them like one from the start. Am I right? of course I am right.

I did all I wanted to do, and now I'm just sliding in my bed to drift into a good night of sleep. I decided to leave the door a little bit open because Taeyong said he's not gonna go to sleep early today.


The next morning I woke up, I checked the clock it was still early, but I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I decided to just sneak out of the room trying my possible not to disturb Taeyong and go downstairs. Once in the kitchen I found Mark there, grabbing eggs from the fridge "oh hey Mark" "hi y/n, so did you have a good night of sleep in your new bed?" he asked in the most perfect canadian accent I ever heard, maybe because it's the only one I ever heard but who's counting lol. "yeah I did thanks for asking! Sooooooo, what are you doing?" "oh I'm just doing eggs?" he saod a bit unsure "do you want some"  "why not!"

As we were chatting laughing and getting to know each other more, I noticed that the eggs that mark is trying to do doesn't look quite good, but before I could step in and save the eggs, a sleepy Doyoung entered the kitchen taking the pan from Mark "how many times do I have to tell you : stay out of the kitchen please" then he turned to face me "good morning y/n, I hope you had a good night of sleep" " I did, thank you" I replied giving him a hug, "please whenever you see Mark going near the kitchen, stop him, or call one of us" although Mark didn't let me reply "HYUNG! c'mon I'm not that bad" me and Doyoung looked at each other, then at Mark "yeah you are" we both said.

then do young continued "Mark please get out of this kitchen and start waking up the members, y/n if you don't mind helping me with the breakfast" but Mark just had to interrupt me again lol "how do you know you can trust her more than me in the kitchen?!" "well I still remember how she was helping Jaehyun when we had the cooking competition so don't worry about that and go", "wow Doyoung how do you still remember" I asked surprised he still remembers "well I have a good memory, now let's get to work" "yes chef" he just laughed, and started getting stuff from the fridge.

as we were setting the table, I told Doyoung I need to grab something from upstairs but then Haechan asked where is Jungwoo and Mark replied "I woke him up, but he said 5 more minites so I let him be" Doyoung sighted, and looked at me " can you wake him up on your way please?" "yeah of course"

I entered the room and saw him sleeping there peacefully, I almost didn't want to wake him up because of that, ugh how can someone be this pretty while sleeping?! I look like a dying animal while I'm sleeping! I went closer to him, and whispered in his ear "Jungwoo wake up" after a few more tries he opened his eyes and just smiled at me like a little kid, I didn't want an awkward silence to fill the place so I said the first thing that crossed m mind "you need to tell me your secret!" he looked confused "w-what secret?" "what do you do to wake up looking like a supermodel, and sleeping even more beautifully than snow white?! Because me sleeping or me waking up literally looks like some sort of scary witch" he looked once again confused then chuckled " c'mon I'm sure it's not that bad" "oh believe me it is" he just shook his head and said "we'll see"

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