20 : Leaving

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Once they told them they were all happy and supportive and even some of them winning bets they made about the two, which is really funny since Jaehyun was also betting saying he always knew they'll end up together.

And since then they've been in a happy healthy relationship close to each other, but this wasn't going to last long, they both had high hopes about their relationship but you know what they say about hope: it breeds eternal misery.

Months had passed and Y/n had already finished her university year and was waiting for her results, she was more anxious than usually cause this time she had an additional course in which she also had a test, and the score on this one will determine if she stays in Korea and continue her studies, or go to USA and study there for a year having elite courses and an opportunity of having a greater diploma than the one she'll have if she stayed here.

The thing that was bugging her was that she didn't tell anyone about this except her parents and her brother because she wasn't sure if she'll even have the required score or if she did, agree to it.

Y/n P.O.V :

I was really anxious about the results, because if I got the required score I'll have to tell them about it right away, if I do end up going it's gonna be in 4 days, the night of my uni graduation ceremony. All the students that took this course already made up their mind about going and I thought I was ready that's why I signed myself up...

All of us were in the living room, they were more excited to see my results than I was lol, we waited for quite some time, chatting, and then, ting, a notification: my results. I jumped in happiness showing them my grades, all of them cheered for me and had their little 'party party yeah' (any armys here? Must be )

Then I decided to check my score for this course I took, I was between those 10 students that were chosen out of 40 with a pretty high score I must say, I was really proud of myself for making it but now I have to tell them about it...

"guys..." they all turned their attention to me obviously questioning why I was doing my little party party yeah "I have to tell you all something" they all sat down waiting for me to speak "mid-year some people from USA came to our uni proposing a onetime opportunity; courses and tests and if by the end of the year if you get a high score you'll get scouted, obviously I participated and I got a really high score so I get to participate"

"That's so great y/n, why the long face?" asked Jisung

"well that's the thing, it's in USA" the silence was really loud after I said this, then Chenle broke it "for how long?" "a year..." The tension was really weird then Jungwoo asked, not in usually sweet voice "when?" "graduation day, in 4 days" before anyone could say anything and make the tension thicker than Namjoon's thighs Ten jumped out trying to be positive "well! Let's make most of those 4 days and help you pack for this amazing opportunity, we're really proud of you, plus it's only a year don't go in full emo mode" we all laughed at this last comment and they all agreed and congratulated me, except for Jungwoo who was nowhere to be seen.

Lastly was Renjun to congratulate me and I could feel that he was upset a bit "I'm really happy for you but I won't lie to you, it makes me sad too that you'll have to leave for a whole year, also the fact that you didn't tell us sooner... I mean telling us before 4 days is really not the best option" I nodded smiling sadly admitting that it was a bit rushed.

Once I was done with Renjun I searched for Jungwoo, I went to our room and saw him sitting on his bed, head in his hands "hey... are you okay ?" he looked at me clearly not so pleased with me right now "what do you think? how would you feel if your girlfriend told you that she's leaving for a year in only four days?!"

"but if I had told you sooner and didn't get the score I needed I would have worried you for nothing" but my answer didn't cut it "no you can't say that because you could've easily told me that there's a possibility you might go" but I had another argument "I also didn't want you to treat me differently and spend all your time with me while missing out of work and rests"

"it isn't your problem! It for me to choose if I want to miss out, worry or not, you don't have to think in my place. You only have to tell me and I deal how the fuck I wanna deal with it" I just stayed silent looking at me feet, having nothing left to say so he continued "I can't do this right now, see you" and with that he left leaving me with tears running on my face.

This night I slept in Jaehyun's room, I just needed to feel my brother's comfort, I know we fight a lot but he's still my brother who I would do anything for and vice versa, this night I cried myself to sleep thinking about leaving all those guys whom I grew so much close to and literally feels like family, to live alone in a whole different country...

3 days later :

It was grad day, I went and got my make up and hair done, and wore my short black dress and over it the gown. Once there I met up with my classmates and got ready for our ceremony, they started calling out the names, when my name came I went up there nd accepted my diploma, I quickly glanced at the guys who were hyping me up in the back, all of them were there, except him... I really thought he would bee here.

That's when I saw him entering the gates with flowers in his hands, suddenly I had the brightest smile on my face, damn what one person can have so mush effect on you.

Once I was done we all headed to a restaurant to celebrate and to have our last meal together because after that I'll be flying to the USA, we we all chatting and laughing, taking pictures, silly ones funny ones cute ones, we were literally the loudest there but who cares.

When the time came we went to the airport, and that was one of he hardest goodbyes I had ever done, actually the hardest one, I literally kept crying like a hungry baby while saying goodbye to each and every one of them, it was too much, then it was Jungwoo's turn and damn I don't think after that I'll have anymore tears in my body to cry out.

"I know I should've told you sooner I realize that but-" he pulled me into a hug "it's okay don't worry about it" I could feel his voice shaking but he was trying his best not to shed a tear because he knew how much that would break me.

It was clear that we were broken up, especially that we both hate long distance relationships but I had to say this, for his happiness's sake "meet a lot of people okay? and keep me updated! but don't you dare forget me Kim Jungwoo" I said chuckling to keep myself from shedding more tears.

"don't worry, I'll forget the whole world before I even dare to forget you Jung y/n" that made me smile like a five year old child who just got his favorite toy. I said one last goodbye before turning and leaving for a new life, but you wait for me Korea, I'll be back soon, a year won't be that long...

the end.

I'm joking.

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