27 : Date

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"I guess it's okay, I have you with me" and she gave him that sweet smile of hers, he nodded and turned off the light tucking himself in his side of the bed. And just like felt cold hands being wrapped around his torso, realizing her mistake she was about to remove her hands and apologize but he was quicker wrapping his arms around her small figure.

She looked up to him, and even in the dark both could see each other clearly gazing into each other's eyes, breaking the silence she asked "why?"

Jungwoo was taken aback by the question, what did she mean by why, and before he could ask she continued "why is this happening Jugwoo, there must be a reason, maybe fate, i don't know but I can't deny it anymore, even my body can't, yes I still like you from the moment we kissed in front of SM I knew it that I still had feelings for you but I didn't want to believe it at first in case you aren't sharing this feeling anymore, but I can't keep acting like there's nothing between us, I still have hope for us I don't know if you do too but I had to say it, I can't keep lying to myself about it"

Jungwoo was puzzled, he never thought y/n could be the type of girl to just confess so confidently, for a moment there he forgot he had to reply he was shocked. I mean he was planning on doing the first move himself... but now she already did it. The boy didn't know what to say so he randomly blurted out "doyouwannagoonadatetomorrowI'vewantedtoaskyoubutdidn'tknowhow"


He repeated "do you wanna go on a date tomorrow I've wanted to ask you but didn't know how" letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding, then mentally slapped himself for sounding that silly and finding nothing other than this as a reply for the emotional stuff she said, but suddenly y/n burst out laughing at his silliness and he couldn't help but laugh too.

She looked at him and smiled "yes Jungwoo I would like to go on a date with you tomorrow" then both of them bid each other goodnight cuddling and drifted to dreamland feeling whole again like when they were still together.

The next day Jungwoo woke up before y/n so he decided to prepare her a little breakfast. While he was working on his breakfast in the kitchen he could feel a pair of eyes on him he turned around seeing two of the members spying on him, and y'all probably know who those two are. I mean it's kinda obvious, first of all it's always Ten and he seems like he dragged with him this time poor Yangyang.

When he looked at them he saw Ten wiggling his eyebrows at him and Yangyang making kissing noises, so he just threw an apple that was beside him at them while finishing the breakfast. Jungwoo grabbed it heading to his room taking back the apple from Yangyang on his way leaving him apple-less.

Once he was in the room y/n had already woke up

"good morning beautiful" y/n couldn't help but blush at his comment as she turned to reply "hello handsome" and just like that it was like old times again, happy times again. While they were eating the breakfast Jungwoo made y/n asked him "so when and where is gonna be our date?" The boy just placed a finger in front of his mouth shushing and moving his head left to right indicating that he's not gonna tell her anything about it.

She pouted and continued "you have to at least tell me where I need to know what type of outfit should I wear" he shook his head again and just replied with "just wear something comfortable but try not to look like a homeless person" he laughed as she threw the pillow at him joining him laughing, and before he took the plates back to the kitchen he said "oh and bring a jacket with you" as he left, leaving y/n wondering where could you be taking her...

She decided to go to Jungwoo's most trusted source Doyoung. She went to his room, knocked on the door and the boy's familiar voice was heard saying "come in". She came in and greeted him good morning while she sat on the bed. The boy wasn't dumb so he asked her "what brings you here? and at this time in the morning knocking on my bedroom door?"

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