14 : Satan's waterfall

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"Y/n! I brought you-" The door was slammed open with an alarming speed to reveal Ten, his eyes bulged out of their sockets when he spotted Jungwoo lying topless on top of me, we tried to get off but it only ended up with us falling on each other again.

Ten turned whiter than a ghost, all colors left his face, we tried to explain what he had walked in on but he only snorted regaining his colors back with a smirk on his face "don't worry I'll just comeback later, you do your thing" he said as he gripped the door knob and began closing the door, not before whispering "don't forget to use protection"

I didn't know how to feel, a part of me wanted a sink hole to swallow me up and a part of me wanted to burst out laughing, I mean were old enough to get a dirty joke, it's not like we're still teenagers. (the irony, cz I still am lol)

Once Ten was out and we were sure he left and not hiding behind our door, we got up and just laughed it off and did our morning routine so we can go downstairs for breakfast. All of them were already in the living room waiting for the food.

I sat beside Renjun who was patting the seat beside him "good morning sleepy head" he said ruffling my hair, I replied with a weak 'hey' still not having the complete energy needed, I mean I haven't had my dose of caffeine yet.

"whose shirt are you wearing? Cause this surely isn't yours..." asked Renjun while we were chatting, "well it's Jungwoo's" he looked confused so I explained "no one told me that the trucks are coming today so I had no PJs, luckily I had some shorts in my bag, and Jungwoo gave me his shirt" he nodded not questioning furthermore and went back to the conversation we were having before he asked.

The food was finally served, we ate and rested for half an hour so we can start moving the boxes and unpack. First we decided to move all the boxes upstairs and then each can take his boxes, while moving them, Hendery and Xiaojun walked with me, each on a side also holding a box, "so we hear you and Jungwoo did the dirty" said Xiaojun wiggling his eyebrows and before I could defend my self Hendery added "We don't mind it, just not every night okay?" "UGH TEN! I swear to god I'm gonna kill him! You guys why would you even believe that, you know it's not true" I defended myself.

"yeah yeah" they both replied giving me weird creepy looks just to tease me and went ahead. An hour later we had moved half of the stuff and that's when we realized that boxes were missing so Taeil called the staff to ask about it, they told him that one of the trucks broke down so he suggested that they go bring them with their cars because we really wanted to be done with this unpacking and moving, so Taeyong, Taeil, Doyoung and Jaehyun went there.

I started to move my boxes from the hallway to my room, I felt pain in my back although the box wasn't even heavy enough, and then it hit me: Satan's waterfall was beginning to flow. Shit I'm not just going to stand there looking for my pads in these thousands of boxes, I needed to go buy some, but I can't drive and neither Jaehyun or Taeyong were here, so I texted the best option 'Kun eomma'. In the time being I used toilet paper and changed into the leggings I was wearing yesterday.

Few minutes passed the someone knocked on my door, it was Kun, he grabbed the car keys and we left, he wanted me to stay in the car and let him go buy them but I told him that he wouldn't know what to buy, so we put our masks on and went in. I scampered off to find pads and grab along the way heating pads because I could tell this period is going to be a bitch.

He kept insisting on paying for my stuff so I accepted. Back home I ran up to the bathroom to change, once I did I felt a lot more comfortable and continued moving my stuff to the room and Kun being the only one knowing about it was trying to help me with the boxes and was not letting lift heavy ones, same thing happened when Jaehyun was back and I told him.

We finally had all the boxes in our rooms and finished the unpacking, took a small break to eat and then got back to it till we were done, and I was really surprise at how neat Jungwoo is, I'm so glad he's my roommate, just imagine me and Haechan as roommates, he would've found his messy ass fired from the room lol.

It was a bit late when we decided to have dinner but at least we were done with our rooms, although I was really tiered I didn't have the apatite to eat so I excused myself and went upstairs to take a hot shower and change.

Suddenly I got a message, it was from Jaehyun 'hey, you okay? you didn't eat anything' I swear to god the only good thing about my period is that this unbothered boi becomes bothered lol, I replied back ' yeah don't worry I'm fine, I'm just not hungry' I didn't want to worry him. Just when I was about to put my phone down, texts from the others started popping up, and the funny thing is that they all texted me private thinking the others didn't, so I stood on top of the stairs and raised my voice so they could hear me "you guys I'm okay I promise, I'm just not hungry, and please for next time just let one person text me" I said laughing.

Jungwoo POV:

After we finished eating I decided to check up on Y/n, because it was really strange coming from her not to eat, I mean we are midnight dinners/snacks partners and food is our bae, so I was worried, especially that we were working all day.

I went up, when I opened the door I found her sleeping peacefully on her bed. I didn't wat to wake her up so I decided to take my stuff and shower in one of the other's bathroom, I went to the bathroom to grab my stuff I noticed all the pads and I guessed it. Now I know why she didn't eat, she must've felt nauseous because of her period, I know this stuff cause of my older sister and I used to see how much of a pain in the ass is this mother nature.

Of course I won't tell her anything, I don't want her to feel uncomfortable but I'll take care of her like I used to do with my sister.


The next day, I woke up she was still asleep so I left the room quietly and went to the kitchen to make her a good breakfast. Once I was done I took it up to our room and she was already awake, "good morning sunshine, I made you breakfast" but it seems like she was still half asleep "huh?" I just laughed at her cuteness and placed the food on her thighs once she sat up "this. breakfast. for. you." she rolled her eyes trying not to laugh but I could clearly see it "I just woke up, I'm not dumb!" then she rubbed her eyes and continued "did you make this?" I nodded "why? I mean why bring it here too?"

"can't I make breakfast for my food partner? Also you didn't eat yesterday so you must be really hungry and tired" at first she seemed convinced but then I followed her eyes that were looking at our bathroom that was wide open and realization hit her "aish, you know" it was more of an affirmation than a question, "yea I guessed, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable"

She smiled "actually no I don't feel not a bit uncomfy, I mean it's a natural thing, girls shouldn't be ashamed and hide the thing that is able to give one of the best gifts in life" I swear to go this girl is amazing and I can't hide my admiration for her "I know right! Even though I can't understand not even half of what you go through but I can imagine because of my experience with my sister"

"you're one of the rare people that agrees with me on this opinion so thanks, I mean who the fuck decided that we should never talk about it, ugh I hate stupid unspoken rules" wow she really went from cute sleepy head to president of feminisms real quick, still cute though I couldn't help but smile "HEY WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME ?!"

"okay calm down I'm just smiling so eat your breakfast fast and get ready, we're going out for a bit" I said bopping her nose, "to where exactly?"

"it's a surprise"

okay I apologize if there was something really cringe, don't mind me, but don't worry next few chapters you'll see action ~taesgirllll

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