23 : Under The Rain

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I kept pulling until I broke free and ran to the front door but as soon as I opened it she was standing there. I was going to run back but suddenly everything disappeared it was all black, it was just me and her standing on nothing in nowhere, I was suffocating, I couldn't breathe, I was dying

That's when I woke up for real this time, barely being able to breathe feeling hot tears running down my face, I took some time to calm myself and process what happened. I thought by coming to Korea I would stop having nightmares from time to time about Ari but I guess not.

I got up and got ready to go furniture hunting, and also try to get my mind off of the dream, I didn't want to give it much thought especially the part where Jungwoo was. (if you want you can skip this part if you find it too boring but I like to write it in details with pictures, but ofc as always you can imagine what you want, it's just my opinion)

First I decided to pick stuff for the living room, went for the colors I like the most, black, grey and white :

Then it was time for the bedroom, I didn't pick a lot of stuff since I like to decorate my own way and that takes a looot of time so I only picked the important stuff:

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Then it was time for the bedroom, I didn't pick a lot of stuff since I like to decorate my own way and that takes a looot of time so I only picked the important stuff:

Then it was time for the bedroom, I didn't pick a lot of stuff since I like to decorate my own way and that takes a looot of time so I only picked the important stuff:

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Lastly the balcony:

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Lastly the balcony:

Once I was done and back home, I was exhausted and I didn't want to cook something so I decided to eat outside, treat myself some good meal, I decided to walk there since it was really close, I connected my air pods and left

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Once I was done and back home, I was exhausted and I didn't want to cook something so I decided to eat outside, treat myself some good meal, I decided to walk there since it was really close, I connected my air pods and left.

Walking there I swore I heard someone call my name but I didn't pay attention to it, it must be my imagination, but then out of nowhere one of my air pods was removed from my ear, I turned around to see who it was, TEN.

"oh heyy Ten!" "well, what got you so caught up in music you couldn't hear me yelling my lungs out your name, even that man across the street hear me and even gave me weird looks" he said laughing, pointing at the man who was still staring at him like some Karen who just got told there's no manager to talk to.

"ah I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I kinda heard something but I thought it was my imagination hehe oops."

"It's fine, so what are you doing here this late?"

"well I haven't cooked anything and I'm extremely exhausted to do so, so I decided to grab a bite there" I said pointing at the restaurant "wanna join ?" he smiled "is that even a question, I was going to invite myself anyways"

We walked there chatting and laughing, chose a table and ordered. While we were waiting for our food I glanced around, nothing changed here, just like the time me and Jungwoo used to sneak out and eat here. My face fell at the thought of him and this didn't pass unnoticed by Ten.

"hey, what's wrong? and don't try to lie, it never worked and never will, so spill" I hesitated at first, I didn't want to bother him with this, he already has enough on his plate, but thinking about it, he's right, he always knew when I lied so it's no good even trying to lie to him so spilled "well I'm kinda sad about Jungwoo, since when I came back Jae told him I did and since I came back till now he didn't even bother to call, I wondered why and I assumed that his girlfriend told him not to, and-" I couldn't continue since Ten was laughing his ass off shouting 'that smart brat! but I found out he's not that smart anymore huh', what's wrong with him! I was about to snap at him but he spoke before I could.

"First of all he doesn't have a girlfriend, those are just rumors and dispatch stuff, second of all I promised I would stay silent but this is too much so lemme just uncover this little prick of a brother you have, because Jungwoo is clearly no over you and neither are you, right?" I lightly nodded my head confused as fuck as he continued "well that annoying brother of yours made all of us promise not to tell Jungwoo about you, because 'it's your decision and we should respect it' so everyone went with it, but I still had doubts about it so I asked Renjun after he came back from your place if you talked about Jungwoo but he said you didn't even mention it once so I started to believe it and not talk to you about it, but right now I just prove I was right"

I was SHOCKED, it took quite some time for this to sink in and get what my brother was trying to do, and when reality hit I stood up raising my voice "THAT BITCH!" I grabbed my phone and dialed his number as fast as I could but he didn't answer so I grabbed my bag and Ten's arm "c'mon we're leaving"

"but the food-, wait never mind a good old siblings fight is better" It was cold outside but on my way to the dorms, dragging ten my body temperature rose to the point where I couldn't feel an ounce of cold.

Once there, I opened the door brutally and yelled at the top pf my lungs "JUNG JAEHYUNN!" and I could hear ten in the background saying "oh shit, this is gonna be good hehe". That unbothered bitch didn't reply so I stormed into his room, ten following me clearly happy about this situation and fully enjoying it. I opened his bedroom door "YOU JERK JUNG JAEHYUN" he looked at me puzzled at first then went back to his unbothered face replying "need something?" that made me even more mad like what the fuck Jaehyun are you really not bothered about the fact that at this point I might just end your life?!


"I mean what am I supposed to say, just tell me what you're here for" I swear to god this boy is not human.


"you found out" he muttered to himself "well I did it for both of your sakes, you two don't need more pain that you already have, you started a new life each of you when you decided to leave it's no use to go back to the past when you can still forget it and go forward"

My tears were already falling from how mad I was and my voice broke "even though Jae, it's not your decision to make, why? Why would you make me believe that he didn't want to call me or see me huh? I'm not forgiving you anytime soon for what you did" I turned to ten who was still standing at the door "where is he-"

"no y/n you're not going to see him!" Jae said holding my wrist, I yanked it out of his hand and raised my voice "Ten! Where is Jungwoo?"

"Still at SM probably overworking himself again" I left the room hearing Ten saying "you've done enough Jae leave her, for your and their own good"

It was raining so much but I didn't care, SM wasn't that far so I didn't even think about taking a car or something I just ran.

I ran, ran and ran till water was soaking me, I arrived in front of SM and there he was, leaving the building holding his practice bag and an umbrella.


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