18 : Another kiss

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He then grabbed my hand and his guitar "this will make you feel better cmon" and led me to the roof we sometimes sat at to have some peace from the nut--ci-ty home, he started playing soft melodies while we were looking at the sunset which made me feel a bit better indeed, and that made a single tear run down my face, which didn't pass unseen by Xiaojun.

"it isn't just the Jungwoo thing right?" how can he know me that well? Am I that much of an open book? so I decide since Renjun know this why not tell him.

"well it brought up a memory... and not a good one, actually a really bad one, only Renjun knows about this so it's kinda weird talking about it, and I know it's been quite some time and it might seem a bit silly for others..." he gave me a reassuring look to continue "well in high school I had a boyfriend, we were first friends for 4 years then we got together when Renjun first came and stayed together till our last year at school, I always thought he'd be the one I'll end up with, I really loved him so much, we even decided to move in together when we go to college. It was all working out perfectly until 1 week before prom and the next day after he made a big gesture to ask me to go to prom with him, I stayed late at school to watch him practice but his team told me he hasn't been coming since the middle of the year. I was weirded out, since his car was still here, I came closer and saw it, he was in his car with one of my friends, kissing... and more than that, I was broken..."

I couldn't continue, words got stuck in my throat, and that's when I felt Xiaojun's warmth around me as he hugged me tight. We stayed like this for quite some time then went back downstairs.

Jungwoo P.O.V. :

Y/n and Sungchan went to get the food while me and Jiyoug finish recording. We finished and about to leave but Jiyoug held me back saying she needs to tell me something but instead she kissed me, I was panicking so I didn't even realize I need to do something, so I came back to myself and pushed her away.

"I'm sorry Jiyoug I'm not into you like that, plus we're both idols and it's not right" I tried to be as much polite as I could and left to meet up with Sungchan and Y/n as she followed behind. Once there I asked Sungchan about Y/n, and he said that the staff saw her leave. I wonder why did she leave so early...

I was so impatient for this day to be done so I can go home and see if y/n's okay since she didn't reply to my texts nor my calls.

Once home I went to our room but she wasn't there, I couldn't find her so I asked Ten about her he said he saw her going in Renjun's room so I went there, she was sleeping, so I decided not to disturb her and talk to her tomorrow.

The next day around 6 p.m

I noticed that the whole day it seems like y/n was avoiding me so I decided to ask Taeyong and Jaehyun but they both had no answer, 'she's didn't talk to anyone of us since yesterday, only Renjun and maybe Xiaojun' I figured she didn't want to talk to anyone if she didn't even talk to them so I decided to give her space...

It almost going to be a week since left our room and since she last talked to me, she was always either sleeping in Renjun and Haechan's room or Xiaojun and Hendery's room, and with my tight schedule and her University and also maybe her avoiding me, I only saw her twice and both times I failed to talk to her, the only thing I knew about her is that Ten took her to the tattoo place again as both of them got new ones.

Third person P.O.V. :

It was finally Saturday and everyone was at home enjoying their free time, even Y/n who was now hanging out with Lucas and Ten in the living room, Jungwoo went over there to talk to Y/n he went there and found them laughing their asses off so he asked "what are you guys lauging about" but then Y/n replied with the coldest tone ever "nothing" and Lucas explained "you wouldn't get it it's just an inside joke we came up with" and Ten continued "zLoUp" and they started laughing again.

Jungwoo stood there almost in a trance. This was the loudest he had ever heard y/n laugh and he wasn't a part of it... An unfamiliar feeling started growing in his guts, it was almost jealousy but he would never admit it.

A while later Jungwoo felt like he needed to talk through this unknown feeling so he went to the person he always confided in, Doyoung.

"Doyoung, do you think y/n like all of you better than me? Or maybe she likes Ten, Xiaojun and Renjun better than me? and don' get me started on Lucas, Johnny, Mark and Haechan " the younger one complained, "I don't think she does but they spend a lot of time with her and most of the ones you mentioned are really close to her age"

"Okay I get Haechan, he's her childhood bestfriend but the others?" And maybe the young ones since they are close to her age but Ten and Johnny?! Actually no not maybe, just why?" Jungwoo continued frustrated.

Doyoung sighted and explained "Renjun, Xiaojun, Lucas and Ten are really close to her and they have been spending a lot of time with her, especially these days. And well Johnny, Ten and Mark are fluent in English so it's easier for her since English was the first language she learned" Jungwoo nodded calming a bit down, processing what is Hyung just told him.

"Now it's my turn to ask you something?" Jungwoo looked at him waiting for Doyoung to ask "you like her, right" it was more of an affirmation that a question but the answer was already written on his face he just kept his head low not saying a word.


They were all 24 of them having dinner together in the living room, talking and laughing. Jungwoo noticed that Y/n was smiling and laughing at jokes and stuff other member were saying, but when he's the one saying anything she was not even paying attention and that frustrated him.

"we should do this tomorrow too I miss you guys" said Johnny in a cringy way that made all of us laugh as we agreed.

"oh, I won't be here tomorrow" started Y/n "I'm going out with a friend" they all nodded but Jungwoo wasn't really delighted about the 'out with a friend' thing... So out of nowhere his mouth spoke -more like his jealousy- "well Jiyoug is coming tomorrow". She really was, but it was to resolve the kissing matter with their manager since Jungwoo didn't want anything to do with her, or get in trouble, but Y/n didn't know that and thought something else is going on.

Once they were done eating and watching a movie, they were all getting ready for bed. Y/n was passing by Taeil who was trying to tell Jungwoo how to take something that looked like a pill saying " just put it at the back of your tongue and drink water" so Y/n muttered " he wants something else in his mouth" but unfortunately Jungwoo heard her.

He went to her and grabbed her wrist making her turn and look at him "what was that supposed to mean?"

"oh you don't know? want me to tell you?" still grabbing he wrist he made her follow him to their room and closed the door "yes please tell me what was that about and why you keep on avoiding me, I only have been good to you, what did I do to make you hate me this much? I honestly can't think even of one single thing-" she didn't let him finish because she snapped, razing her voice.

"oh so you really don't know that what you did isn't wrong, even if you think I didn't see it, well I did and if you think kissing 2 different girls in 24 hours is okay with you, leading me onto something fake is okay then your way out of your line Kim Jungwoo! I was so hurt because after the kiss I really thought there was something between us but you're just playing me and-"

She couldn't continue because Jungwoo's lips were now on hers shutting her up, she pulled out ready to be angry angry again but the few words Jungwoo said made her forget everything and believe him when he said "she kissed me and I pushed her, I really like you too y/n" as he smiled holding her face "really?" she asked in a weak voice, "look into my eyes and see if I'm lying...actually no I'll show you" he kissed her again more passionately this time a she responded through the kiss.

They pull out to take a breath and look into each others eyes before Jungwoo grabbed Y/n to place her on the desk continuing their hot make out session...

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