25 : Nightmare (edited)

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When it was time for him to leave I accompanied him to the door, while he wears his shoes then I couldn't stop myself "Jungwoo? Do you have something tomorrow?"

"no I don't think so. Why?" I didn't know how to ask him, although it was really selfish so I didn't even know how to say it or what was I saying "could you like, I mean you don't have to, but like I was wondering, although you really don't have to just-"

He looked me straight in the eyes making me lower my head or either I would have transformed into tomato, and said "do you want me to say over?" I nodded shyly feeling really selfish and guilty about it and said "you don't have to I was just-"

"don't worry I want to" well I didn't expect this answer but it was definitely the one I was hoping for. He removed back his shoes and we both went back in.

"lemme just call Doyoung and tell him I'm not sleeping in the dorms tonight so he can cover for me" I was confused cover what? And just like he read my mind "from Jaehyun obviously, I don't want to die, we're all gonna die but not today" (any armys here?)

I just laughed at his mention of Namjoon and nodded agreeing with him. He took my phone since his died on him while he was still at SM, dialed Doyoung's number and called him.

"why the fuck aren't you home and why is your phone off? Do you know how late you are few hours and it's gonna be morning, you almost gave me a heart attack you rascal" I could clearly hear his voice out of the device and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

Jungwoo glared at me for laughing at him, I tried to stop but I couldn't since Doyoung was still scolding him. He managed to calm him down and explain the situation and when I say explain I mean very briefly explain the situation, while I still laughed at his struggle.

Once he was done he looked at me with a blank stare saying "and now it's time for revenge! Let's see now how much you'll laugh" Before I could realize what he said and what he meant by it I was already being tickled to death.

A bit later when we stopped the tickling fight, we decided it was time to sleep, I prepared the sofa for him and both got ready for bed.

"Goodnight Jungwoo, and thank you for everything today it was really perfect" I said as I hugged him goodnight. He pulled away and kissed my forehead murmuring with a sleepy voice 'goodnight'.


[TW: nightmare and fast mood swing ig?]

I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know how I got here. I was in the woods back where I used to go with Ari for her to pick up stuff for her lab work, it was really peaceful but slowely the sun went down and night was apon, all I know is that the darkness is coming closer. Dark tree trunks, shadows, overhanging limbs across the path seen at the last second, clumps of bushes, barely visible black trails snaking through the undergrowth, moon shining through a lattice of leaves, patchy sky and stars seen in glimpses through tree breaks, tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky I can feel the cold dampness of the ground underneath me. The chill of the earth against my temple helped cool the raging pain in my head. Sweat was on my lips, dryness in my throat, I could only glimpse the faint outline of the towering trees. It was definitely dark out. So where was the light coming from? My eyelids felt too heavy to keep open anymore. My eyes fluttered open for the last time to see a blinding light...then darkness.

I fell into a dark hole, then I saw this light back again but it was the story, more like the dream, repeating itself, as always it was Ari who was standing there as pale as the wall, a bit blue-ish having leaves of the plant that killed her growing out of her.

She looked at me smiling wickedly like she always does, but this time she didn't say anything. When I tried to say something her green tentacles attacked my neck. I was suffocating, I couldn't breathe, I was dying. Again.

I woke up and I could feel someone shaking me and calling my name, but it stopped when I opened my eyes. I took some time to process everything, and that what happened was a dream, then I realized that a startled Jungwoo is still holding me by the shoulders panicked as hell.

"w-what happened? was it a nightmare, you were literally screaming and crying and I couldn't wake you up" he managed to say.

I only nodded not being able to speak, we stayed like this for some time, silent then I said "you should go back to sleep I'm okay now"

"are you in your right mind ? There's no way I'm leaving you and going back to sleep, you're the one who needs to go back to sleep and I'm not moving from here" he said barely sitting on the end of my bed.

"no really I'm-" he got a bit mad "cut the crap okay? you're clearly not okay and I'm not moving from here end of discussion now go back to sleep, you need to sleep a little." I didn't have the will of the power to fight him over this so I just accepted it "fine but if I'm sleeping, you're sleeping too" he was a bit taken aback "beside you? you're sure? I just can stay like this"

"c'mon Jungwoo it's not like we've never slept in the same bed before" he nodded and slid in the the place I made for him. Not even a minute later I was already asleep. And for the the first time I stayed asleep till morning not even waking up again.


I know what I'm about to tell you is cringe and basic but what do you expect, I mean we did sleep in the same bed so it's obvious that we woke up in a cuddling pose.

I smiled recalling the memories we had and the time we used to wake up like this, obviously I miss it but ain't no way I'm saying something or doing something like I did yesterday, maybe he doesn't want to go back to the way we were maybe he needs time, and I too.

I got up first and went to the bathroom, I took a shower real quick and did my morning routine, and when I went to the kitchen smelling something good, there he was, making breakfast, like old times. I'm getting flash-backs and it's not helping.

We sat and had breakfast while discussing multiple things and it was decided that we needed to get all of nct together, especially Jaehyun and resolve everything.

So Jungwoo called Doyoung who by the way was still no so pleased with him but agreed to helps us get all of nct together for dinner.

Till it was dinner time we spent the day at my place talking about random things, then he tried to change my mind about going to see a psychologist, I finally agreed on one condition, no one can know about it, and he'll have to cover up for me if anyone asks.

Finally it was dinner time, we got ready and went to the dorm, at first we thought let's choose a dinner but we don't want to draw attention to us, and the subject isn't something easy, so better be safe than sorry.

Once there, Doyoung opened the door for us and leaned to whisper in my ear "jaehyun is not pleased, take it easy." I nodded as he patted my head and giving Jungwoo a smile.

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