26 : Dinner

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Finally it was dinner time, we got ready and went to the dorm, at first we thought let's choose a diner but we don't want to draw attention to us, and the subject isn't something easy, so better be safe than sorry.

Once there, Doyoung opened the door for us and leaned to whisper in my ear "jaehyun is not pleased, take it easy." I nodded as he patted my head and giving Jungwoo a smile. Not pleased?! I'm the one who's not pleased and still mad at him.

We went inside and greeted the other members, lastly was Jaehyun, it was really brief, barely a hi was said. As we sat down I seated myself between Jungwoo and Renjun, who was beside Doyoung and Ten, you know, I'll be needing support.

At first it was random conversations going on, then when it was time to talk about the serious talk, I got everyone's attention so I could start explaining things from the start of course avoiding the whole Ari thing since by now all of them knew about it, from time to time I could feel Renjun's hand on mine trying to help me continue while Jungwoo helped me explain. Most of the explaining was just about questions they had or part they didn't know and then it was our time to ask.

"why didn't none of you tell me what my brother here with us" rolled my eyes at him "was doing" they I looked at him "because clearly making decisions we should be making isn't enough but you're also mad? I should be the one who's mad not you, in fact I am" then turned my attention back at them " did you all agree that it was for the best or what?" I was surprised Jaehyun didn't interrupt me to try and make his point, and the rest didn't even reply.

"I'm still waiting for an answer"

Jaehyun looked at me "it wasn't entirely my decision y/n, mom and dad agreed to it too, that's the main reason why no one spoke up, yes it was my idea because you two have been through enough, you needed to heal completely before dragging each other into your unresolved messes, and mom and dad agreed to it, you have to understand we did this for you, it's not like I don't want you to be happy, I'm your brother after all"

Thinking about it he did have a point, and he clearly thought it was the best thing to do, I can't blame him for trying to help. Ijust nodded my head and got lost in my own thoughts when the others tried to explain themselves to Jungwoo. I felt a hand on my shoulder, i looked back it was Jae, he motioned to me to follow him, so i did. He led me to his room and patted the place beside him on the bed. As I sat down he started " look, if you want to be with him, I don't mind, but you have to promise me something, we've been over this so I'll repeat, you need to go to therapy, even if you feel good and don't have night-"

"I'm going" I interrupted him

"no you can't you need- w...wait what?"

I repeated " like you heard, i'm going"

"when? how?"

"yesterday Jungwoo said I should try it and I agreed" I replied casually

"I can't believe it, your own brother has been trying for months to make you agree and just like that when your boyfriend sa-"

"he's not my boyfriend" I said as I looked down 

"then...? did you even talk about it? are you gonna get back together?" I sighted "I don't know we didn't talk about it, plus I don't think he wants to"

3rd person pov : 

but what they didn't know was that downstairs other two were having the same conversation, and you probably guessed which 2 , "hyung I don't know if she wants to get back together" said Jungwoo "but for surely until now we aren't, she probably doesn't want to anyways"

"no don't judge yourself" replied Doyoung "you might as well just ask her, not directly of course but just have that kind of conversation with her, go out on a date or something you know..." 

Jungwoo looked up at his elder worriedly " I don't know, I'll probably just do that, maybe, not this week though" Doyoung patted his shoulder and stood up feeling sorry for the boy "just don't wait too long".

Once everyone got back to the dining table, the conversations kept going, laughs were heard, screams too, mostly Chenle with his dolphin scream but who cares they were having fun and they haven't had that in quite some time all 24 of them.

As the night kept going it was now really late and all of them had a drink or two, more or less, and even though Y/n's place is really close to the dorms, she didn't want to walk alone in the night back to her apartment plus none of them could drive right now and she didn't want to burden anyone walk her home and then walk back to the dorms so she decided it was for the best if she spent the night there.

Jaehyun had already told her that it's best if she stayed and spent the night there, it's not like she didn't sleep over before, as a matter of fact she used to live there so she'll just sleep in her old bed or switch with the member who's in Jae's room to not bother her old roommate or any other members.

 As she told them what was on her mind they all were more than happy to have her back even if it was for one night, but she quickly added " y'all I don't wanna bother anyone so I'll just sleep on the couch" and before anyone could protest Jungwoo was the quickest to reply "your old bed is still here, you can always sleep there" 

"are you sure?"

"yea of course!"

After that everyone was ready to go to bed some stayed a bit up late having late night talks and some by that time we're already dreaming. As Jungwoo and y/n entered the room Y/N was a bit surprised to find both beds pushed together forming one bed. Jungwoo noticed the look on her face and he quickly explained "oh I'm sorry I just moved the beds together making a bigger one while you were away I hope you don't mind I did that..."

"oh of course not" replied y/n smiling at him, then he looked down and continued "don't worry about that I'll just separate the beds again they are not that heavy" y/n was a bit unsure about what she was about to say but she said that anyways "actually it's fine you don't have to, plus it's just one night so it won't matter" Jungwoo nodded and smiled at her then went to the bathroom to wash up.

Y/n took her time to look at her old room remembering, having flashbacks, smiling at the memories that came rushing back in her head like a movie on fast speed.

Once they were done and were ready to bed, Jungwoo turned to reach the light switch  and before he could turn the lights off he stayed frozen for a moment than asked with his hands on the switch " do you want to keep the lights on or?"

"I guess it's okay, I have you with me" and she gave him that sweet smile of hers, he nodded and turned off the light tucking himself in his side of the bed. And just like felt cold hands being wrapped around his torso, realizing her mistake she was about to remove her hands and apologize but he was quicker wrapping his arms around her small figure.

She looked up to him, and even in the dark both could see each other clearly gazing into each others eyes, breaking the silence she asked "why?"

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