22 : Moving In Or Moving On

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No need to explain what happened next, they were all comforting me and sorry for my loss, few hours passed and I was feeling better, talking about it to the only people I really trust made me feel a lot better, after these sad moments it began slowly turning to happy moments as we chatted, I asked them about the members who weren't here they said they had practice.

Then I remembered something, more like someone and decided to ask Doyoung since I know this someone is really close to him "Hey Doyoung, how is Jungwoo doing?"

"Oh... you don't know, well Jungwoo changed a lot since you left, first he was trying to convince him self and us that he was completely fine, but he clearly wasn't so he started drifting slowly, he often had red eyes and stayed silent most of the time, over the months he was most of the time alone or with us when we have to work and to escape staying with people he started over working himself, staying late practicing, or being the first to leave the house. Now he's better than before but it became a habit for him to over work himself and stay late practicing so I really can't tell if he's fine or not."

I didn't know what to say after what Doyoung told me, but I can relate to him since the first few months I was just like him, but with - 's case I was lost, not even knowing what I should be sad about. The only thing I wanted now was to see him so I asked them if they knew where would he be, so Lucas replied "he's probably at SM practic-" but Jaehyun didn't let him finish "no y/n you're not going to see him, let me tell him first that you're here in Korea then if he wants to meet I'll make sure he'll call you" I wasn't really sure about it but I agreed since I was really tiered to argue, so I decide to head home.

I arrived there and made the tour of my new place, it was really big for a person living alone, I had a big living room and a kitchen open on each other, a bathroom, then a big room with its bathroom and a balcony.

As for the furniture there was only my old bed, I told my parent that I'd like to choose and buy my own furniture so they kept if empty and only moved the bed so I'll have a place to sleep in. I sat on my bed staring at my moon tattoo thinking about the boy that once meant the world to me, about the happy time we had together, then about the sad times I had in the US balling my eyes out missing him, clearly we both we're affected in a similar way, but maybe we weren't meant to be, so the universe separated us and gave us a hard time.

A week later, I was a bit settled in and applied for the job I spent years studying for, I had an interview and they were really impressed so they sent me an e-mail saying I start work in 2 weeks. In those two weeks I could finally have time to choose and buy my furniture since the first week all I did was buy the kitchen stuff, tools and food, apply for the job and prepare for the interview.

I called Renjun 2 days ago when I was a bit free and asked him if he wants to meet. Renjun is the one I stayed more in contact with, he's literally my other half so I had to see him. We decided to meet at my place, stay in and order take out.

The bell rang and I flied to the door impatient to see my best friend, I opened the door and as soon as my eyes were laid on him I jumped on him hugging him tightly, we stayed there for a moment then pulled out. First I gave him a tour of the apartment, then we sat on 2 poofs that I also brought with my bed.

Believe me we literally started talking and then we couldn't shut up anymore, we talked about everything and nothing, all the stuff that happened with us since we last saw each other, I can't believe so much had happened and changed during the time I was gone, but the only thing I kinda left out was the Jungwoo thing, I didn't want to talk about it since it's been a week since Jae told him and he didn't even bother to call me, so I didn't want to even think about him right now, I just want to enjoy my time with Renjun.

After we calmed down a bit from all that talking he showed me the comeback they had and damn these boys are perfect. Then a bit later we ordered Chinese food and decided to watch the damn movie we've been trying to watch since it came out 2 months before I left.

It was really late when Renjun left leaving me with my after-midnight thoughts, I scrolled through social media a bit and seeing all the things dispatch and other accounts are sayng about Jungwoo and this girl idol and that it should be confirmed soon by both companies I couldn't help myself from letting some tears escape, I really hope she's making him happy. That must be the reason why he didn't call me. I laid on my bed thinking about all the times I had while I was still living with them and that's how I ended up crying myself to sleep.

I woke up feeling a bit numb, I did my morning routine, made some coffee and ate breakfast. When I checked my phone I saw a message from an unknown number, I decided to ignore it and go get ready, on my way to my room I heard someone outside my door, they rang the bell, I went to open it and it was Jungwoo. I couldn't believe my eyes, I jumped and hugged him so tight. I couldn't believe he was actually here so I asked "w-what are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to see me"

"how could I not I was taking care of some stuff that's why I didn't come sooner, I texted you but you didn't reply so I came here" I smiled "the important thing is that you're here now" after saying this he came closer closing the space between us and kissed me like there's no tomorrow, after some time of making out we pulled out, he looked at me "let's take this to the bedroom" I nodded, but he continued "go, I'll follow you lemme grab something" I smiled and did as he said.

I sat on the bed waiting for him and when I heard the footsteps coming closer so I looked at the door but it wasn't Jungwoo, it was her, she followed me, she followed me to korea, I can't get away from her.

Ari was standing there as pale as the wall, even a bit blue-ish having leaves of the plant that killed her growing out of her, after I took a look at her she smiled a wicked smile and said "are you having fun? without me? are you having fun while your friend is dead? what a good friend you are!" I couldn't handle it I was screaming and crying, I tried to move but I couldn't, her green tentacles were holding me in place.

I kept pulling until I broke free and ran to the front door but as soon as I opened it she was standing there. I was going to run back but suddenly everything disappeared it was all black, it was just me and her standing on nothing in nowhere, I was suffocating, I couldn't breathe, I was dying.

I woke up again.

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