16 : Trainee day

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We were leaving and someone we know very well happened to be standing right in front of us :
"what are you guys doing here? don't tell me you got a tattoo..." we were in trouble, in big trouble, at least that what I thought before Ten continued :"You could've told me you were getting a tattoo, we could've went together!" eum WHAT THE HELL?! Was I hearing right? Must be because he continued "so what did you guys get?" we showed him our matching tattoo and I showed him the other one I did, he definitely loved them.

We decided to wait for him outside, so we can head back together, although now standing there thinking about it, why does it always have to be him catching us, of course I'd rather him than Jaehyun or Taeyong but still. After he was done, he showed us his amazing tattoo that he drew himself before coming here, damn he's talented!

Back at the dorm we didn't tell anyone about what we did, and we made Ten swear that he won't either, we stayed up a bit awake chatting before we went to sleep.

few days later...

Jaehyun had found out about my tattoos and to say the least he wasn't pleased with me or Jungwoo but the manager said it's fine since his tattoo is really small and can easily be hidden by make up.

Today was strange, I woke up and when I went downstairs everyone was here, all 23 of them, strange... I had to ask so I went to Johnny "I don't want to seem rude but what are you all still doing here? don't you have stuff to do?" he chuckled "well I didn't think you wanted to get rid of us so fast" I punched his arm defending myself until he explained "today we get to go a little late, at least the 127 guys, because it's trainee day, usually we do this every 3 or 4 months for two days, each idol stay with 2 or 3 trainees at the company and show them the daily schedule of an idol, but it doesn't start till 2 hours, and only the groups who soon had or have a comeback can participate " wow it was really something, so I was curious about it "so what do you exactly start with?"

He thought for a few seconds then suggested "why don't you come and see for yourself? One of us surely still isn't full" I looked at him confused "you can only have 3 trainees with you so..." I nodded. Turns out Taeil and Doyoung each had one place left and Jungwoo two so Johnny said it's better if I go with Jungwoo so if there was more trainees who wanted to join there would be a place with each of them, and well I can't say that I wasn't happy about it hehehe.

I went to get ready, wore something a little more formal than what I usually wear and took with me sports wear as Doyoung suggested.

When we got there I was a bit taken aback with the fact that the trainee Jungwoo had was a girl, but whatever it's not like I'm jealous or anything, he's my friend, but I just thought it would be a boy. Once the trainees found their idol and introduced themselves we all parted ways to start our day. We were following Jungwoo as he explained "I rather always start with dance practice since you need most of your energy for it and it's better to exercises in the morning" I glanced at Jinyoug -the trainee-, damn she was literally drinking his words, chill girl.

We changed into our sports outfit and I couldn't help but notice that hers was kind of too much? Or I'm just being ridiculous since I'm no familiar with this lifestyle, when Jungwoo came in he went straight to the point "okay so we'll start with stretching and routines then see what manager-nim chose for our challenge today.

Once we were done, the manager that takes care of those stuff came in with a boy that looked like he was about my age. "so Jungwoo you'll be working on a couple dance with your trainee and I brought one of Exo's backup dancers, Daeseong to team up with Y/n" then he looked at me "if you don't feel comfortable we can find someone else, we don't want your parents thinking we're treating you bad" he laughed nervously, damn mom's cousin must've put in a word for me, "no it's totally fine, thank you" I replied with a smile.

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