7 : Roof

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After I hugged each of these cuties, we sat and chatted for some time before their manager informed them that they have to start soon, so Jeno suggested "why don't you come over today to our dorms, Haechan is coming over with Mark to sleep over!" "really? you sure?" they all agreed, especially Jaemin and Chenle who were screaming that I just have to come hehehe. I told them that's it's fine by me, but I'll have to see with Jaehyun if he's okay with it.

I went back to their practice room, and went straight to Jaehyun to ask him, more like tell him, I ain't letting that boi choosing, I'm going either way I don't care I'm old enough, plus I'm still pissed about yesterday but I won't mention it "Jaehyun my favorite brother! Hiiii" he looked at me like I'm some alien "gosh, what did you do?" "nothing!!" "then what do you want?" I clicked my fingers signaling that he got it right "well Haechan and Mark are going to have a sleepover at the dream's dorm and the invited me to go, so I'm just telling you that I'm going!" "slow down, and before you start shouting, I don't mind you going there but Haechan and Mark are going to sleepover, and you are not, so who's gonna bring you home? I can't". He was right, because of course I ain't sleeping there, second of all I'm not gonna ask someone other than Jae if he can bring me, it would be too much. 

I was sad thinking that I can't go, but then someone suggested "I can bring you back! Either way I'm going so I can drop Haechan and Mark's stuff for the night, they forgot them, and they're going with the dreamies from here so they can't get their stuff" "OH MA GAWD THANK YOU TAEIL! okay I have to say it officially: your my appa in here" I said hugging him, but then a confused Jae asked "why not brother? why you made him a father figure?" "well because, my dear brother, brothers are annoying and not lovable as dads so yeah" he just glared at me sticking his tongue out as I did the same, with a laughing Taeil standing beside us.

He took my number so he'll be able to call me before he arrives, I saved him as 'Taeil appa'. Still on my phone I felt someone behind me, putting his chin on my shoulder "so, how do you say we finally go for that tour? or did you cheat on me while you weren't here?" Jungwoo said teasing me, "oh no I would never cheat on you!" I replied giggling, "then let's go.

It had a much modern look and facilities. The building has two underground levels and eight levels above the ground. The ground floor houses the lobby, that is decorated with much modern and chic style, and has an enormous LED screen. And the other floors were just offices and practice rooms, studios etc... 

As we were still walking around and chatting, he stopped and looked at me for a moment as if he was deciding something then he spoke "I'm gonna take you somewhere but no one can know about this! deal?" "deal" I wonder where he's taking me, "we need to be discrete, they don't like us going there, and the main door is always locked but I know my way around" he explained, "oh okay". Were we creeping around like some thieves, hiding every time we see someone, or pretend like we were going into some room, we tried our best not to burst out laughing each time. We arrived to somewhere that seemed like a dead end so I asked him " it's a dead end, are you sure it's the right way?" he was standing behind me, he came closer and held my face making me look up to where there was a small trap like a vent "I'll go up first then I'll help you" I nodded, even thought I wanted to say 'if you can do it I'm sure I can' but I can't because let me tell you, that man is really tall, and I'm considered a bit short, so obviously I can't reach it the way he can.

He opened it trying his best to reach it without jumping too much, after that he pulled himself in like it was nothing, damn that man must have really strong muscles, he then got on his knees and dangled his hands form above to help me get up there- 

He opened it trying his best to reach it without jumping too much, after that he pulled himself in like it was nothing, damn that man must have really strong muscles, he then got on his knees and dangled his hands form above to help me get up there- 

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LOL, although the roof was way more shorter, like not that high and Jungwoo was in there, not dangling. I really do be having a broken humor to laugh at this, okay back to the story 

I took his hands, he pulled me and placed my hands around his neck "hold tight" then he grabbed my waist to pull me better, I ended up falling on him, we got up quickly and I mumbled a soft 'sorry' blushing hard, he also mumbled "it's okay" I looked around, we were on the roof!

"I know it's not much but I really enjoy the peace and the view here" he said softly, "are you kidding me? It's amazing! thank you" he just smiled and took a seat beside me on the floor. 


After a while we went back, time passed while they did their thing and I was finishing a book, 20 minutes after I was done Haechan and Mark came towards me all happy "we're doneeee, now let's go have fun, the dreamies went ahead" said Haechan all excited.

The second we stepped in Jaemin came running towards me shouting "MY SEXAY BESTAY IS HERE! SHE'LL PROTECT ME FROM YOU" as he hid behind me from Chenle who apparently was chasing him around the house "y/n! finally ! tell him to give me back my phone and stop taking pictures in it!" "aw come here Chenle, angry doesn't look good on you" I said giving him a hug "now can you please explain what's happening?" but instead of Chenle explaining, Jaemin, who was still behind me started pulling his 'okay listen here bitch, I'm right'

The second we stepped in Jaemin came running towards me shouting "MY SEXAY BESTAY IS HERE! SHE'LL PROTECT ME FROM YOU" as he hid behind me from Chenle who apparently was chasing him around the house "y/n! finally ! tell him to give me back my phon...

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"I was asking him if I looked sexay and he had the audacity to say that I look nowhere near sexay so I took his phone and took a million pictures with it, easy" I just rolled my eyes giggling at their silliness and made him give Chenle back his phone.

I went in the kitchen to help Jeno with the food as none of the boys offered to help while sneaking bits and bits from the food to hungry Jisung, even though Jeno said no one eats before the others but my weakness is this boy so I had to. When were done, me and Mark chose the movie after some time of debating. 

We ended up going with Mark's choice because I was tired of debating, he chose a scary movie, the only thing I like about it is when you watch those scary or suspenseful movies with others it's great because you get to hear everyone's reactions and be scared together.

You can all guess how it went : Chenle screaming his dolphin screams, also Jaemin, Heachan and Mark screaming, Renjun and Jeno completely unbothered, and me cuddling Jisung because he's the cutest baby ever and I have a big emotional attachment to him lol.

After hanging out and chatting a bit when the movie ended, Renjun excused himself and I "I'm sorry guys, but the classmates need to catch up so we'll be on the balcony" I was a bit confused but then it came back to me, he needed to tell me about what happened back then in school when he went MIA. 

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