15 : Tattoo

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"you're one of the rare people that agrees with me on this opinion so thanks, I mean who the fuck decided that we should never talk about it, ugh I hate stupid unspoken rules" wow she really went from cute sleepy head to president of feminisms real quick, still cute though I couldn't help but smile "HEY WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AT ME ?!"

"okay calm down I'm just smiling so eat your breakfast fast and get ready, we're going out for a bit" I said bopping her nose, "to where exactly?"

"it's a surprise"

I wore something comfy but not to the point where I look like I'm wearing PJs. We took one of the cars and I realized this is one of the very few times I see him driving, damn. Anyways, I was really getting impatient:" mister Kim Jungwoo could you please tell me where are we heading too? Because as you probably know doing your discovery in the bathroom I don't want to go somewhere I only want to stay in my bed" he glanced at me smiling rather a mischievous smile:" well miss sarcastic Jung y/n, because I know what I know, you have to trust me on this, you'll see this is the only thing you also need besides your bed" I rolled my eyes and waited until we pulled up in front of something that looked like a supermarket I looked at him waiting for an explanation "you must be thinking why drive all this only to go to a store we can find beside the house, but no, it's a special one, once you're in you'll see"

As soon as I stepped in I was amazed, I started walking between the shelves, damn my mouth watered just by looking at all the special food they had, it was like candy and fast food city, literally a girl's dream especially that time of the month. You can guess how it went, I picked a few stuff because I knew Jungwoo wouldn't let me pay but the unexpected thing was that he almost picked 2 pack of every thing in this store. He's insane. HE ALSO BROUGHT HEATING PADS ?! damn boyfriend material.

Back home the others we're still finishing up some stuff so we decided to binge watch a K drama while eating those tone of stuff we bought, and tried our best to cook the instant noodles and bring then to our room not letting anyone notice, it was fun.


Few weeks later I had already started my revision for my exams that were soon, really soon. During that time the 127 boys had to prepare for a comeback before starting the NCT project, so most of the time they weren't home and if they were I wouldn't know, all of the time in my room revising. Some days I would sleep and they weren't home yet and wake up finding them gone, so we barely talked these days if even not at all. Same goes with the dreamies and wayv, even though they had time I was locked up in my room.

For me it was in a way easier: every time I had exams I would always have those little anxiety attacks, nothing serious just stress, but still it would be better if I wasn't around people during these times. Not everyone is perfect, the only important thing is that you try your best.

(time skip cause no one cares what she studies and how her exams went right ?)

Once I was done with my exams I still had this anxiety, I mean my results should be today or tomorrow and it's stressing the shit out of me because those results defines if I pass with high score and stay in class A or I don't and go to class B which is the same class but with additional courses because you failed. I can't have on my resume being in class A then going to class B.

I was sitting in my room sweating and from times to times having chills run through my body and with that not to mention the muscle tension and pain in my back. I kept checking our site, kept reloading it, but nothing.

It was getting late and I couldn't sleep when the door opened, it was Jungwoo :" oh hey, I thought you would be asleep by now so- hey are you okay you're way more pale than us when they white wash us..." his joke made me smile a bit and I could barely get those words out "my results should be out soon and I'm stressing out" he stayed silent for a moment then "why don't we go for a walk? you need to breath fresh air, you've been literally living in this room for the past month"

"well you have to sleep, you still have to wake up early to work" he smiled "well actually no, we finished preparing,  tomorrow they start filming for the mv and it's only Taeyong, Marc, Haechan and Jaehyun so I'm free"  he started pulling me so I would stand up and pushed me out the door "let's goo"

We walked almost for an hour, he told me about their comeback and training I told him as well about my exams and how I think I did, for some time I forgot about the results and everything but I quickly got reminded when my phone sent a notification, I didn't even check what it was I stopped walking and started tying the code to enter the website results. 

"what just happened?" "my results are out" I replied out of breath, "and???" he was trying to peek at my phone while I was scrolling through my grades and then I jumped on the puzzled boy and threw my arms around him screaming "I PASSED AND I'M STILL IN CLASS A!" he took few seconds to understand what happened and then hugged me back carrying me and spinning me around "I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!"

He put me down and - I know I'm being shameless but I'm too happy to care- I asked him "would you probably have some time to take a drink with me? just to celebrate" he looked at me like I'm some idiot "as if I was gonna home without celebrating with you" 

We went to somewhere less crowded that usual places for the obvious reasons and had a drink, with all that laughing and talking the one drink became two, and the two became three. Eventually we stopped before we get really drunk and continued chatting "... yeah I remember and I also when you promised me you would do a Harry Potter (or your favorite movie) related matching tattoo with me, which I'm still waiting to be done" I replied jokingly but then "fin let's do it" did I hear right "w-what? you mean like now?" he looked serious "I mean yeah, what do we have to lose, I already promised I'll do it with you so it was gonna be sooner or later" I was fired up "OH MY GOD ! OKAY OKAY, OH MY GOD FINALLY MY DREAM IS COMING TRUE!" he looked scared for a second from my reaction which I don't blame him "but something small yeah? or I'm not doing it" "duhh, c'mon let's gooo!"

On our way there I was thinking and I came up with something "you know we don't have to do a Harry Potter (or your favorite movie) one, I mean yeah I always wanted one, but I can do it just me since I clearly remember you said it was one of your favorite so let's do something to like seal our friendship?" "I mean it would be much better !" 

Even when we arrived at the tattoo place I wasn't believing it, and every time I would jump out of excitement on our way, Jungwoo would flick my forehead laughing at me. 

We decided to get a sun and moon tattoo, why? well a bit before I started revising  I was exhausted and I had no motivation so Jungwoo decided to be my motivation and I called him my sun then the same day at night happened the same thing but vice versa so when I motivated him he intentionally called me his moon and we started teasing Taeil and Haechan that we took their slogan and started using it all the time to tease them more.

I decided to start since I wanted to get also the HP one and god it hurts, I was squeezing Jungwoo's hand so hard that at some point I thought it was gonna break, then on his turn he tried to play it taught but his soft side took over and I couldn't help but keep calling him a cutie.

It turned out more than great, beautiful, small and unnoticeable since he also needs to hide it... agencies *eye roll*.

We were leaving and someone we know very well happened to be standing right in front of us : "what are you guys doing here? don't tell me you got a tattoo

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We were leaving and someone we know very well happened to be standing right in front of us : 
"what are you guys doing here? don't tell me you got a tattoo..." we were in trouble, in big trouble.

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