12 : NCT Project

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Only Taeil and Jungwoo were there, I sat with them and blended in the conversation, then Taeil asked me " sooo how was your first day?" "really good, plus I got to see Lucas, Hendery and Jun" they looked at me confused so I explained how it happened, then Jungwoo asked " is the food good there? what did you eat" and that's when I realized I haven't eaten yet, I only ate a late breakfast at Wayv's dorm and some snacks from time to time, "well I didn't eat actually?" "what? why?" I could feel Taeil was worried so I reassured him "I kind of just forgot but don't worry I'm not starving myself, I would never ,food is bae" "yeah but still you need to eat, and we have nothing here" so then Jungwoo suggested "why don't we go out and eat something, I mean just like she said, food is bae I'm always down to eat" "you two go without me, first I'm in PJ's and I'm not changing, second I'm still full so no thanks" replied Taeil both me and Jungwoo looked at each other than at Taeil and said in a funny tone "BUT FOOD IS BAE!!" he laughed " c'mon go, and don't stay out too long" and with that he left.

"guess it's just the two of us" he said grabbing the keys "yeah, let me just grab my jacket." I took my jacket and followed him out of the dorm, we walked side by side talking about random stuff till we reached our destination.

Jungwoo POV :

I decided to take her to one of my favorite places to eat, usually uncrowded and it's really close by so we walked there, the whole time we were walking we were talking and laughing, it seems every time I'm with her I'm always laughing, happy, different, not like how I usually feel with the other members... must be because of my sister and the fact that I can barely see her, Jaehyun is lucky his sister is living with him, even though half of time they're roasting each other.

Once we were there we sat at a table for 2 that's a bit isolated in the back so no one would notice us, and ordered, the waitress took our order and left with that we started talking and chatting, she told me more about her day and it seems like she enjoyed herself the whole day, I'm glad she didn't feel like an outsider or thought about how much she would rather continue her studies in her hometown.

Our food came and she started eating as soon as the bowl was put in front of her, I don't blame her, she didn't eat properly today.

When we finished half our food, we decided to order something to drink, a we were about to continue to eat, y/n raised her chopsticks full of food to my face and said:" open your mouth" I was a bit taken back by this so she repeated herself "c'mon!!" I opened my mouth just to see her taking the food away from my face to her mouth having a cute devilish smile on her face, so I pouted and fake cried trying not to laugh.

"fine then, do aeygo and I'll give it to you" she said thinking it will make me shy, but little does she knows that I'm one of the rare members that are the most comfortable with aeygo.

I started doing some aeygo, literally being Junguwu, she was laughing and started babying me, pinching my cheeks and that made me feel a bit shy, I could feel my cheeks burning up... She raised again her chopsticks full of food and fed me.

We continued on and off like this till we were done eating, and decided to walk around before heading back, I spotted an ice cream van so I told her to wait for me and ran there to grab us ice cream. While I was waiting I looked back at y/n only to spot a guy standing close to her, who does he think he is, I went to them and before I could get there I heard y/n saying "sorry, I'm really not interested so back off" I couldn't just stand here I went there and grabbed her hand intertwining it with mine saying "she told you to back off so get lost" the guy sighted in defeat and left.

She looked at me "thank you" "it's nothing" I smiled at her, "but you know, I could've handled it myself, it's not like I'm helpless" I dragged her to the ice cream van still holding her hand " oh I know you can handle yourself very well, but I couldn't just stand there, I wanted to punch the guy but I thought that if it arrives to this stage you'll sure be the one to punch him" I replied, both of us laughing.

"How'd you know though?" I looked at her like it's the most obvious thing "your brother is Jaehyun hyung, and plus you really seem like the type" "ah yes hahahaha, don't let him hear you though he'll start bragging about how this only one time he beat me, but only because I let him win" as we were laughing I handed her the ice cream in one hand, still holding the other.

Her hand felt really warm against mine, and really comfortable like it was made for mine... okay no what the heck am I talking about, I really need to watch less Kdramas because if I don't at some point I think I'll start thinking I am in one.

We walked back to the dorms still holding each other's hands, once I opened the door I had to let go of her to search for the key and be able to open the door, we headed to our rooms really quick wanting to sleep before I entered my room she stopped me whispering my name "hmm?" "well... I just want to thank you for today, one of the best firsts days maybe even the best, so thanks" she got on her toes and placed her arms around my neck, hugged me and gave me a kiss on my cheek "goodnight Jungwoo" she said leaving me dumbfounded. This definitely made something to me.

Y/n POV :

It's been around a month since I started uni, let me bring you up to date, I became so close with wayv thanks to their dorm being so close to uni so I would walk there and stay with them till my next class, and especially Lucas and Xiaojun they quickly became on the list of my closest friends which is really short. As for the dreamies I hang out with them sometimes when I don't have a lot of studies plus me and Renjun went back to being as close as we were back in high school.

And for 127 they're like Jaehyun now, my brothers, well I basically live with them and each day one of them takes me to uni and bring me back and I can say that sometimes we would be very late just because we stopped for breakfast or to finish an episode of anime, just random stuff, fun stuff... And not to mention when me and Jungwoo would go out late to eat and sometimes even sneak out because a certain someone sometimes says 'no! we have food at home' as if we'll listen.

Today I had no university and the boys we're off just because their manager wanted to talk to us all including me which was weird, I hope it isn't something I've done.

Once there, at sm, I got to meet Shotaro and Sungchan and I totally babied them the way I do with Jisung, Chenle and Yangyang. We went to a big room that had a big table in the middle and many chairs, we sat down, I was between Doyoung and Yuta.

After e all sat, the manager stood up and said :"we decided to do an nct project!" all of them cheered, but I didn't understand so I asked Doyoung :"what is nct project?" "well it's when we release an album but with all the members even the ones who aren't in units yet" I nodded amazed by what he just told me, then the manager continued "and this time we'll be moving you all into the same dorm, it's a lot easier" some were really happy some were annoyed at the fact that they have to pack and some didn't even care, like my unbothered bro.

"okay so we already chose who will be in each room, each is gonna have a roommate because the total of rooms is 12 and y'all 24.

He started to say the names then " y/n and Jaehyun-" both me and Jaehyun stood up "NOO" ain't no way I'm staying in the same room as my brother, last time I was about to kill him.

We kept arguing with each other and the manager till Jaehyun said :"well if Taeyong is staying with Doyoung because they are working on a song, I want to work on dancing with the rain with Winwin, I still have the last verse and I have no idea what t do with it" and I added "yeah let him do that and I'll take who ever is roommates with Winwin as roommate so you won't have to make big changes and think about it, it's a win-win (l0l) easy situation, me and my brother get to not be in the same room, he gets to finish his song with winwin's help, and as I already said I'll be with whoever is Winwin's roommate so you wont have to make big changes" that was the best I could say and do t persuade him, I'd rather be with anyone but Jaehyun.

The manager sighted "fine, okay then y/n Jungwoo will be your roomate" I smiled at Jungwoo and waved my hands to show excitement since me and Jungwoo are a bit close now and we we are sneaking out for food buddies but inside I could feel my heart racing, why is that? I'm not scared or nervous about it... I decided to shake it off (hi Taylor bestie) and followed the others out of the room.

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