13 : New Dorm

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The manager sighted "fine, okay then y/n Jungwoo will be your roomate" I smiled at Jungwoo and waved my hands to show excitement since me and Jungwoo are a bit close now and we we are sneaking out for food buddies but inside I could feel my heart racing, why is that? I'm not scared or nervous about it... I decided to shake it off (hi Taylor bestie) and followed the others out of the room.

We decided to pass by the new dorm to check it out and choose the rooms before we start packing, the company had already prepared 3 big cars that each has space for 8 people, usually we would be needing another car because there's one seat for the driver but the boys persuaded the company to let them drive.

Once there we all got out of the cars and waited for the smaller car that had the managers to park and lead the way, they gave us each our keys before we went in, I was so happy because I was literally treated like I'm a member of NCT.

Frist when you open the doors if you walk a bit there's one big living room where the couch is a really big one in the shape of ¾ of a circle with few comfy chairs and poofs here and there, then a round table in the middle and facing the couch a large TV. Next the living room there's a big kitchen, a bit further there's 4 doors close to each other two on each sides of the stairs, those 4 doors were small studios so if they needed to work on something.

On the next floor were the rooms, they were all identical and a bit symmetrical on the inside, 2 beds, 2 closets, 2 of everything except for the bathroom, 1 bathroom for each room. Something like this :

We decided to start picking our rooms so we can immediately put our stuff there once we come back, so there were 6 rooms on each side of the stares _ every 2 rooms facing one an other

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We decided to start picking our rooms so we can immediately put our stuff there once we come back, so there were 6 rooms on each side of the stares _ every 2 rooms facing one an other. The left side was crowded so me and Jungwoo took the right side and chose the last room, facing our room was Xiaojun and Hendery's and beside us Renjun and Haechan's room.

Once we all chose our rooms we headed back, each to their dorm, to start packing. Good thing tomorrow was Saturday so I have from today till Sunday to get everything in place. I started packing my stuff with Taeyong who clearly wanted to tease me:" so I see you chose to be with Jungwoo instead of your own brother omo what a traitor, or maybe you want to be with your princ-" he couldn't finish what he wanted to say because I had already smacked him with my pillow "you're the one who especially knows why me and Jaehyun could never be in the same room" he had a scared look on remembering an ugly/funny not so funny memory "yeah I've witnessed it once I don't need to see it again" I looked at him with a 'I told you so' and 'I'm always right look'.

He knew he couldn't tease me anymore about being with Jungwoo in the same room so a while later he found something else to tease about:" so I hear you chose the last room on the right side, why did you chose a room that's far, what are you both planning on doing huh?" "I SWEAR TO GOD LEE TAEYONG IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP IMMA CHOP YOUR TONGUE" I yelled attacking him which ended up with me on his bed being tickled to death (favorite cousin privileges), he stopped when we noticed someone on the door staring, it was Haechan, and I knew I was in serious trouble when he smirked and jumped on us to continue the tickling battle (also childhood best friend privileges).

Few tickles later we were out of breath and waved the white flags and pushed Haechan out of the room so we could go on with our packing. We put on some music on the speaker and each song had us dancing for half of the time that it lasted, and sometimes members would pass by our room, vibe with us then leave, who knew packing could be that much fun.

It was really late once we were done packing all our dorm and let the staff move them to the trucks while we drove to the new dorm, surprisingly we arrived all together and believe me we all looked close to dead corpses.

I had already taken a shower before we left so I won't have to unpack my shower stuff, only my PJs, I mean I have a cotton short that looks like a PJ in my bag, but nothing feels like the real one, even if I had to wait a bit for the truck to be here so I can take back my PJs, I'll wait.

I went to my shared room with Jungwoo, took the bed beside the window and sat there, not even a minute later an already dressed to sleep Jungwoo got out of the bathroom and flopped on the other bed tired so I asked him "did the truck arrive? Cause I didn't see it on my way inside" he looked at me confused "why would the tuck be here now?" "well I assumed since you have your PJ on" he was a bit surprised "well yeah I brought it in my small bag pack. Don't tell me no one told you that the trucks would be here tomorrow?!" and it was now my turn to be surprised "WHAT?! No one told me" "aish these I guys, Taeyong must've forgot to tell you" I sighted "it's okay I guess, I have some shorts in my bag but-" I looked down and well clearly I can't sleep with this shirt that looked like a sport bra.

"here take my shirt" said Jungwoo handing me his black T-shirt, I tried not to look at his exposed upper body "nono, I'll find something, you'll be cold" he looked at me with that 'you're such a cute idiot' look "c'mon... cold? It's like an oven here, I usually don't wear a shirt to sleep, but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable, so you're doing me a favor" he said more shyly at the end.

I laughed at his cuteness and took the shirt "fine then, you'll never take it back" he smirked "fine by me, I mean you're the one who will be affected" he said touching his abs and looking away, I laughed and decided to reply with the same cocky tone to tease him back "oh no honey, you'll be only providing a very good view for me" at first he looked flustered and we both burst out laughing.

I went to the bathroom, and wore my shorts and Jungwoo's shirt that was really oversized, not that I'm complaining I love it, plus it smelled like him and let me tell you something, men's perfume is way much better that women's, I mean it seems like theirs's lasts for year but hours barely last 2 hours.

When I got out, I thought he already went to sleep but when I turned off the lights and went to my bed I could hear his low voice "goodnight y/n" I could barely reply "goodnight Jungwoo" before I laid my head on my pillow and drifted into a deep sleep.

The next day I woke up, waited a few minutes to really wake up fully and looked at Jungwoo who was still peacefully sleeping, I decide to get up and check my phone that was on the desk in front of our beds. I was scrolling through Instagram when a deep voice startled me "you look cute in my shirt" Jungwoo said laughing at how startled and flustered I looked immediately turning towards him.

"you scared the hell out of me !!!!" I whispered-yelled and went over his bed and started punching him playfully but he was able to block my fists so I relied on a much more reliable source : tickles. And that's how our tickling battle started, I was winning this but suddenly Jungwoo grabbed my waist and pushed me down his bed locking my legs with his knees and tickling me to death.

"Y/n! I brought you-" The door was slammed open with an alarming speed to reveal Ten, his eyes bulged out of their sockets when he spotted Jungwoo lying topless on top of me, we tried to get off but it only ended up with us falling on each other again.

Ten turned whiter than a ghost, all colors left his face, we tried to explain what he had walked in on but he only snorted regaining his colors back with a smirk on his face "don't worry I'll just comeback later, you do your thing" he said as he gripped the door knob and began closing the door, not before whispering "don't forget to use protection"

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