5 : Shopping

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As I was thinking I thought that there's no way that this Renjun could be my Renjun, but when a young man opened the door, I instantly recognized him, even after 4 years I could never forget that face, even though he changed I would still recognize him.

  I just stayed there looking at him, he was at first confused but when his eyes widened, he knew, I ran up to him and hugged him, I could feel the other's eyes on us but I didn't care, before I could ask him he replied quickly before the others got closer "I know, just don't say anything about what happened, I'll explain later". I nodded.

"soooo, mind telling us how you know each other?" Haechan asked putting on his detective face, which he needs to work on lol. "well we went to the same school for two years" Renjun replied, they all nodded, no question asked, that was a bit weird but I didn't give it much attention.

A while later, the manager came to 'fetch' Haechan, and we had to go back, so we said good bye to the dreamies (I hugged them of course, I mean they're the cutest I just can't, well I guess it might be an obsession), and left with the manager who was not so pleased with Haechan but also not surprised. When we arrived they were already getting in place to start practice, I noticed that Jungwoo looked at me a bit sad and turned around, I wonder why he's sad.

I checked my phone, back there the dreamies decided to put me in their group chat, and we saved each others contact with nicknames: me and Jeno saved each other as meme mates, because it turns out both of us use a lot of memes while chatting, I already had Haechan's number saved as 'annoying boi', then saved Jaemin as 'sexay bestay' (sexy bestie), Mark as 'canadian boi', Renjun as 'besto friendoz', Chenle as 'daulphin baby' and Jisung as 'cutie pie'.

After some time, well actually a lot of time, they finally finished for today, and it was time to go home, at least for the rest of the guys, cause honey me and Johnny are goin' shoppin'. Anyways, I was handing them their water bottle, last one was Jungwoo, he looked a bit sad to see me which got me a bit offended cause I don't think I did something wrong for him to be like this, so I asked "hey Jungwoo, u-um did I do something wrong, because you seemed upset when you saw me..." he smiled and said in a dramatic way placing his hands on his chest :" I thought you wanted me to give you a small tour around here, so I searched for you during break but I found out you cheated on your tour guide and went with Haechan, the worst tour guide of all!" I burst out laughing at his silliness and played along :" oh no dear tour guide I did not cheat on you, I would never! Haechan just took me to meet the dreamies", "okay then, you have to come with us tomorrow so I can give you that tour!" I honestly wasn't planning on coming with them tomorrow but I really don't have anything to do at home so I thought why not "okay fine"


We said goodbye to the guys, but by the time we they all finished arguing cause some wanted to tag along saying they need something too, so in the end it was me, Johnny, Marc, Haechan and Jungwoo, basically the youngest 3 among them and the fashionista.

In the car Haechan decided it was a good idea to put some music till we arrive to our destination, we started singing and moving, and I guess the driver wanted to throw himself out but didn't.

Anyways, we got there, and my jaw dropped, it was the biggest mall I have ever seen, so big and beautiful, I couldn't wait to start exploring it, it was like daydreaming but then he interrupted it "you really are like Johnny, you both look at malls the same way lol" Jungwoo whispered in my ear making me flinsh and snap out of my daydreaming. The all wore our masks and and glasses to be less recognized and went in with me.

"let's start shopping!" Johnny cheered "okay so first what do you need?" "clothes, more specifically outfits, like I do have clothes but I don't have outfits, do you get me?" "bruh I totally get you, happens with me all the damn time!" Johnny knew which stores to chose and he really had the eye for stuff like this, along the way to the second store, because the first wasn't really my style, Haechan and Mark sent Johnny a text, which made us notice their absence, the text said 'text us when you're done and send the location, went to have fun' "ah these kids, I should've known that they came with us to have fun and not to actually buy something" sighted Johnny " at least you are still with us Jungwoo... Okay now, enough of them let's get to the next store, and Mister fashion icon suggested" let's have an outfit for everything you might need, just to be ready, and we'll way more fun!" "okay I don't mind, I didn't bring much clothes with me and I really need mew ones anyways" I was really excited, we started putting together outfits and Jungwoo helped.

A while later I had already multiple outfits for casual occasions, I started trying out the outfits, each time going out of the changing room to show Johnny and Jungwoo, and they thought it would be fun for them to act like judges just like in 'the next neo model'.  Out of all the 5 outfits I tried, I decided to buy the 3 we all liked the most. Then we moved on to the next store, one of those classy stores, at first I didn't want to go in but Johnny insisted that I should be ready for any occasion so I should have some classy dresses, and when I still said no he started putting pressure on me saying stuff like 'you don't know when they will tell us we have an award or a party, and of course you'll be coming with us but you won't have enough time to bring everything by then so you might as well have the dresses' or 'either way I need to buy a suit and I need your opinion so you're going in whether you like it or not' so I gave in, I mean what's the harm in trying few dresses.

We went in, I looked around and picked a plane black dress but when I showed it to Johnny he shook his head "no honeyyy, you are not going to a funeral, it's party stuff we want!" "but I really don't do colors and shapes, I like plain" he placed two fingers on his eyebrows playing a dramatic disappointment "okay that's it, you are not allowed to chose the dresses, leave it to me!" he started picking dresses from here and from there, me and Jungwoo just stood there laughing, when he came back he had over 5 dresses with him, but just from looking at them I knew I wouldn't like them, they're really pretty and I wish I liked to wear stuff like this but flashy or colorful stuff is not my thing. 

Before I went into the changing room I pulled Jungwoo on the side so Johnny -who was busy looking through some stuff- couldn't hear "so Johnny won't let me pick even one dress and I don't like colorful or flashy ones, so can you bring me the dress he threw aside when I showed it to him, pleaaaase?" " mmm I don't think Johnny will approve, plus even if you hid it, believe me, he'll know" I sighted "ugh, what can I do then?" "I'll tell you what, I'll pick you a dress" I looked unsure so he continued "don't worry I have good taste" and before I could say anything he left.

I waited there, trying on the other dresses, they were really pretty, but it's not really my style, I was about to give up when Jungwoo came rushing back with a dress in his hands, he gave it to me and said " I chose 3 dresses at first but when I saw this one I dropped the others, if you don't buy this, I will!" I laughed and went in to try on the dress (I didn't precise the color so you could imagine what ever dress you like but I'll put the one I imagined here, oh and by colorful I mean with more than 2 colors in it)

I waited there, trying on the other dresses, they were really pretty, but it's not really my style, I was about to give up when Jungwoo came rushing back with a dress in his hands, he gave it to me and said " I chose 3 dresses at first but when I ...

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I looked at myself in the mirror, this dress was perfect, it hugged my body in a way that made me believe someone actually made it for me, I was starring at myself in the mirror for a while now, then I heard Johnny's voice "c'mon get out I want to see what Jungwoo picked!" I took a breath then I stepped out...

they threw tomatoes at her and left her there and never spoke again. End.


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