6 : Fitting In

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I looked at myself in the mirror, this dress was perfect, it hugged my body in a way that made me believe someone actually made it for me, I was starring at myself in the mirror for a while now, then I heard Johnny's voice "c'mon get out I want to see what Jungwoo picked!" I took a breath then I stepped out, I thought they just do like they did for the other outfits, the whole fashion judges but instead they did um nothing, they were just starring blankly, so I cleared my throat "what do you think?" 

"YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT I THINK?! HONEY I THINK YOU'RE LITERALLY DRESSED TO KILL!" Johnny screamed "I need a minute to process this beauty, turn around I need to take a picture, don't try to argue, gosh, oh oh wait I saw some heels that would go perfectly with it, stay here". I looked at Jungwoo who was still staring at me, "um Jungwoo? is there anything wrong with it?" he then snapped out of it and said "n-no, you just look really hot" I could feel my ears turning red "thanks" is all I could manage to say, before Johnny came back with the shoes.


After we were done shopping, we met up with Haechan and Mark and went straight home, when we arrived, the five who went home after practice were all siting in the living room, so we joined, they ask us about how it was and wanted to see what we bought, then Johnny silenced them all and pulled out my dress and he didn't let anyone react he just pulled his phone out to show them the pictures of me wearing that dress, he first showed Jaehyun who said "well sis you actually kinda look good for the fisrt time in your life" I glared at him wanting to reply but Yuta smacked his head "dude shut up, she looks smoking hot" then looked at me "don't listen to that old dude it you look amazing!" "thanks" oh damn these guys are just way too nice, they all said that it looked so good on me and Taeyong added "the day you're wearing this, you ain't goingalone missy". We all just sat there for a while, chatting, laughing, I feltlike I really fit in with them. 

On my way to my room I asked Johnny if he could send me the picture, he gave me his number and I saved his contact info as 'johnnista'. I passed by Jaehyun's room to tell him about tomorrow, he was alone in there "what do you want little devil" he asked as soon as I entered the room "well hello to you too unbothered boi" he looked at me like I'm stupid –which he probably thinks so too- "I just saw you 20 minutes ago I don't need to say hello, what do you want?" I rolled my eyes, "well I just wanted to be sure if it's okay if I go with you tomorrow too, I didn't plan on going but-" "hahaha you're really funny, what do you mean you weren't planning to go?" I was taken back by his response "well I made plans to stay in those whole 2 weeks before university starts..." I said still unsure about the point he's trying to make, "the fact that you thought you're allowed to stay all by yourself, I thought you already knew, wherever we go you're with us!" "JAEE! I'm 21 year old I can manage staying alone, why are you treating me like I'm still some kid?!" he glared at me saying "this is final, believe me I will call mom and dad if you continue arguing". I knew there was no point in arguing with him so I just stormed out.

I bumped into someone, it was Jungwoo, "I'm sorry" I mumbled continuing my 'storm off' but he held me by my arm making me go backwards to face him "hey what's wrong?" "it's nothing" but anyone could clearly see that there's something wrong by the angriness plastered on my face so he insisted "Jaehyun?" "h-how'd you know?!" he smiled "I have a sister, I know that look, I actually know it too well", I giggled but still irritated from Jae, " I'll tell you what, let's take a walk around the house and I'll let you rant about him" "you've got yourself a deal mister"

We chatted for quite some time, half of the time ranting about our older siblings and how annoying they can be, and I mentioned that I really don't mind going with them but I wanted to stay most of the time these two weeks chilling at home before uni so that's why I wasn't really pleased with Jae.

Back to my room, Taeyong was there working on something on his pc, he looked up "where have you been? and why are you smiling like an idiot" he said making fun of me, so I told him about the whole thing and I ended up telling him the story of my life since I arrived here till now, like literally every detail, and he told me about some stuff too, that's when I realized how much I've missed him, and missed our late night talks.

It wasn't that late when he slept, but I guess he was really tired, so I let him be. I decided head to the living room to sit with the boys who stayed there earlier, as I wasn't really sleepy. To my surprise no one was there, then I got startled by someone who came out of the kitchen "oh hey Yuta" he was a bit surprised to see me "heyyy, are you looking for someone, because they all went to sleep" "oh, I was actually hoping someone was still awake since I'm not really sleepy, it's okay I'll just read something"  said to make sure he doesn't feel that he needs to stay with me by respect. "well if you want you can stay with me, I was going to start a new anime, but we can watch something else" "oh no, let's watch that anime, I need to start a new one and I have no idea what to watch so this is perfect!" he smiled at me "well then, shall we make some popcorn ?!" "hell yeah, lesgoo".

We made popcorn and stayed a bit late trying to finish the first season and exchanging our anime memes (I saved him as 'yUtA sEnPaIII'), but we ended up stopping because we were both too sleepy to continue.

The next day I woke up to that annoying best friend of mine jumping on my bed to wake me up "WHAT DO YOU WANT HAECHAN?! MY ALARM HASN'T RANG YET!" "okay first, don't shout old grandma, second we have to leave earlier than  usual today, you have 10 minutes to get redy c'mon" I shot up straight " 10 minutes?! no way, isn't there someone who isn't leaving in 10 minutes?" he rolled his eyes getting up from my bed to shout in the hallway " IS THERE SOMEONE WHO WON'T BE LEAVING WITH US NOW?" then I voice replied "YEAH ME, I NEED TO GRAB FOR YOU HUNGRY HOES BREAKFAST" he came back in the room "well, you're lucky you have Doyoung, you can go with him".

I got ready quickly, but the others had already left, and Doyoung was waiting for me in the car, I rushed outside getting in the car. "wow you were quick, I thought you were gonna take longer! So, what do you think we should get them for breakfast?" "Doughnuts?" he looked a bit concerned than said "we don't usually eat those kind of stuff especially in the morning, you know idol thing, but I don't think they'll say anything so let's go!"

In the bakery Doyoung kept checking if I was beside him, making sure he got all my favorite types of doughnuts, even thought I only wanted one, but he just knows how to get stuff out of you, he reminded me of my mom lol, so when he said I should have his number maybe I got lost I saved him as 'mumster'.

As soon as the guys saw us they grabbed the doughnuts and we all sat on the floor eating, as I was enjoying my dOnUt, Haechan came out of nowhere taking a bit from it, at this point I'm not surprised anymore, there's a reason his nickname is annoying best friend.

While they practiced I saw Jisung passing by so I left the practice room and called him "JISUNG-AAA"running to give him a hug " hiii noona" he said in a teasing tone to which he earned a punch on his shoulder "one more time, you'll find yourself dead!" "you can't kill me, you love me too much and you find me too cute" he said giggling, "ugh, you're right" "if you don't have to be back there, come with me, we still haven't started" he suggested, "lead the way!"

After I hugged each of these cuties, we sat and chatted for some time before their manager informed them that they have to start soon, so Jeno suggested "why don't you come over today to our dorms, Haechan is coming over with Mark to sleep over!" "really? you sure?" they all agreed, especially Jaemin and Chenle who were screaming that I just have to come hehehe. I told them that's it's fine by me, but I'll have to see with Jaehyun if he's okay with it.

 He said no and locked her up in a tower and that's how y/n became rapunzel. joking.

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