24 : Truth

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It was raining so much but I didn't care, SM wasn't that far so I didn't even think about taking a car or something I just ran.

I ran, ran and ran till water was soaking me, I arrived in front of SM and there he was, leaving the building holding his practice bag and an umbrella.

"JUNGWOO" I screamed at the top of my lungs not being able to move a step forward to reach him, I was trying my best not to let more tears run involuntarily. Standing there trying to catch my breath hoping he heard me he turned slowly...

Jungwoo P.O.V. :

I was leaving SM when I heard my name being called, the voice sounded really familiar, just like... y/n? I turned around to see the identity of this person and for a second I through I was dreaming, this can't be real, y/n ? She's here... I couldn't believe it, I dropped my bag and my umbrella and ran towards her, the rain started soaking me but I didn't care, I held her tiny face in my hands "y/n... what are you doing here? How? When-"

She shushed me putting a finger on my lips holding my jacket with her other hand, she looked at me, my eyes, with teary eyes, for a few second "just kiss me Jungwoo" she said in a low voice that I could barely hear with all the rain, I couldn't make out if what I hear was real but I didn't waste a second, I moved my hands from her face to her waist pulling her close and smashing my lips against hers, tasting her tears.

Time stopped the only thing I was aware of was her presence in my arms, even the rain, I could not feel it anymore, the only droplets of water that I could feel were her hot tears.

When we first pulled out I pulled her back into a hug still in disbelief, she's here, in my arms, it was too good to be true so I had to break the silence "y/n how? When-" "I'll tell you everything but I'd rather talk about it not under the rain" she said making a little chuckle escape her mouth, I smiled at her "do you want to go to the dorms?" she moved her head in a 'no' way and continued "I'd rather we go to my place, I don't want to see Jaehyun and have to talk to him" I gave her a questioning look so she explained "oh, when I'll tell you why, I think you'll want to move in with me, not wanting to even see him" I only nodded no questioning more and got into the car, good thing I had my practice bag with me in which I had dry clothes.

Once there she showed me her apartment then gave me towels and stuff so I can take a shower and went to take a shower in her own bathroom. I was done before her so I decided to make some tea since both of us are surely going to catch a cold, especially her since she's been in the rain way more longer then I was, I kept searching in the pots till I found he tea pot and prepared it.

As soon as the tea was done she was also done, she looked really cute with her oversized hoodie that was covering her shorts and a towel wrapped around her head, she took her tea and thanked me. I followed her into the living room, sitting beside her on the couch.

First she told me about what happened with her in the US and about her friends sudden death, which explained a lot her behavior and how she changed. Then she told me about Jaehyun and his little plan, and that really pissed me off, he didn't have the right to hide her from me especially when he knew how much it broke me when she left and then when we stopped talking, but I won't think about it now oh but definitely we'll talk about this later.

After a while of her taking, it was my turn "we'll t first when you left I felt so empty but when you kept on texting me and when we used to have those late night calls it was easy, but once you stopped, and please don't blame yourself you had your reasons and I also when I didn't know did not blame you, so like when you stopped the emptiness was not easy to take in and it really messed up with me, I started staying late at work, trying always to be doing something, working cause if I didn't I'll start thinking and overthinking and I hated that, so I was basically overworking myself, slowly I grew out of the emptiness, not completely, but this didn't stop the overworking it became a routine, a drug, and this was the reason they took me to the hospital when one day I collapsed and stayed there for 2 weeks."

I stopped to check on her since I couldn't look her I the eyes while telling her the stuff I kept on refusing to talk about until now and I realized she had a tear running on her face, I didn't think twice about pulling her into a hug patting her head while she buried her head in my chest "hey, don't worry I'm okay now" she didn't respond so I held her face to make her look at me and repeated smiling at her " no need to be sad look at me I'm perfectly fine now".

She gave me a weak smile and motioned for me to continue, "are you sure?" she nodded.

"well with all the working out and losing weight fast I had also an eating disorder that's why I stayed that long in the hospital, and during the process with all those medicine and stuff, I sometimes imagined things... most of them were actually you..." she had an apologetic look on her face so I pulled her into a second hug.

I didn't want to make a further move, because I still don't know what we are and I didn't want to pressure her about us, or getting back together, it's still soon for that talk.

Y/n P. O. V. :

[TW: parasomnia]

A parasomnia is a sleep disorder that involves unusual and undesirable physical events or experiences that disrupt your sleep. A parasomnia can occur before or during sleep or during arousal from sleep.

He pulled me into a second hug and that's when I decided to tell him about the thing I've been debating if I should tell him or not since we started this conversation "Jungwoo...?" he hummed in response "I have parasomnia, since the day she died I've had parasomnia and it's not going away even after coming to Korea it's not leaving me alone" I blurted out quickly.

He tightened the hug and and let me cry everything out about this, it was actually the first time I talked about it to someone and it feels good honestly, and I'm so glad that Jungwoo is this someone.

We talked and talked for hours then ate and laughed, it was a weird night, with mixed feelings and at this point I think in those hours, since I met him in front of SM till now I've felt every single emotion to exist on this earth.

When it was time for him to leave I accompanied him to the door while he wears his shoes then I couldn't stop myself "Jungwoo? Do you have something tomorrow?"

"no I don't think so. Why?" I didn't know how to ask him, although it was really selfish so I didn't even know how to say it or what was I saying "could you like, I mean you don't have to, but like I was wondering, although you really don't have to just-"

He looked me straight in the eyes making me lower my head or either I would have transformed into tomato, and said "do you want me to say over?" I nodded shyly feeling really selfish and guilty about it and said "you don't have to I was just-"

"don't worry I want to"

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