2 : Meeting NCT 127

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Inthe new NCT 127 dorm Taeil& Yuta share a room, Haechan and Johnny ,Doyoung& manager Mark& manager, Jaehyun& Jungwoo, Taeyong alone, but in the ff I'll change it a bit : Taeil& Yuta, Johnny& Doyoung, Jaehyun& Jungwoo, Mark& Haechan.

(when I write in italic and bold, it means they're speaking english)

y/n pov :

I was waiting in the car to get to the dorms, I dozed off thinking about the people I'll be living with for I don't know how long, obviously I know them all and I've met them before but never actually had a conversation with any of them, except for Taeyong of course cause he's my cousin, Doyoung from the cooking contest he went to with Jaehyun, and Haechan, he was our neighbor when we were little and we grew up being best friends. As for the rest I only know them briefly.

I arrived there, walking up the stairs I was a bit nervous, I'll be living with 9 boys which some of them I will be really meeting for the first time. Before I could knock on the door, it flied open reveling my brother " Y/NN!! COME HERE" I jumped in his arms giving him a tight hug, he's my brother yeah, but I don't seem him that much due to his tight scheduals and my university.

"gosh I really missed you little devil" yeah that's my nickname, "I missed you too unbothered boiii" and that's his nickname. "okay I have 1 hour to give you the tour of the dorm and introduce you to the members before I go, I need to go grab somethings with Taeyong"

"oh okay" I said a disappointment on my face, I thought he was gonna stay wit me until I settle down a bit, but as usual he noticed and guessed what I was thinking, so he said " we're not gonna be gone for long, we just need to bring somethings and we'll be back quick", my face lighted up " sooooo.... where's Taeyong-shii ? I miss him !" He just smiled and told me to follow him. We passed by the kitchen, and Jaehyun thought it was necessary to point it out, to which I replied " really ?! I didn't know this was a kitchen" giving him the look.

"um- hey! y/n, right?" I turned around there was a boy who was cooking there said, "Hi- oh wait you're Doyoung, we met at the cooking competition!" I went closer and gave him a hug " ah yes! I remember, you were shorter back then" he said giggling while patting my head. "soo what are you cooking ?" I tried to sniff in the air to guess, but I had no clue, "it's a surprise for dinner tonight", I pouted at his response, trying to get him to tell me "please Doyoungiiiii", but he kept shaking his head, not letting me peek at the food.

"c'mon y/n didn't you want to see your 'taeyong-shii'" Jaehyun said in a mocking tone, I rolled my eyes at him and followed him promise Doyoung that I will find out before dinner time. On our way to- I guess the bedrooms Jae explained "so you'll be staying in Taeyong's room as he's the only one who doesn't have a room mate, it's the next to mine, but before you get all excited and go to you're taeyong-shii, let's just make a quick tour of the house and maybe meet the members we find doing our tour, because once you see Taeyong and start talking I won't be able to give you the tour and introduce you to the members, then we'll have to leave and you'll be alone and-"

"OKAY I GET IT MOM !" and if anyone saw the way me and Jae, the way we rolled our eyes the same way and time, they would be able to tell we do this  A LOT around each other. "okay so this is Yuta's and Taeil's room" he opened the door the reveal a long haired man laying on his bed watching something on his phone, and no one other than him. "Oh hey, you're y/n! Jaehyun told us you were coming today, it's nice to meet you, I'm Yuta" the boy said getting up from his bed to greet me "oh and he also told us how much you're obsessed with hug" he came to hug me.

"ah-ha, thanks" I said then turned around to face that thing that is supposed to be my brother "WHY?! I'm not obsessed, I'm just used to hug people" to which he replied "bite me!" smirking. "oh don't worry about that I will bite you, just wait till I sharpen my teeth" I turned back to Yuta "I'm sorry, who else did he say this to?"

"he literally kept rambling to the whole group about how you give hugs like free ticket, and how you 'good morning hug' and 'goodnight hug', but don't worry we all found it cute" he replied chuckling. I was about to have a fight with Jae when his phone received a notification and his screen lighted up, I couldn't stop myself from looking at it but when I did I just- well "YOU WATCH NORAGAMI (Yuta's favorite anime) TOO?!"

"Well this is the 3rd time I'm watching it so YEAH!" and from there we clicked, we started talking about it when a man came in and talked with Jae for a few seconds before he said all excited " awww Jaeyhun, you're sister is way more cuter than you" the he came to give me a hug "I'm Taeil, it's so nice to meet you!!" "It's nice to meet you as well Taeil!"

"okay so we should continue, I don't have a lot of time, c'mon " I followed my brother outside the room waving at the boys. "so here's Johnny and Doyoung's room" he opened the door and I was amazed by the amount of clothes there was on one of the beds "Johnny where are you? I brought my sister" Jae shouted in english, I looked at him confused so he explained "Johnny and an other member Mark, both speak english, one's from america and the other from canada" then a very VERY tall Johnny came out of the bathroom greeting me, I directly hugged him (no surprise there), and greeted him, "I just need to say this.. your outfit?! It's literally jaw dropping, and those shoes! Damn!" He looked at me a bit surprised then spoke like we were some best friends reuniting " ah really?! I still wasn't sure about the shoes, but if you say so than those shoes it is!"

"okay y/n let's go" interrupted us Jae. I said bye to Johnny and followed my dear brother but before we could get to our destination someone bumped into us "oh hey, I'm mark you must be Jae's sister! It's to meet you" I gave him a warm hug "hey you're the Canadian one right? YAY another English mate!" he looked a bit lost "oh so you're not that fluent in Korean?" "I'm kind of fluent in Korean but it's mostly English" he just nodded " see you around then, english mate" and left.

When we entered the room that Mark came out of and I didn't need Jaehyun to tell me who his room mate is because the second I saw him I jumped on him, "HAECHANN!!! YOU JERK YOU LIED TO ME, YOU TOLD ME YOU WERE STAYING WITH THE OTHER NCT UNITS THESE DAYS!" long story short, Haechan used to be our neighbor and we grew up being best friends and we stayed bsf even after he became an idol, and when I told him about the moving in thing he told me he had to stay at the other nct unit's dorm.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry I just though about how much I'll laugh once you find out lol" he said laughing "ugh I hate you!" Then mister unbothered boii had too interrupt us "well I need to go in 10 minutes so c'mon let's see Taeyong so we can leave"

Jaehyun literally dragged me out of there to Taeyong's room, well our room from now on, and the second I saw him I jumped on him like a crazy girl not noticing that someone was also in the room, we broke the hug "how's my favorite cousin's doing?" "I'm great favorite cousin, how about you?" I replied giggling, we always call each other 'favorite cousin' especially around family, just  to tease them. And that's when I noticed the other boy in the room, standing beside Jaehyun, when I looked at him he just smiled and said a shy 'hi', without controlling my body I almost directly smiled and replied with the same shy 'hi' just standing there looking at him.

"c'mon y/n, now you're gonna be respectful and ladylike all shy, just give that poor man a hug like you did with the past 7" Jaehyun had to embarrass me, I glared at him and went to give him a hug that was quite awkward and he introduced himself "I'm Jungwoo, Jaehyun's room mate, nice to meet you" 

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