10 : Stuck

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But no, my luck said no, the elevator decided to stop where there's no door just before the floor we were going to get out at, we tried pushing the buttons again and press the emergency button, nothing. And if this wasn't enough neither of us had service.

"I'm sure the power just went out and will come back in a minute or so" said Jungwoo not so sure about it either. We waited a couple of minutes but nothing happened, we tried to push the emergency button but we got nothin.

I looked at Jungwoo a little worried about our situation here "what do we do now? we don't have service and the emergency button is out..." I honestly felt a bit guilty cause we wouldn't be in this situation if I didn't forget my book. "Don't worry, I'm sure they noticed the power went out for way too long and they're probably fixing it" he smiled at me, which made me let out a small breath I didn't know I was holding "yeah you're probably right, plus Jaehyun will notice that we took way too long to come back so he'll figure it out."

We stood there in silence, not an awkward silence, just a normal one, we were both deep in our thoughts that we didn't even feel it. I don't know what he was thinking about, but me, I was just thinking about how to stay calm and not worry the boy beside me... I'm not scared of these situations but I do have something like shortness of breath, not asthma but something like it, not that important, in extreme situations I just faint, nothing serious, and it happens rarely, usually if I'm stressed or in small places, way mention that I'm a bit claustrophobic, like for really small places not an elevator of course but still.

Few minutes passed we both started feeling hot, and I felt like I'm suffocating, I needed fresh air so I tried to breath slowly and evenly to stay under control, I tried my best not to make it noticeable but we were the only ones in this elevator so he noticed "are you okay?" he asked a bit worried, "yeah yeah I'm totally fine" I replied smiling like an idiot to reassure him but he didn't buy it "c'mon you can tell me" I don't know why but I just told him, I usually don't go around telling people stuff like that but for some reason it felt easy to tell him.

He listened carefully and when I finished he suggested "why don't you sit down, try to relax maybe you'll feel better" I nodded and sat down, "well, aren't you going to sit with me or your planning on being my babysitter" I said jokingly until he sat down with me.

Couple minutes passed while we were chatting when the elevator went up a bit and dropped back to its place only the emergency light went off, I let out a small (high pitched, not pleasant) scream jumping and holding on to Jungwoo out of nervousness, I was about to get off of him and apologies but he wrapped his arms around me "hey don't worry I got you" I was so glad that there was no light or he would've noticed my slightly red cheeks.

My heart was beating fast, I could feel his breath on my neck, which sent chills all over my body. Then we heard a voice scream probably through a mic or something like that "don't worry it was us who made the elevator do that bump you'll be out in 5 minutes" we didn't reply because they most probably won't hear us although Jungwoo whispered in my ear "see I told you everything's fine, we'll be out in no time" I just nodded and stayed in the same position feeling comfortable lol, I know it's selfish but it really felt good. When the light came back and the elevator seemed to work we immediately parted trying not to feel awkward.

As soon as we got out we were welcomed by an unbothered not even worried Jaehyun "finally! Can we go now" he said already heading out while we just laughed following him back in the car.

We got into the car and headed to WayV's dorm where we picked up Lucas, Yangyang and Haechan who wanted to have lunch with us, Kun and Ten were busy working on some new music while Hendery and Xiaojun were just too shy to come with us I guess.

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