9 : Meeting WayV

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We ate real fast and left, I don't need to say it, we all know Haechan was in possession of the aux, blasting his music. Then Jae asked "how much time do we have before it closes?" "it's still 9 am we have till 1 pm, why?" what did he possibly wanted to do, my question was quickly replied to "I was thinking maybe, we can pass by WayV's dorm, I mean it's close by and I need to pick up something, that way you can meet them too" "fine by me" I replied.

On the way there Haechan gave a bit of heads up on the members, as usual I already knew them a bit just by the name or saw them at some event when I go with Jae, it must be a bit weird because I'm a  kpop stan but I don't stan specific groups I'm just a sucker for the music, plus I have no time with my studies and believe me when I say if I start stanning any group I will go all the way, aka albums, posters, pcs... 

We arrived, I was a bit weirded out by the idea of just knocking the door on them and barge in, maybe they won't like it, they still don't know me yet. While I was deep  in my thoughts I didn't realize that Haechan was talking to me while I was walking a little behind, when I looked up and asked what did he want he just rolled his eyes and flipped some none existent long hair like the dramatic diva he is and followed Jaehyun who was way ahead.

I looked at Jungwoo who was still standing beside me, and we just laughed at what we just witnessed and followed them. Jaehyun rang the door and a man opened the door all smiley greeting us, he had full lips, a slightly rounded chin, and dark eyebrows and a contagious kind smile, I literally smiled a wide smile the second he looked at me "you must be Jaehyun's little sister, y/n right? I'm Kun" he introduced himself giving me a warm hug.

As he was taking us to the living room he said, specifically to me "you're lucky today we're all here, you'll be able to meet all of  WayV, they're gonna be happy they really wanted to meet you" I gave him a Kun-fused look, "well we have a group with all the 23 members and they all talk about you all the time, so we -as WayV- were the only one who haven't met you and after all the things we heard we really wanted to meet Jaejae's little sister" he explained patting my head as I was slightly blushing at what he just told me, felt like I was someone important lol.

Before I could say anything two guys entered the room, one had cat-like features: a sharp jawline, small, curved lips, and beautiful eyes and who was holding a cat (the irony), and the other one had a straight nose (not upturned at all), high cheekbones, and full lips with a defined jaw.

Kun looked at the one who was holding a cat "hey Ten, Yangyang come meet y/n" "is she really here? I was starting to think she was a legend" Yangyang said then Ten came forward to introduce himself leaving the cat with Kun "I'm Ten" he gave me a hug and then continued " don't mind him, oh Yangyang he's crazy" (if u know u know), the younger just rolled his eyes and greeted me with the cutest smile ever. The greeted the others too and sat down with us.

Kun texted the other members to come, and just like that we were  already chatting and getting along, then a really really tall boy with big, round puppy dog eyes came with an other one that just defined the word 'beauty'. I tried my best not to stare while they came to greet us, the tall one introduced himself "hii I'm Lucas" he said all exited giving me a hug, damn that smile might be my favorite, how do all of them have unique smiles, even Jaehyun, and me I do be looking like a donkey. The second boy introduced himself as Winwin, but for now I'll stick with pretty boy, and before I could say it was nice to meet him Haechan jumped on him acting like a child.

Not even a minute passed a dog was running towards us and behind her must be the last two members, the one who was shouting 'bella come here' didn't even notice our presence, the only thing I saw is his really thick gorgeous eyebrows, the other boy came towards us introducing himself to me and greeting the others "hey I'm Hendery it's nice to finally meet you" he was kinda shy I could feel it so I introduced my self as well.

"I'm sorry I was a bit rude but I didn't want bella to pee on the floor again" the thick eyebrows man from earlier said making his way towards us "hi I'm Xiaojun" he greeted us and sat down, I really thought it's gonna be awkward and all but to my surprise we really got along and chatted for quite sometime, I got to know them a bit better, and I persuaded them to add me their ot23 group chat. So obviously I had to save them, so I decided to base their names in my contact on the conversations we had today.

Kun was really caring and kept making sure I was drinking water and if I was hungry so I saved him 'Kun eomma' although he said he doesn't let the member call him mom he'll let me hehehe. Then for Ten I decided to save him as 'dancing machine bsf' because we really got along like we even shared telepathy for moments and also his dancing moves- i don't even have words, he promised to take me with him when he's practicing alone and teach me. Of course I saved Winwin as 'pretty boi' I mean it's just facts... 

As for Lucas I saved him as husband and he saved me as wifey, let me tell you why, we really clicked and it felt like we were best friends our whole life, even the members asked if we knew each other, and then we were bickering like kids on something and Xiaojun said that we look like an old couple who married their bestfriends, weird but we went with it. For Xiaojun and Hendery I didn't bond a lot with them but for Xiao I went with 'Junjun' because of the cute vibe he gave me and for Hendery a well known nickname he has ' Prince Eric' he really looks like him, and for Yangyang it's 'baby Yangyang' it must be self explanatory.

As I was saving the numbers I noticed that there's 2 unsaved numbers so I asked Kun about it and he explained "those are the new members Shotaro and Sungchan, you'll meet them soon, I guess they'll move in with the dreamies" I just nodded.


After some time Jaehyun reminded us that we still have to go bring the books before the uni closes, as we were getting ready to go Lucas asked "can I please go with you guys there's nothing to do here, pleaseeee, I-" "YES YES PLEASE ME TOO! TAKE ME WITH YOU" shouted Yangyang running from the kitchen to us. 

"I mean...why not" I said looking at Jaehyun to make sure he's okay with it, "oh and maybe we can have lunch together too!" said Haechan. 

"okay look, why don't you all stay here, me and my sister we'll go bring her books and come back so we can have lunch together?" suggested Jaehyun, they all agreed except Jungwoo "can I go with you two?" "I mean yeah but why though? it's more comfortable here" asked Jae, "I-I want to see the university" my brother looked at him weirdly and just okayyy-ed him.

We arrived there pretty quickly, parked in the parking lot, that was really far by the way,went in and took my books. We were ready to leave when I noticed that one book is missing just when we were getting in the car "I forgot a book, we have to go back!" Jaehyun looked at me in disbelief "nah-ah there's now way I'm walking all the way back there, you two go and I'll meet you with the car at the entrance so you don't have to walk all the way back here"

We walked there very quick, grabbed my missing book and were on our way to meet Jaehyun at the main entrance. We got lucky we were the only ones in the elevator so we didn't have to stop on many floors.

But no, my luck said no, the elevator decided to stop where there's no door just before the floor we were going to get out at, we tried pushing the buttons again and press the emergency button, nothing. And if this wasn't enough neither of us had service... 

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