21 : Back differently

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It was clear that we were broken up, especially that we both hate long distance relationships but I had to say this, for his happiness's sake "meet a lot of people okay? and keep me updated! but don't you dare forget me Kim Jungwoo" I said chuckling to keep myself from shedding more tears.

"don't worry, I'll forget the whole world before I even dare to forget you Jung y/n" that made me smile like a five year old child who just got his favorite toy. I said one last goodbye before turning and leaving for a new life, but you wait for me Korea, I'll be back soon, a year won't be that long...


A year and a half later

I was finally going back to Korea today! Should've been there back in June but it took me 6 months more -for reasons I'd like to forget- so here I am going back in the end of November, for the past month I haven't been able to talk to my family so they don't know I'm coming back, and for the rest, well I haven't been talking to anyone from who I used to know in Korea, I only kept in touch with them for the first 6 months but then I stopped since it was so tiring to find time between their tight schedules and mine, not to mention the time difference, so it's been a year since I last talked to anyone from Korea other than my parents and brother.

Now I'm on the plane, just finally being able to think about things other than the ones that happened back in the US, thinking about the times and the memories I had in Korea, looking back at the person I was seeing how much I've changed, matured...

I remembered this boy who had me head over heels for him: Kim Jungwoo. The boy who made me believe in love again after I got my heart broken and refused to admit that there's anything called love in this life, the boy I used to sneak out with to eat, the boy I got this moon and sun matching tattoo with, but now it surely doesn't mean the same as it did before, now it's just a tattoo of a moon and for him a tattoo of a sun, but if I could go back time and make the choice again, I'll do it without thinking twice.

I wonder how is he doing, is he seeing someone? I guess he does since I remember seeing a few month back something like a dating scandal or so, so it's probably out by now, I hope he's happy and she's being good to him, he really is a sweet boy that deserves all the love and affection.

I decided to sleep till we get there, once I was in the airport I called a cap to pick me up and take me to my parent's place. I got there in a short time, rang the bell and when my mom opened the door you could hear how much she was surprised and happy, yes I said hear not see. She called my dad who was just as surprised as her. Damn I missed them so much. I stayed there for about 4 hours, telling them about why I came back later than I should've and we talked about pretty much everything and nothing.

They gave me the keys to my new apartment and car since this was the gift they wanted to gift me for having my degree, but I didn't take them since I was going to the US so today would be the first time I'll drive that car and see the apartment. The apartment is really close to the dorm I once used to live in with 23 boys, back then they bought it close to them seeing how much I was close to them, whish is not the case anymore.

They insisted I stay here and sleep here but I wanted to check my apartment and run a few errands, so I got going. On my way there I decided pass by the dorm, I really wanted to see Jaehyun and surprise him, I just hope he'll be there.

My heart was beating so fast while I knocked on the door, why was it beating so fast? I never used to be nervous about seeing someone I missed before.

The door opened and the one who opened the door looked at me like he just saw a ghost, I mean he's not wrong to look at me like that I personally felt like a ghost. "oh my god... y/n? Is that really you?" Yuta asked, I really didn't know what to reply I became socially awkward during these months of not seeing anyone so a replied with a weak "yea" he came forward and hugged me tight, it was a few moment when I realized that I should hug him back.

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