11 : The Dance

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I looked at Tae confused so he said "so not many know that you can actually dance and that I make you learn some of our dances" I hope this is not what I'm thinking and that's his payback "so I was thinking why don't you try it, maybe with Jungwoo, you two seem to go along really well to the point you didn't hear me" okay this is war Tae, of course I'm gonna refuse but before I could say anything Johnny popped up "yeah yeah let's do it, me and Haechan we'll do it with you hahahaha" "yeah man let's go" said Haechan in English, Yuta just sat there smiling as he's the only one who gets to sit down and enjoy the mess. And that's how I ended up paired with Jungwoo to learn that dance, good payback Tae good one, but I'm not done with you, you'll see.

The first 20 seconds Seulgi starts the dance without Tae so she taught it to me and Haechan, if only I can record him... We got it pretty quick, not perfectly of course but close. Then the next 20 seconds Seulgi stay still in a kind of squatting position moving her upper body and Tae dances beside her, Jungwoo and Johnny learned their part even faster than us, while me and Haechan were just squatting there not paying attention to them, while also dancing in our squatting position Cardi B style if you know what I mean, then out of nowhere Johnny and Seulgi joined us in our hoe dancing while Taeyong, Jungwoo were just laughing at us, and Yuta secretly filming us.

Then the two of them get up each from a side and come towards each other, Taeyong goes behind her tracing her body with his hand while she bends to the opposite side, to then do one dance move and end up his arm around her neck and her holding it, staring into each other's soul having their faces really close. You can guess that that's the part we were teasing Taeyong about and now the curse is on me too.

They showed it to us step by step, Johnny and Haechan started copying them in a funny way, teasing them, so we were all paying attention to them but then Jungwoo said in a low voice so that I'm the only one who can hear "I know we're doing this for fun and that you agreed but I just want to make sure that you're okay with me touching you, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" "oh no don't worry I'm totally fine with it, thank you for asking" I reassured him slightly blushing, I MEAN WHAT IN THE GENTLEMAN'S WORLD, god he's so pure.

I'm not gonna lie, as we were doing it, slowly, I was kinda panicking because who wouldn't, first reason : he's a skilled dancer, I just dance for fun I don't want to mess it up and probably step on his toes or something like this, second : he's a boy, I mean the only guys I would probably not panic while doing this dance would be Haechan, Taeyong and Jaehyun (ew, just imagine, ew.)

We continued till we nailed it, but of course Johnny and Haechan were just doing it in a funny way. "okay let's see the results" said Seulgi really excited "Johnny and Haechan will go first and then Jungwoo and Y/n" we sat down and enjoyed the show, the funny show, but while they were dancing the members that were gone started coming back until they were all here, what the hell! Taeyong came and whispered in my ear "I told Yuta to text them so we can all enjoy a live performance" I looked at Yuta in shock he just smiled/smirked, I swear to god these two are gonna pay.

As soon as the funny two finished we got up and started getting ready, the music started, I tried to imagine as if there was no one else in this room and my body started moving to the groove of the music, once we were going towards each other to dance the last part my heart started beating really fast, his touch sent shivers down my spine, on the ending fairy, the pose were we 'stare into each other's soul holding each other' I just focused on him I forgot that there was people i this room, including my brother, we just stayed there staring at each other, faces too close.

Their clapping brought us to reality, slowly backing away from each other. I went to grab my bottle of water from my bag, and my phone wouldn't stop buzzing so I decided to check it out, it was the group with the 23 of them, I decided to check what they were talking about, YUTA FILMED US AND SENT IT THERE AS IF  LIVE PERFORMANCE WASN'T ENOUGH IT HAD TO BE ENGRAVED FOREVER. Honestly I should've expected it...


Back at the dorms we were all in the living room enjoying a movie together because from tomorrow I can never know when I can enjoy a movie with all of them, why you may ask, well I did move here cause of university, and tomorrow's my first day. In the middle of the movie Jaehyun received a call, we paused the movie so he could hear the people on the other line. "hi mom, hi dad, yes she's here, yes of course I see her" I couldn't help but slightly laugh "yes... I know... oh I haven't told her about this yet... I forgot... yes the others know... fine... goodbye". My face literally dropped on 'oh I haven't told her about this yet' what could it be and how can he forget to tell me, damn that boi is aging quickly.

"what's the thing you forgot to tell me grandpa Jaejae" he rolled his eyes "that we will be taking turns to drive you to uni, mom, dad and even me don't want you taking taxis, ubers or private drivers" oh c'mon why are they that protective, I'm not that helpless 9 year old anymore, but I never get a say in whatever my parents or even Jaehyun decides so I can't argue "who's 'we' though?" "us" replied Yuta, and then Taeil continued "at least the ones who can actually drive" looking at Haechan in a severe way, that kid must've done something...

It was getting late and I had to wake up early in the morning so I gave each the usual 'goodnight hug' before leaving the living room and then I remembered to ask "who'll be taking me tomorrow?" "me" replied Jae with a flip of imaginary hair and a proud smile that I had to turn down quickly, so I said sarcastically "great, what a way to start my first day" and I left quickly before he could say anything, although I heard him scream "HEYY!!" while the others were laughing.

The next day I woke up on the sound of my alarm, turned it off quick cause I didn't want it to wake Tae. I got dressed quickly and went to Jaehyun's room to see if he woke up or still dreaming and drawling. I opened the door and saw a half naked Jungwoo drying his wet hair with a towel, he just smiled at me and I could hear myself mentally singing the song 'perfect body with a perfect smile, perfect body with a perfect smile'  and then I remembered I have a tongue and I shouldn't be staring "um hey" "hii, if you're searching for Jaehyun he's still in the bathroom" he replied still smiling with that beautiful smile of his.


Lemme resume my day real quick, first Jae took me to uni, did 3 classes I still had 2 hours before my other classes so I decided to find a spot to sit comfortably cause I'll be using it a lot, not all my classes are right after each other, I decided to text Lucas, I promised him to send a picture of my first day and I was telling him about how there's a lot of time between some of my classes so he suggested I come to their dorm since it's close and I could just walk there, I wasn't sure about it but then Kun called telling me to do so, so I asked Jae and he was fine with it.

It was kind of weird but also felt like something I could get used to, I spent around one hour and a half there with Lucas, Hendery and Xiaojun and I got to know these too more, turns out Hendery is a living meme, I couldn't stop laughing and don't get me started on DJun were so much alike.

Back to uni I finished my classes and Jae picked me up, I directly went to my room, took a long shower and rested a bit then started working on my assignments, well yeah in university the first day is like a normal day and the last day, I finished it was already late, I left my room only to see Taeyong going in to sleep I gave him the goodnight hug  and went downstairs.

Only Taeil and Jungwoo were there, I sat with them and blended in the conversation, then Taeil asked me " sooo how was your first day?" "really good, plus I got to see Lucas, Hendery and Jun" they looked at me confused so I explained how it happened, then Jungwoo asked " is the food good there? what did you eat" and that's when I realized I haven't ate yet, I only ate a late breakfast at Wayv's dorm and some snacks from time to time, "well I didn't eat actually?" "what? why?" I could feel Taeil was worried so I reassured him "I kinda just forgot but don't worry I'm not starving myself, I would never ,food is bae" "yeah but still you need to eat, and we have nothing here" so then Jungwoo suggested "why don't we go out and eat something, I mean just like she said, food is bae I'm always down to eat" "you two go without me, first I'm in PJ's and I'm not chaging, second I'm still full so no thanks" replied Taeil both me and Jungwoo lookwd at each other then at Taeil and said in a funny tone "BUT FOOD IS BAE!!" he laughed " c'mon go, and don't stay out too long" and with that he left. 

"guess it's just the two of us" he said grabbing the keys "yeah, let me just grab my jacket."   

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