19 : Happy times

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She couldn't continue because Jungwoo's lips were now on hers shutting her up, she pulled out ready to be angry angry again but the few words Jungwoo said made her forget everything and believe him when he said "she kissed me and I pushed her, I really like you too y/n" as he smiled holding her face "really?" she asked in a weak voice, "look into my eyes and see if I'm lying...actually no I'll show you" he kissed her again more passionately this time a she responded through the kiss.

They pull out to take a breath and look into each others eyes before Jungwoo grabbed Y/n to place her on the desk continuing their hot make out session...


Once they finished their little make out session, you can guess how it went, he clearly asked her to be his girlfriend but reality hit hard when they remembered the dating ban rule, so they decided to talk with the manager the next day about it.

The next day they went to sm to ask about the dating ban and how can it be canceled or something like this. They had already called the manager and told him they wanted to talk to him so he said to come to his office first thing in the morning. They were both kinda stressed but also excited as they entered his office.

They told him about the situation and he was a bit surprised and disappointed ...
"well I really can't do anything about the dating ban but in Jungwoo's contract his dating ban will end after 3 months so you guys just have to wait. And don't you dare thing about dating in secret or doing funny business in public, dispatch has been very active these days"

They nodded and thanked him. It was time for Y/n to go to uni so Jungwoo took her there instead of Doyoung since he was already with her.

During those 3 months they kinda had a secret relationship (although they were still a bit awkward with each other about it) but some of the members found them, who you might ask, well, Renjun and Xiaojun knew since they alredy knew about her liking Jungwoo, same goes with Lucas and Doyoung who already knew about him liking Y/n, and it's no shock that Ten found out about them at some wrong time being too cute together.

But Ten wasn't the only one... One day they were performing at an event and Y/n went with them, as soon as they were done she noticed Jungwoo running to the men's bathroom, knowing that her lover had a severe anxiety when he first debuted and sometimes it come back again, she followed him not caring that she shouldn't be there.

She went in and saw him standing alone above the sink "Jungwoo..." he shook his head "I'm fine just go back with the others" but of course she didn't listen "no I'm not going, not until you tell me what's wrong, I can help"

He waited few seconds before he started speaking in a low voice staring at the ground "I messed up..."he rose his head, his eyes glistened with shinny tears "there's a move I've been working on for months and just like that I let my members down and messed everything up I'm-"

"Jungwoo I won't listen to you talk down about yourself, you're amazi-" for the audience of course no one would have noticed but someone who knows the dance would know so it wasn't 'fatal' but Jungwoo was really upset about it "no, I'm not amazing, I'm just not good enough-"

Y/n didn't know what had happened, her hands roughly grabbed the material of his shirt around his waist, pulling him in she looked up at his shocked eyes. A speck of light brown danced in his dark orbs, her eyes glued to his she could feel his heavy breathing fan her neck.

Lifting her head up to his she closed her eyes and tasted the tears on his lips as she kissed him. Relief washed through her body when she felt his lips move in synchronization with hers, since it was just their second kiss.

"Jungwoo you deserve all the love you get from everyone, you work so hard, never think you are not good enough" she said in a low voice.

He looked at her smiling weakly, love was all you could see in his eyes. soon she felt his fingers gently run through her hair as he lowered his head to her height, a fire spread ignited through her core as his warm lips pressed against hers.

Pulling their lips apart they pressed their foreheads together... The door slammed open and a small shriek left Y/n's lips as they jumped backwards "Jungwoo we were searching for you" Haechan narrowed his eyes at them a bit surprised.

Walking back to their waiting room, Haechan walked between the two lovers, as those two were trying to pay attention to what was Haechan saying, then out of nowhere he said "don't worry I won't tell anyone you guys kissed" he smirked as he walked ahead.

Simultaneously the lovebirds lips parted in shock at Haechan, his knowing grin concerned them...

"How did you-" Jungwoo began speechlessly, "your lips guys are really swollen lol, plus this bitch was in the men's bathroom"

And that's how Haechan found out!

After the 3 no dating months were done, they decided not to go public about it cause when they would usually go out or be in public no one would give it attention since everybody knows she's Jaehyun's sister and have been living with them for quite sometime.

But the hard part was to tell the rest of the members and especially Jaehyun...

Once they told them they were all happy and supportive and even some of them winning bets they made about the two, which is really funny since Jaehyun was also betting saying he always knew they'll end up together.

And since then they've been in a happy healthy relationship close to each other, but this wasn't going to last long, they both had high hopes about their relationship but you know what they say about hope: it breeds eternal misery. (any pll fans? Spencer Hastings.... no? okay)

-I'm sorry for such short update but school is a bitch, I'll probably update saturday one that's not short.

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