♕ Chapter 5 ♕

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Jan: Nice to meet you.
Fai: Nice to meet you too.
(The had an eyelock which was broken by Avi's fake coughs)

Avi: Alright Faisu see you around.
Fai: Yep, that's my appartment 202.
Avi: Cool.
Fai: Alright give me your number and give me a call if you want any help.
Avu: Sure. It's ...2

*At girls side they entered the appartment*
Jan: I can't believe your dad picked this appartment. It's so beautiful.
Avi (went to the nearby window): Yeah. And the view is epic. That reminds me I have to call them.

*After call*
Avi: Come let's see our rooms. (Jan nodded)
*At boys side*
Ri: Faisu where are you?
Fai: Hey bro.
Ri: Where have you been? We were looking for you almost everywhere.
Sid: Yes.

Fai: I have been helping our new neighbours with their stuff.
Sid: Neighbours? Don't tell me it's another family with senior citizen.
Ri: I can't deal with them again.
Faisu: Yeah I remember. Don't worry it's definately not a family with senior citizen.
Ri: Then?
Fai: Actually we have got two pretty interesting neighbours this time.

Sid: Now what does that mean?
Fai: They are the prettiest girls I have seen in a long time.
Sid (smirking): Seems like someone's got a crush.
Fai (without realizing): I don't have a crush on Jannat.

Sid: Ohho so her name is Jannat! By the way, I never said someone was you. (Faisu realized what he said 😳)
Ri (joining Sid): Wohoo.
Fai (blushing): Shut up you two. Nothing like that.
Sidri: Wohoo blushing blushing ha.
(Faisu ran towards his room to hide his blush leaving Sidri laughing)

*At girls side*
Jan: Ok, I don't want to brag but my room is perfect.
Avi: I told mum that you are already obessed with the appartment. Now speaking about perfect. What do you think about the guy next door?
Jan: What about him?
Avi: Nothing he is cute.
Jan (rolling her eyes): Good for you. You even got his number.
Avi: Yeah, but he was looking at... you.
Jan: What? Really?
Avi: Yeah.

(Skips to next morning after breakfast someone knocks on the door)
Avi: Who is it?
Jan: I don't know.
Avi: Maybe our roommate. Dad told me.
Jan: Let's check out.
(They went and opened the door and...

To be continued…
Guess who is their roommate?
Stay tuned for next chapter.

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