♕ Chapter 20 ♕

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Sid: Oh so...
T (cuts him): There you two. (pointing towards Sidneet) Pay attention in class.

After class in garden
Avi: Exams in the first month of collage? Where does that happen?
Anu: Apperently here.
Avi: I have paid zero attention in my classes...... what will I do now? (Sid came)
Sid: Hello!
Janneet and Anu in union: Hi.
Jan: I just had a great idea.
Avi: And?
Jan: I will be studying with Faisu.
Anu: Great idea! I will go with Riyaz.
Avi: What?! Noo!

Jannu in unison: Yeeeees!!
Anu: See you at home. (Jannu left)
Avi: There's no way you two are leaving me to die alone. (Sighs) I need a new best friend now.
Sid (chuckles): Don't worry I will help you in studies.
Avi: Will you do that? Thank you so much.
Sid: My pleasure. (they left for lectures)

After some lectures they met in canteen
Ri: So..... any ideas for this weekend?
Anu: No way! Exams are starting next Friday.
Fai: What? Exams? Next Friday? But we didn't get the notice.
Anu: Maybe you will get in the next lecture.
Jan: Faisu can we study together for the test?
Fai: Sure.

Avi (smirking): So for the left of us we will study together.
Vaish (Joining Avi): So that these two (eyeing towards Fainat) can get some alone time.
Avi: Right. So this Saturday at our place. (Avi and Vaish high fived and Fainat blushed)
Fainat in union: Ok fine! We all will study together.
All burst into laughter.
Jan's pov: Avu ki bacchi tu toh gayi aaj.
Pov ends

After that they had some chit chat, completed the remaining lectures and left for home.

Skips to weekend
Saturday morning
(Doorbell rings)
Avi: Seems like they are here.
Anu: Let's see.
They went and opened the door and saw..............

To be continued…
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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