♕ Chapter 100 ♕

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Riya: I am getting married!
Rp (random person): Who is the unlucky guy?
Riya: He is not unlucky, and he is Siddharth Nigam.
Rp: Hey guys don't believe her, I am sure it's another made up story. Do your work everyone.
(Everyone ignored Riya)

Riya: Do you think this makeup is good infront of camera?
Girl: If the camera has more than 100 filters, than it's good.
Riya: Whatever I am so happy today!

As they entered the mall the media surrounded them.
Preeti (whispers to Riya): Just answer all the questions honestly, because Siddharth hates lies. Okay?
Riya: I will answer everything honestly.

Preeti moved aside and got mixed with the crowd so that she can't be seen in the camera.

Reporter 1: Hellotrashbag did you and Siddharth get back together?
Riya: Yes. We finally got rid of that bitch who was trying to steal my boyfriend.

Reporter 2: What do you mean by "got rid of that bitch"?
Riya: A guy and I made a plan that he will sent me some pictures and I have to sent all those pictures of Siddharth and that bitch so that everyone would laugh at her. And that worked, she was crying like a loser in the bathroom because she will never be me. I helped Siddharth to realise that she was using him to be famous since she is ugly.

Reporter 3: So you were the unknown source of this story?
Riya: Yes. It was my job to make sure the world knows we are a powerful couple.

Reporter 1: Who is the mystery guy you mentioned earlier?
Riya: I don't know his name, he was more interested in hurting my Siddharth than that bitch. And I would never hurt my Siddharth, so whatever it was planned, I changed it to hurt that bitch. He even thought that bitch was a model, but I am obviously more prettier than her.

Reporter 4: So you are saying Siddharth never posted that picture?
Riya: No. That was a creepy masked guy who broke into his house last Halloween night and stole his jacket.
Reporter 2: Did you realise that you are a crazy creepy stalker too? Arrest her!

That was the time Riya realised she told everything in flow.

Riya: B..b..but.. I..I...
The police officer arrested her.

*Boys appartment*
Preeti, the Girl and Lucky were laughing rolling on floor.
Girl: Her expression was priceless.
Preeti: Once Siddharth is here, we have to celebrate our victory.

*With Sm1*
He was on call with someone.
One sided conversation:
Sm1: Boss, this is the mess we didn't expect.
Person: .........

To be continued...
Who is someone and this new character boss?
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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