♕ Chapter 7 ♕

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Sid's entry was like Siddharth Malhotra's entry in SOTY.

(A/n: Sorry I can't add the video so imagine)

The trio reach the collage parking. Jannu came out of the car.
Jan: Why is everyone staring at us?
Anu: Just wait till Avi comes out.

The moment Avi came out everyone's jaw dropped especially boys. Avi gave them a death glare and all turned their heads towards the other side.

Rahul (random name): Damn hot who is she?
Rohit (random name): Don't know maybe a newbie.
Avi: Let's go or we will be late for our class.
Anu: Not we. But the people starring will be late.
Jan: Correct.
Avi (Fliping her hair): I know I am beautiful.
Jan: Ok ok now let's go or obviously we will be late.
Avi: Go and wait for me. I am going to the canteen to buy a water bottle.
Anu: Ok.

*At boys side*
Ri: Hey let's go.
Sid: I am coming in a bit. I have to go to the stationary shop to buy a book.
Ri: Ok.

While coming back Sid was keeping his book inside the bag and Avu opened the cap to drink water. And they bumped into each other and water from Avi's bottle fell on Siddharth.

Sid: What the hell? This was my new jacket.
Avi: Sorry.
Sid: Don't you have eyes?
Avi: It's only water and not juice ok? It will be dried up in a few minutes.
Sid: So you wanted to split juice on me?
Avi: Why would I do that?
Sid: So why you said "it's not juice"?
Avi: Leave it. I don't have time to talk to duffors. (Saying this she left)

Sid (in mind): I will take my revenge.

Avi went to her class and found that no seat was empty except the last bench. She went and sat there. Same with Sid. He went towards Faisu and Ri.

Sid: Why didn't you leave a seat for me?
Fai: We saw that only two people can sit together and we are three that's why.
Sid: Okay

He went towards the last bench. He didn't saw Avi because her face was turned towards the other side as she was taking out the book. She too didn't saw Sid coming. Sid went and sat beside her. And when she turned.

Sid: You.
Avi: You.
And suddenly…

To be continued…
Guess what will happen next.
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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