♕ Chapter 38 ♕

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As Avneet was heading back she saw the gym door open. She went inside thinking who let the gym door open this late and also it's not allowed to be in gym at this time. She entered and saw shirtless Siddharth dipped in the pool staring outside. She was completely drooling over him. Siddharth felt her presence and smirked while turning.

Sid: Like what you see huh?
Avi (came back to senses): Ye- I mean no.
Sid: Then why are you here? Got bored of all the attention you got in the party?
Avi: I am here to see who the idiot is using the pool at this time of night.
Sid: Well. Guess who?
Avi: Why are you even in the water? Trying to prove that you are crazier than you look?
Sid: Guess who is crazier than me.
Avi: Definitely not me.
Sid: Then prove it then dive in the water.
Avi: Wait.

She went to the changing room and took out her swimsuit which was in her purse since the day she left India for California. Wore it and went out. And went in the pool.

Avi: The water's not even cold.
Sid: You wanted it to be?
Avi: So Mr. Nigam, you throw a party at your place and then run off to the pool all alone? What's the catch? Are you going to tell me that?
Sid: Depends, if you tell me what you were talking about with those boys.
Avi: Oh Max and Luke? They just asked me out.
Sid: And?
Avi's pov: Is he jealous?
POV ends

Avi: I agreed to go out for dinner with Luke. And you know what? The best part is he calls me "your majesty". He says he wants to address me accordingly. Is there any problem?
Sid: You want to know? How about I just show you what the problem is. (He said coming closer and pinned her to the pool side and leaned. (His one hand on the pool side while the other wrapped around her waist. His touch giving her chills)
Avi: Y-you don'-t wanna hear w-hat happened next? Luke... He...
(He put his index finger on her lips. Their faces just inches apart lost in each other's eyes. He whispered)
Sid: How about you just shut up now?
(He leaned more closer. Avu closed her eyes. Their lips inches apart. They were about to met when)

(A/n: Correct! She fell down from the bed)
Avi's pov: Wait what? It was a dream? But it seemed like real. I wish it could be rea- Chiii Avi what are you thinking? What the hell happened to you? He is just your friend nothing else. Stop thing about him!

*At college*
To be continued…
For those who are confused, it's all a dream from the starting of the chapter.
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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