♕ Chapter 102 ♕

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*Boys appartment*
Fairi were trying to console Sid. Keyword "trying". Lucky enters.

Lucky: I have to talk to you guys. It's something about Avneet.
Sid: What is it?
Lucky: Do you remember the interschool gala? Something happened there which I didn't tell you.

Lucky was sitting on one of the chairs near the dance floor. Riya came to him.

Riya: You like Avneet, don't you?
Lucky: Excuse me?
Riya: Come on, I know, do you think it's easy for me to see her with Siddharth?
Lucky: They are friends, that's what they tell everyone.
Riya: You should take action.
Lucky: How is that so?
Riya: Help me get Siddharth, that means she is already yours.
*Flashback ends*

(A/n: Patience readers, I won't say what he answered this soon 😝😉)

Sid: Riya is already gone, someone else kidnapped Avneet.
Lucky: That was not the only thing.

After that. Avneet went towards the bar section. I thought I should go and talk to her but I saw....

Avi went towards the bar section a guy saw her.
Guy: Hey beautiful. May I have the pleasure to buy you a drink?
Avi: Sorry I don't take anything from strangers.
Guys: We should not stay strangers for too long. So, what's the name of the most beautiful girl in this room?

Sid saw that guy flirting with her, he went there.
Sid: Her name is "not available".

*Flashback ends*
Lucky: That guy tried to talk to her. Do you remember his face?
Sid: Partially.
Lucky: I remember him clearly. And this is not all. Remember when the post went viral and he was surrounded by paparazzi everywhere.

Sid: Yea.
Lucky: I saw the same guy mixed in the crowd pretending to be a photographer.
Fai: That's the same guy Jan was suspicious about too. She caught the boy many times standing outside the college gate.

Sid: Manjul?
Ri: Manjul from school, we were in the same grade but he was a year younger than us. He was in the technology club. He helped you win the first talent show too. He edited the video, added visual effects and also recorded the songs for you.
Sid: God yes I remember.

Ri: After graduation, you started your music career and completely forgot him. He always thought he would work with you, later maybe he shifted as I never saw him again.
Sid: What do he wants from me now?

Without wasting any other second, Sid called the officers and gave them the information.

*After 30 minutes*
Ri: Do you think sitting infront of his  Instagram profile will give us any hint?
Sid: I guess so. He updated his profile this Christmas. And that photo is from our old house that dad sold, but I don't think he bought that as it very expensive.
Ri: ..........

(A/n: If you are confused with the gala night, go and read the conversation at last between Avi and Ri in chapter 52. You will get a hint)

To be continued…
Midnight update
Happy Diwali/Kali Puja to y'all
Stay tuned for the next chapter.

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